I have an amazing little booklet available I wanted to offer to my readers for purchase which would make especially great reading for Great Lent. Recently I was commissioned to translate some beneficial writings of Righteous Alexei Mechev, but it didn't fall through and I was left with a bunch of booklets I would like to now sell instead of counting my losses. Please order today!

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March 18, 2011

The Second Salutations To The Theotokos

Gloriously extolling the incarnate appearance of Christ did the shepherds hear the Angels. And running as though to a shepherd, they perceived Him to be as it were a blameless lamb that had been pastured in the womb of Mary whom they lauded saying:

Rejoice, O Mother of the Lamb and Shepherd.
Rejoice, O sheepfold of sheep with reason.

Rejoice, who ward off invisible enemies.
Rejoice, who open the portals of Paradise.

Rejoice, for the things of heaven are now exulting with the earth.
Rejoice, for the things of earth along with heaven dance for joy.

Rejoice, indefatigable voice of the Apostles.
Rejoice, undefeatable valiance of the Martyrs.

Rejoice, the mighty foundation of faith.
Rejoice, the bright indication of grace.

Rejoice, through whom is Hades divested.
Rejoice, through whom we are vested in glory.

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride.

Having visibly sighted the star proceeding Godward, the Magi followed after its brightness; and thereto clinging as to a light did they search thereby for a mighty King; and reaching the Unreachable they rejoiced and shouted to Him: Alleluia.

In the hands of the Virgin saw the Chaldeans’ children Him who fashioned mankind with His own hand; and perceiving that He was the Lord, even though He had taken the form of a slave, they hastened to pay tribute with gifts and salute the blessed Maiden:

Rejoice, O Mother of the unsetting Star.
Rejoice, O dawn of the mystical Day.

Rejoice, who extinguished the furnace of fallacy.
Rejoice, who enlighten initiates of the Trinity.

Rejoice, for you have deposed the inhuman tyrant from his reign.
Rejoice, for you have disclosed Christ the Lord who is humane.

Rejoice, O redeemer from the Magian18 religion.
Rejoice, who deliver from the clay of the burdens.19

Rejoice, for the cult of fire you terminate.
Rejoice, from the flame of passions you liberate.

Rejoice, the guide of believers to temperance.
Rejoice, the gladness of all generations.

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride.

Keeping to the oracles that bore on You, the Magi, having now become God-bearing heralds, proclaimed to all that You are the Christ as they journeyed back to their own country Babylon, abandoning Herod as a babbling king who knew not how to sing, Alleluia.

Lightening in Egypt the true illumination, You dispelled the darkness of delusion; O Savior, for the idols thereof, unable to endure Your might, tumbled down, while they who were delivered from them shouted to the Theotokos:

Rejoice, man’s rehabilitation.
Rejoice, the demons’ ruination.

Rejoice, who crushed the delusion of fallacy.
Rejoice, who uncovered the ruse of idolatry.

Rejoice, sea that caused the spiritual Pharaoh to drown.
Rejoice, rock that gave those thirsting for life to drink.

Rejoice, pillar of fire that guides those in darkness.
Rejoice, shelter of the world that is wider than the cloud was.

Rejoice, supplanting manna as edibles.
Rejoice, supplying holy delectables.

Rejoice, for you are the land of promise.
Rejoice, from you flow the milk and the honey.

Rejoice, O unwedded Bride.

Master, You were presented as a babe unto Symeon on the threshold of being transported out of this present beguiling age, but also perceived by him to be perfect God; for which cause did he marvel at Your ineffable wisdom, crying: Alleluia.


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