To read about the wonderworker Saint Cyril VI, Patriarch of Constantinople, see here.
Healing of a Man With Cancer In 1998
My name is Yiannoula Papadoulis and I am a resident of the village Poimenikon Neas Orestiados. A year ago I had the icon of St. Cyril VI and in my prayer asked the Saint to make me worthy to go to Pythio to worship at his church and grave. This year, the Sunday of Saint Thomas which was his feast day, I went with my sister Athena and my brother-in-law Strati to his church.
There we venerated his icon and the three of us saw a few letters on his forehead. We read them but forgot them immediately. Only the letter "A" we all remember. We could not give any explanation for this. Surprised we took a little oil from the lamp burning in front of the icon to bless our dying father who suffered from cancer. Unfortunately all his blood had deteriorated and doctors from the Hospital Didymoteicho told us that it makes no sense for him sit there, and thus we should take him home to die peacefully.
Immediately after we blessed him he opened his eyes, he asked to eat, and then slept peacefully. In the morning he woke up and felt very good, as if not having undergone any inconvenience. We glorify God and His miraculous saint, Saint Cyril the VI, who is our protector! Every year we will venerate him with faith on the day of his memorial.
Source: Translated by John Sanidopoulos

The Saint In Germany in 1998
My name is Vasiliki and I live in Germany. I gave birth a year ago to a girl, I baptized her and named her Marina. She was a healthy child, but suddenly when she was eight months she became paralytic, unable to move her hands or feet, and she would have convulsions. I took her to the hospital but the doctors could not find how she suffered from this incurable illness. I did not stop burning the oil lamp of St. Cyril, and at the bedside of my child I had the icon of the Saint and entreated him day and night for my child. After seven months I took the icon of the Saint and put it on her, and immediately this time she began to move her arms and legs. Doctors could not explain it and asked me what Saint this was and what his name is, so I told them the whole story of Saint Cyril and the miracle. I glorify God for the grace of the Saint who made my child well. May the grace of the Saint protect the entire world!
The Saint In Belgium (March 18, 1998)
My name is Eleni Karafyllaki and my husband is Michael. Our homeland is on the border of Ebro, the homeland of our great Saint Cyril, in Pythio. But we live now for many years abroad, in Belgium. My husband fell heavily ill and had to have three surgeries. It was very serious and involved the liver, lung and kidney. We went to many doctors here in Belgium and they presented things as very difficult as there was no specific treatment. One day as we returned home after the doctor I started crying with inconsolable despair. Like this I pulled open my drawer and took out my book with the life of the Saint, I hugged and cried with faith: "My Saint, save my husband." At night in my sleep I saw my departed father with St. Cyril (I recognized him from the icon on his book) and he said: "Eleni my child, do not worry, the Saint read over your husband and he does not have anything." The next morning we went to the hospital for test IV, and passing by the radiologist who was looking at the x-rays he told us: "The x-rays are totally clean! This was a great miracle or we did a misdiagnosis!" Great is the grace of the Saint. My family will always invoke him with faith.
Source: Translated by John Sanidopoulos