Here is information about the customs at some monasteries on Mount Athos regarding the Non-Orthodox. This is information as of 2006-2008. It is fascinating to see the different traditions.
Vatopaidiou - Non-Orthodox pilgrims must remain in the narthex during services, but may eat together at a table with Orthodox pilgrims.
Xeropotamou - Non-Orthodox pilgrims are forbidden from attending services, but may view the church at other times in the company of a monk, and can eat only after the monks and Orthodox pilgrims have finished dining.
Simonopetra - Non-Orthodox pilgrims may sit in the main sanctuary during services.
Esphigmenou - Non-Orthodox pilgrims are forbidden from entering the church and dine at the same time as monks and Orthodox pilgrims, but at a separate table.
Hilandari - Non-Orthodox pilgrims must remain in the narthex during services, but may eat together at a table with Orthodox pilgrims.
Great Lavra - Non-Orthodox pilgrims must remain in the narthex during services, but may eat together at a table with Orthodox pilgrims and monks.
Pavlou - Dinner is in a small kitchen near the pilgrim sleeping quarters for the Non-Orthodox.
Stavronikita - Non-Orthodox can eat with the monks. Non-Orthodox generally stay in the narthex for services.
Konstamonitou - Non-Orthodox cannot dine with the monks nor can they attend services.
Dionysiou - Non-Orthodox dine with the monks but attend services in the narthex.