Question: Some say that Kazantzakis was religious. That he had spiritual concerns and inquiries...
Answer: And what of of that? What resulted? Do you know what he himself wanted written on his grave? "I have ceased to hope, I have ceased to fear, I am free!" And of course, it was written. Go to the cemeteries and read what is written on the graves of faithful people: "I await the resurrection of the dead" or "The dead are raised and have arisen from the tombs" or "Christ has arisen from the dead, first among those who sleep", and other such things.
Do you know what the last words of Kazantzakis were? "I'm thirsty". Fr. Theoklitos Dionysiatis has written very brilliantly in one of his writings: "Perhaps before his soul departed he tasted of the torturous flames of the furnace of fire like the rich man, and he wanted someone to refresh his tongue."

Read also:
The Ascetic Makarios and Nikos Kazantzakis
Nikos Kazantzakis : The Last Temptation Of Christ : Always Thirsty
Kazantzakis: Prophet of Non-Hope