The parish of Saint John the Theologian in Terespol, a small town situated on the borders of Poland and Belarus, welcomed the icon of Panagia Gorgoepikoos on Saturday 8 October 2011 with great reverence and celebration. It was welcomed to the city by dozens of priests and hundreds of faithful upon its arrival from Greece. The icon arrived to the church after processing approximately 1 kilometer through the city, where it was received by Metropolitan Savvas of Poland. After bringing the icon into the church, Metropolitan Savvas went on to relate the miracle which inspired the commissioning of this icon to be painted for this church.
This icon of Panagia Gorgoepikoos was painted in the Monastery of Dochiariou on Mount Athos, where also is housed the original prototype. A boy from the parish of Saint John the Theologian in Terespol had a paper icon of Panagia Gorgoepikoos which began to flow myrrh. The paper myrrh-gushing icon was then brought to the church for veneration, on which is preserved the spot where the myrrh flowed from. To honor this miracle, the icon was painted from its original monastery and delivered amidst a great celebration.