Patriarchal Catechetical Homily On the Opening of Holy and Great Lent
Preparation for Great Lent
The Purpose of Great Lent (Archimandrite Alexios of Xenophontos)
"The Holy Forty Day Fast" by Sergei V. Bulgakov
The Temptations and Troubles That Come Against Us During Great Lent (Saint Joseph the Hesychast)
Great Lent Imitates the Fast of Christ
Great Lent in Fourth Century Jerusalem
Why We Celebrate the Feast of Saint Anthony the Great on January 17th
How St. Theodore of Sykeon Spent His Youth Between Epiphany and Palm Sunday
Great Lent and Its Opportunities
The Sacred Number of 40
12 Changes and Transformations After a Period of Forty Days or Years in the Bible
An Old Testament Analogy of Great Lent (Metr. Nicholas of Mesogaia)
An Ecclesiastical Great Lent and Holy Week
Great Lent in Byzantium
The Journey of Great Lent
St. Dorotheos of Gaza: On the Holy Lenten Fast
Holy Lent as a Period of Human Renewal (St. Anthimos of Chios)
Elder Paisios on the Arena of Great Lent
A Message to Orthodox Youth for Great Lent from Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
Lent—Why Bother? For Spiritual Exercise
A Conversation Between the Ascetic Father Makarios and Nikos Kazantzakis
Elder Paisios on the Arena of Great Lent
A Message to Orthodox Youth for Great Lent from Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew
Lent—Why Bother? For Spiritual Exercise
A Conversation Between the Ascetic Father Makarios and Nikos Kazantzakis
The Services of Great Lent
"Lord and Master of My Life": The Prayer That Seals Our Lenten Journey
Sloth: The Foundation of Wickedness
Sloth: The Foundation of Wickedness
"Lord of the Powers Be With Us" (St. Anthimos of Chios)
The Spirituality of the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
Alexandros Papadiamantis and the Great Canon
The Oldest Hymn To the Theotokos
Presanctified Liturgy Resource Page
Akathist to the Theotokos Resource Page
Great Lent in Fourth Century Jerusalem
The Fast of Great Lent
Advice for Healthy Fasting During Great Lent
Great Lent: A Time of Hunger and Temptation
Great Lent Imitates the Fast of Christ
Why Jesus Fasted After His Baptism
The Holy Forty Day Fast
Great Lent in Fourth Century Jerusalem
The Spirituality of the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
Alexandros Papadiamantis and the Great Canon
The Oldest Hymn To the Theotokos
Presanctified Liturgy Resource Page
Akathist to the Theotokos Resource Page
Great Lent in Fourth Century Jerusalem
The Fast of Great Lent
Advice for Healthy Fasting During Great Lent
Great Lent: A Time of Hunger and Temptation
Great Lent Imitates the Fast of Christ
Why Jesus Fasted After His Baptism
The Holy Forty Day Fast
Great Lent in Fourth Century Jerusalem
The Fragrant Paschal Egg of Saint Iakovos Tsalikes
Elder Paisios and the Boiled Milk During Lent
The Forty Day Fast of Saint Paisios the Athonite for the World
Metropolitan George of Paphos Interviewed Concerning the Fast of Great Lent
Why Lent Must Rise Again
"You Feed on Men's Flesh and Blood"
St. Theodore the Studite: On Fasting and Dispassion
Concerning the Christians Who Were Massacred in Bulgaria During the Holy Lent, On Account of Meat-eating
Saint Patrick and the Flesh-Meat that Changed into Fishes
Concerning the Diet of the Fathers
On our Accomplishing the Days of the Fast Gently and Readily in the Hope of Life Without End
The Man of God From Judah
Fasting Rules For Annunciation and Palm Sunday
Elder Paisios and the Boiled Milk During Lent
The Forty Day Fast of Saint Paisios the Athonite for the World
Metropolitan George of Paphos Interviewed Concerning the Fast of Great Lent
Why Lent Must Rise Again
"You Feed on Men's Flesh and Blood"
St. Theodore the Studite: On Fasting and Dispassion
Concerning the Christians Who Were Massacred in Bulgaria During the Holy Lent, On Account of Meat-eating
Saint Patrick and the Flesh-Meat that Changed into Fishes
Concerning the Diet of the Fathers
On our Accomplishing the Days of the Fast Gently and Readily in the Hope of Life Without End
The Man of God From Judah
Fasting Rules For Annunciation and Palm Sunday
Despite the War, Many of the Greek Soldiers in 1940 Kept the Fasts of the Church
Lent in Narnia
Your Brain During the Great Fast
A Lenten Lesson
Connecticut Diner Observes Orthodox Lent
Great Lent (General)
Lectionary for "The Ladder of Divine Ascent"
Sex and Great Lent
Money! Power! Honor!
Why Lent Must Rise Again
More Russians to Observe Great Lent
First Lady of Russia Observes Great Lent Even On Her Birthday

Clean Week
Clean Week Resource Page
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 1 - Clean Monday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 2 - Clean Tuesday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 3 - Clean Wednesday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 4 - Clean Thursday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 5 - Clean Friday
First Saturday of Great Lent: Epistle and Gospel Reading
Sunday of Orthodoxy
Sunday of Orthodoxy Resource Page
Second Week of Great Lent
The Second Week of Great Lent
St. Theodore the Studite: The Friday of the Second Week of Great Lent
The Second Salutations To The Theotokos
Akathist to the Theotokos Resource Page
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 6 - Monday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 7 - Tuesday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 8 - Wednesday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 9 - Thursday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 10 - Friday
Second Saturday of Great Lent: Epistle and Gospel Reading
Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas
Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas Resource Page
Third Week of Great Lent
The Third Week of Great Lent
St. Theodore the Studite: The Third Wednesday of Great Lent
St. Theodore the Studite: The Third Friday of Great Lent
The Third Salutations To The Theotokos
Akathist to the Theotokos Resource Page
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 11 - Monday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 12 - Tuesday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 13 - Wednesday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 14 - Thursday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 15 - Friday
Third Saturday of Great Lent: Epistle and Gospel Reading
Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross
Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross Resource Page
Fourth Week of Great Lent
The Fourth Week of Great Lent
Lent in Narnia
Your Brain During the Great Fast
A Lenten Lesson
Connecticut Diner Observes Orthodox Lent
Great Lent (General)
Lectionary for "The Ladder of Divine Ascent"
Sex and Great Lent
Money! Power! Honor!
Why Lent Must Rise Again
More Russians to Observe Great Lent
First Lady of Russia Observes Great Lent Even On Her Birthday

Clean Week
Clean Week Resource Page
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 1 - Clean Monday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 2 - Clean Tuesday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 3 - Clean Wednesday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 4 - Clean Thursday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 5 - Clean Friday
First Saturday of Great Lent: Epistle and Gospel Reading
Sunday of Orthodoxy
Sunday of Orthodoxy Resource Page
Second Week of Great Lent
The Second Week of Great Lent
St. Theodore the Studite: The Friday of the Second Week of Great Lent
The Second Salutations To The Theotokos
Akathist to the Theotokos Resource Page
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 6 - Monday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 7 - Tuesday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 8 - Wednesday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 9 - Thursday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 10 - Friday
Second Saturday of Great Lent: Epistle and Gospel Reading
Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas
Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas Resource Page
Third Week of Great Lent
The Third Week of Great Lent
St. Theodore the Studite: The Third Wednesday of Great Lent
St. Theodore the Studite: The Third Friday of Great Lent
The Third Salutations To The Theotokos
Akathist to the Theotokos Resource Page
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 11 - Monday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 12 - Tuesday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 13 - Wednesday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 14 - Thursday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 15 - Friday
Third Saturday of Great Lent: Epistle and Gospel Reading
Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross
Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross Resource Page
Fourth Week of Great Lent
The Fourth Week of Great Lent
Synaxis of All Saints of Rhodes
Sermon for the Fourth Wednesday of Great Lent
Sermon for the Fourth Friday of Great Lent
The Fourth Salutations To The Theotokos
Akathist to the Theotokos Resource Page
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 16 - Monday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 17 - Tuesday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 18 - Wednesday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 19 - Thursday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 20 - Friday
Fourth Saturday of Great Lent: Epistle and Gospel Reading
Sunday of Saint John Climacus
Sunday of Saint John Climacus Resource Page
Fifth Week of Great Lent
The Fifth Week of Great Lent
Joyful Sorrow and its Secret Fruits (Photios Kontoglou)
St. Theodore the Studite: Sermon for the Fifth Wednesday of Great Lent
Synaxarion For Thursday of the Great Canon
Saint Andrew of Crete Resource Page - The Great Canon
St. Theodore the Studite: Sermon for the Fifth Friday of Great Lent
Synaxarion for the Fifth Saturday of Great Lent
Akathist to the Theotokos Resource Page
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 21 - Monday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 22 - Tuesday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 23 - Wednesday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 24 - Thursday
Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 25 - Friday
Fifth Saturday of Great Lent (The Akathist Hymn): Epistle and Gospel Reading
Sunday of Saint Mary of Egypt
Sunday of Saint Mary of Egypt Resource Page
Sixth Week of Great Lent
The Sixth Week of Great Lent
Concerning the Final Week of Great Lent
A Time for Silence
As We Prepare to Consciously Participate in the Passion of Christ
Insights on True Repentance
Repentance, the Fourth Mystery
The Priesthood, Confession and the Remission of Sins
Having Completed the Forty Days That Profit Our Souls
Why We Celebrate the Feast of Saint Anthony the Great on January 17th
The Exorcism of a Greek-American Immigrant
As We Prepare to Consciously Participate in the Passion of Christ
Insights on True Repentance
Repentance, the Fourth Mystery
The Priesthood, Confession and the Remission of Sins
Having Completed the Forty Days That Profit Our Souls
Why We Celebrate the Feast of Saint Anthony the Great on January 17th
The Exorcism of a Greek-American Immigrant