March 26, 2012
Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia advises Orthodox bloggers to direct their "enhanced energy" to real work.
"It's enough to follow the discussions in blogs of believers, both laity and clerics. After reading them, you often think: if only they could use this energy for good purposes!" the Patriarch said at a session of the Coordination Committee on Promoting Social, Educative, Cultural and other Initiatives under Auspices of the Russian Church.
He asked a question to the participants in these Internet discussions: "You speak very decisively - but what are your real works and your real deeds? What are your practical actions?"
"I don't underestimate the importance and need of deep, serious discussion among Orthodox believers, but I want to remind its every participant, that the Savior speaks directly to you: 'By their fruits you will know them.' By their fruit, not by their chats, jokes, desire to look strong, clever, convincing, biting and so on," the Primate stressed.