For background information on the alleged recent appearance of Elder Paisios to certain monks on Mount Athos and his foretelling of a soon-to-come war against Greece, see my post "False Rumors of Apocalytpic Visions and Elder Paisios". Below is the recently released official statement of the Holy Community of Mount Athos which voices the official opinion of all twenty monasteries:
The Holy Community of Mount Athos, in connection with recent reports by the mass media distributing certain information relating to an alleged appearance to monks of the late blessed Elder Paisios and his foretelling to them of imminent war, thereby causing anxiety and disruption from this, for the sake of truth and respect to the memory of the Elder, has reported that these rumors are untrue and are not consistent with what Elder Paisios believed in life.
Authorized by the common Assembly Representatives and Heads
The twenty holy monasteries of Holy Mount Athos.