Nazar Stanintsenkov, a young distinguished pianist, described a miracle which occurred for him on a radio interview for the Greek program Peraiki Ekklesia. Below is his personal account:
Seven years ago I went to the beach to spend the summer with my grandmother, and one day I left the house to go play. I wasn't paying attention, so when the door shut it caught my fingers inside. My phalanx bones were cut off. I was crying and screaming: "My fingers are cut off, how will I ever play the piano again?" We went to the hospital and the doctor couldn't do anything, except stitching the wounds. After a few days a grandmother spoke to us about Saint Luke. We went to Simferopol and venerated the relics of the Saint. I took oil from the icon of the Saint and every night prayed: "Saint Luke, I don't know what you will do, but I want to play the piano again. You are the doctor, so you know how." Every night I applied the icon and oil to my hand. After one month my fingers began to grow back, even the nails came out, and I began again to play the piano. In five months I completed my exams in piano and got first prize. I thank Saint Luke for his great gift which he set for my life.

Source: Translated by John Sanidopoulos