It was 7 November 2008, the day before the Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and all the Angelic Powers, on the island of Symi (Simi) at Panormitis Monastery, home of the miraculous icon of the Archangel Michael and one of his most popular shrines in the Orthodox world (read more here). During the Great Vespers service, as the crowd was celebrating the feast, it was noticed by all who venerated the holy image of the Archangel, that his face completely disappeared! This both amazed everyone and moved them to tears. As the Great Vespers service was near completion however, the face of the Archangel reappeared to the joy of all. According to the Metropolitan of Symi, who interrupted the service after the hymn "O Gladsome Light" to bring this to everyone's attention, the Archangel Michael was answering the prayers of the faithful.
Konstantinos Kappas captured this miracle on video, which was presented on the Greek television station "Tharri". Below that is the news report of the miracle.