I have an amazing little booklet available I wanted to offer to my readers for purchase which would make especially great reading for Great Lent. Recently I was commissioned to translate some beneficial writings of Righteous Alexei Mechev, but it didn't fall through and I was left with a bunch of booklets I would like to now sell instead of counting my losses. Please order today!

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February 2, 2011

Megalynaria of the Reception of Christ

In the video above the Hellenic Byzantine Choir lead by Protopsaltis Lykourgos Aggelopoulos chant the Megalynaria of the Reception of Christ in a version composed by Peter Lambadarios (1730-1815).

Below is the original Greek text together with an English translation under it:

Ωδή θ’. Εν ή ψάλλονται τα επόμενα Μεγαλυνάρια. (Ήχος γ΄.)

Ακατάληπτον εστί, το τελούμενον εν σοί, και αγγέλοις και βροτοίς, Μητροπάρθενε αγνή.

Αγκαλίζεται χερσίν, ο πρεσβύτης Συμεών, τον του νόμου Ποιητήν, και Δεσπότην του παντός.

Βουληθείς ο Πλαστουργός, ίνα σὠση τον Αδάμ, μήτραν ώκησε την σήν, της Παρθένου και αγνής.

Γένος άπαν των βροτών, μακαρίζει σε Αγνή, και δοξάζει σε πιστώς, ως Μητέρα του Θεού.

Δεύτε, ίδετε Χριστόν, τον Δεσπότην του παντός, όν βαστάζει Συμεών, σήμερον εν τω ναώ.

Επιβλέπεις προς την γην, και ποιείς τρέμειν αυτήν, και πώς γέρων κεκμηκώς, σε κατέχει εν χερσί;

Ζήσας έτη Συμεών, έως είδε τον Χριστόν, και εβόα προς αυτόν· Νυν απόλυσιν ζητώ.

Η λαβίς η μυστική, η τον άνθρακα Χριστόν, συλλαβούσα εν γαστρί, συ υπάρχεις Μαριάμ.

Θέλων ενηνθρώπησας, ο προάναρχος Θεός, και ναώ προσφέρεσαι, τεσσαρακονθήμερος.

Κατελθόντ’ εξ ουρανού, τον Δεσπότην του παντός, υπεδέξατο αυτόν, Συμεών ο ιερεύς.

Λάμπρυνόν μου την ψυχήν, και το φως το αισθητόν, όπως ίδω καθαρώς, και κηρύξω σε Θεόν.

Ο Ειρμός

Εν νόμω σκιά και γράμματι, τύπον κατίδωμεν οι πιστοί· πάν άρσεν το την μήτραν διανοίγον, άγιον Θεω· διό πρωτότοκον Λόγον, Πατρός Ανάρχου Υιόν, πρωτοτοκούμενον Μητρί, απειράνδρω μεγαλύνωμεν.

Μητροπάρθενε αγνή, τί προσφέρεις τω ναώ, νέον βρέφος αποδούσ’ εν αγκάλαις Συμεών;

Εν νόμω σκιά και γράμματι…

Νυν απόλυσιν ζητώ, από σού του Πλαστουργού, ότι είδον σε Χριστέ, το σωτήριόν μου φως.

Τοις πριν νεογνών τρυγόνων ζεύγος, δυάς τε ην νεοσσών, ανθ’ ών ο θείος Πρέσβυς, και σώφρων Άννα προφήτις, τω εκ Παρθένου τεχθέντι, και οίω γόνω Πατρός, εν τω ναώ προσιόντι, λειτουργούντες εμεγάλυνον.

Όν οι άνω λειτουργοί, τρόμω λιτανεύουσι, κάτω νυν ο Συμεών, αγκαλίζεται χερσί.

Τοις πριν νεογνών τρυγόνων ζεύγος…

Δόξα Πατρί και Υιώ και Αγίω Πνεύματι.

Η τη φύσει μεν Μονάς, τοις προσώποις δε Τριάς, φύλαττε τους δούλους σου, τους πιστεύοντας εις σε.

Απέδωκάς μοι εβόα Συμεών, του Σωτηρίου σου Χριστέ αγαλλίασιν, απόλαβέ σου τον λάτριν, τον τη σκιά κεκμηκότα, νέον της χάριτος, ιεροκήρυκα μύστην, εν αινέσει μεγαλύνοντα.

Και νυν και αεί, και εις τους αιώνας των αιώνων· αμήν.

Θεοτόκε η ελπίς, πάντων των Χριστιανών, σκέπε φρούρει φύλαττε, τους ελπίζοντας εις σέ.

Ιεροπρεπώς ανθωμολογείτο, Άννα υποφητεύουσα, η σώφρων και Οσία, και πρέσβυρα τω Δεσπότη, εν τω ναώ διαρρήδην, την Θεοτόκον δε ανακηρύττουσα, πάσι τοις παρούσιν εμεγάλυνεν.

Ode 9 in Tone 3 From Matins For the Feast of the Presentation of Christ

That which was fulfilled in thee is beyond the understanding of Angels and mortal men, O Pure Virgin Mother.

Symeon the Elder takes in his arms the Maker of the Law and Master of all.

The Creator, wishing to save Adam, took up His dwelling in thy pure and virgin womb.

All mankind blesses thee, O Pure Virgin, and in faith glorifies thee as Theotokos.

Come ye and behold Christ the Master of all, Whom Symeon carries today in the Temple.

Thou looketh down upon the earth and maketh it tremble: how then can I, aged and weary, hold Thee in mine arms?

Symeon had lived for many years when he beheld Christ and cried aloud to him: "Now do I seek my release."

Mary, thou art the mystic tongs, who hast conceived in thy womb Christ the live Coal.

O God Who wast before all things began, of Thine own will hast Thou become man and art carried, a Child forty days old, into the Temple.

Symeon the Priest received the Lord of all, come down from heaven.

Illuminate my soul and the light of my senses, that I may see Thee in purity: and I will proclaim that Thou art God.


In the shadow and the letter of the Law, let us, the faithful, discern a figure: every male child that opens the womb shall be sanctified to God. Therefore do we magnify the First Born Word and Son of the Father without beginning, the First Born Child of a mother who had not known man.

O Pure Virgin Mother, why dost thou bring into the Temple a Newborn Babe and commit Him into the hands of Symeon?

In the shadow and the letter of the Law, let us, the faithful, discern a figure: every male child that opens the womb shall be sanctified to God. Therefore do we magnify the First Born Word and Son of the Father without beginning, the First Born Child of a mother who had not known man.

From thee, the Creator, I now see release: for I have seen Thee, O Christ, my Salvation and my Light.

Of old the people offered a pair of doves and two young pigeons. In their stead the godly Elder and Anna the Prophetess, sober in spirit, ministered and gave glory to the Child of the Virgin, the Only Begotten Son of the Father, as He was brought into the Temple.

Him Whom the Ministers at the Liturgy on High entreat with trembling, here below Symeon now takes in his arms.

Of old the people offered a pair of doves and two young pigeons. In their stead the godly Elder and Anna the Prophetess, sober in spirit, ministered and gave glory to the Child of the Virgin, the Only Begotten Son of the Father, as He was brought into the Temple.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

O Thou by Nature One but in Persons Three, watch over Thy servants who put their faith in Thee.

"Thou hast committed to me the exceeding joy of Thy salvation, O Christ," cried Symeon. "Take Thy servant, who is weary of the shadow, and make him a new preacher of the mystery of Grace, as he magnifies Thee in praise!"

Now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Theotokos, thou hope of all Christians, protect, watch over and guard all those who put their hope in thee.

Holy Anna, sober in spirit and venerable in years, with reverence confessed the Master freely and openly in the Temple; and proclaiming the Theotokos, she magnified her before all who were present.

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