Thousands of faithful from all over Greece gathered this past weekend to pay their last respects and for the funeral of Metropolitan Augoustinos Kantiotes at the Metropolis of Saint Panteleimon in Florina. The funeral took place this morning, 30 August 2009, following a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. He will be buried at the Holy Monastery of Saint Augustine in Florina.
Yesterday, 29 August 2010, Archbishop Ieronymos had the following to say about the Metropolitan:
"The Blessed Metropolitan of Florina, Mr. Augoustinos, was a unique personality with much dynamism, a man of learning, with many struggles. He will be a person of history of whom many things will be said for and against. From my own personal perception he was a man that is difficult to meet in life regarding his dynamism and his living example of struggle. Today we feel sadness because the Church owes him much. May God rest his soul and may we imitate him in whatever good he had, and he had much."