Last year former Protestant pastor and missionary Igor Zyryanov converted to Orthodoxy with his family and congregation in the Irkutsk region of Russia. Now he is an ordained Orthodox priest serving in the same region in a village at the Church of the Archangel Michael.
For eighteen years Fr. Igor served as a Protestant missionary in Russia and founded many congregations during this time as he would preach daily from one village to another. Then he began to study the Church Fathers and dialogued with Orthodox clergy, and this influenced him to embrace Orthodoxy with his family and now the holy priesthood.
Fr. Igor has stated that the primary books which influenced his decision to convert to Orthodoxy were the writings of Metropolitan Anthony of Souroz, St. John of Kronstadt, Fr. Alexander Schmemann and St. Nicholas of Japan.
"Whoever seeks the truth, should be assured that they will find it. The most important thing is for us to be honest with ourselves," said Fr. Igor in closing.
For more, read also: Siberian Pastor Converts Community to Orthodoxy