July 28, 2010
Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy Protodeacon Andrey Kurayev congratulated TV anchor Vladimir Pozner on his name day on the Day of Russia's Baptism.
"I congratulate you on your name day, Vladimir Vladimirovich! Anyway, you were named after so unloved by you holy Prince Vladimir - the Baptist of Russia," Fr. Andrey writes in his article posted by Interfax-Religion.
In one of his latest interviews the famous Russian TV anchor Pozner said that "one of the greatest tragedies for Russia is its conversion to Orthodoxy," and "the Russian Orthodox Church has inflicted a colossal harm upon Russia." The journalist compared the Church with the Central Committee of the Communist Party and blamed it for interfering with politics and education. His statement has caught public attention.
Commenting on Pozner's words that there was no Renaissance in Russia because of Orthodoxy, Fr. Andrey said that a Renaissance required a revival and it should have something to revive.
"The Renaissance is a revival of ancient Greek and Roman traditions. Russia has never been a part of Old Greek or Old Roman culture. Russia received this culture with the adoption of Orthodoxy, and it started in the tenth century and not prolonged to fifteenth," the article says.
Pagan magicians of the Dnieper Region heard nothing of Platon and Cicero, while Orthodox monks "started translating, reading and interpreting their books," Protodeacon Kurayev said.
See also: Russian TV Anchor Deplores Orthodox Church
Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy Protodeacon Andrey Kurayev congratulated TV anchor Vladimir Pozner on his name day on the Day of Russia's Baptism.
"I congratulate you on your name day, Vladimir Vladimirovich! Anyway, you were named after so unloved by you holy Prince Vladimir - the Baptist of Russia," Fr. Andrey writes in his article posted by Interfax-Religion.
In one of his latest interviews the famous Russian TV anchor Pozner said that "one of the greatest tragedies for Russia is its conversion to Orthodoxy," and "the Russian Orthodox Church has inflicted a colossal harm upon Russia." The journalist compared the Church with the Central Committee of the Communist Party and blamed it for interfering with politics and education. His statement has caught public attention.
Commenting on Pozner's words that there was no Renaissance in Russia because of Orthodoxy, Fr. Andrey said that a Renaissance required a revival and it should have something to revive.
"The Renaissance is a revival of ancient Greek and Roman traditions. Russia has never been a part of Old Greek or Old Roman culture. Russia received this culture with the adoption of Orthodoxy, and it started in the tenth century and not prolonged to fifteenth," the article says.
Pagan magicians of the Dnieper Region heard nothing of Platon and Cicero, while Orthodox monks "started translating, reading and interpreting their books," Protodeacon Kurayev said.
See also: Russian TV Anchor Deplores Orthodox Church