During the Festal Great Vespers in honor of St. Cyril of Alexandria for his feast, on 8 June 2011 in the Chapel of the Prophet Elias in the Metropolis building of Kyfisia, whose Metropolitan celebrates his first name day as a hierarch, many gathered to celebrate. Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Patras spoke the following words to all in attendance:
All the Fathers, the Saints, the Righteous and the Neomartyrs of our Holy Church struggled for the Holy Faith, and for the truth that there is one God.
My Christian brethren, keep the traditions, and listen to the Fathers who taught these truths. During these difficult times in which we live, times of naivete concerning God and man, we are in spiritual slavery.
If we do not remain faithful to the traditions, to our faith, and whatever we received from our Holy Fathers, we all will be lost as a heritage, as a nation, as a people, and as a community.
This road is a single lane, and we are obligated to not turn from it or we will be destroyed. We must follow this road if we wish to be saved...."