The Greek theological journal ΘΕΟΛΟΓΙΑ has devoted its most recent issue (Vol. 4, 2010) to Fr. George Florovsky. The volume is in Greek, though there is a 40-page bibliography of secondary sources in English that is the most complete and up-to-date.
To view it, click here for the title page. Then click on where it says "Τεύχη ΘΕΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ". Under "Τόμος 81/2010" click on the issue that says "Τεύχος 4o". The title with the bibliography says "Secondary Bibliography of Scholarly Literature and Conferences on Florovsky".
Here is the introductory information about the bibliography:
In this section, attempt has been made by the authors to present an exhaustive list of secondary literature treating Florovsky’s life and work, including PhD dissertations, Masters theses, full-length monographs, essays, and articles in a wide variety of languages. Unpublished conference papers and presentations have also been listed. This collection represents the cumulative fruit of numerous years of bibliographical searching. At that same time, most especially with the conference papers, acknowledgment must be made of the gracious help of the following scholars and friends: Prof. Pavel Pavlov at the Theological School of Sofia University “Saint Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgary; Prof. Stoyan Tanev at the South Denmark University; Prof. (Emeritus) A. Blane of Russian History at the City University – New York and secretary of the Andrei Sakharov Foundation and Prof. Alexis Klimoff at the Vassar University. In addition, we have included as an appendix a brief chronology and description of symposia and conferences dedicated to Florovsky.