On the second Sunday after Pentecost, each local Orthodox Church commemorates all the saints, known and unknown, who have shone forth in its territory. Accordingly, the Orthodox Church in Romania remembers the saints of Romania on this day.
“All Saints Sunday is a sanctioned historical presence, namely it got into the conscience of the Church as far back as the 4th century, first in the Eastern Church and then took over in the West too. Saint Basil the Great confesses in one of the prayers of his Liturgy that God wonderfully works through the saints that pleased him of any nation, showing that they represent every national Church and people. So, it was necessary that this feast should be established due to the presence and acknowledgement of the holiness of all categories, either confessors or pious saints of our nation”, says Rev. Prof. Sorin Cojocaru from the Orthodox Theological Seminary of Saint Andrew the Apostle of Galati city.
The Romanian saints are the most precious fruit of the work of the Holy Spirit in Romania.
On Romanian Saints Sunday the Romanian Church remembers the martyrs, confessors, hierarchs and pious, theologians and hermits, known and unknown, canonised or not, that the territory of Romania created.
This is a list of Romanian saints, taken from here:
Saint Apostle Andrew the First-Called (Sfântul Apostol Andrei, Cel- Intâi chemat) (November 30)
Hierarchs and priests
Hieromartyr Antim the Ivirian, (Sfântul Ierarh Martir Antim Ivireanul), (1650-1716), feast day on September 27
Bretranion, Bishop of Tomis (Sfântul Bretranion, Episcopul Tomisului), (†381), feast day on January 25
Calinic of Cernica, Bishop of Râmnic, (Sfântul Ierarh Calinic de la Cernica, Episcopul Râmnicului), (October 7, 1787 – April 11, 1868), feast day on April 11
Hieromartyr Evangelicus of Tomis, feast day on July 7
Ghelasie of Râmeţ Monastery, Archbishop of Transylvania, (Sfântul Ierarh Ghelasie de la Mânăstirea Râmeţ, Arhiepiscopul Transilvaniei), (14th century), feast day on June 30
Hieromartyr Irineu, Bishop of Sirmium, (Sfântul Ierarh Martyr Irineu, Episcopul Sirmiumului), (†304), feast day on April 6
Pahomie of Gledin, Bishop of Rome, (Sfântul Ierarh Pahomie, Episcopul Romanului), (1671-1724), feast day on April 14
Confessor Elijah Iorest, Metropolitan of Ardeal, (Sfântul Ierarh Mărturisitor Ilie Iorest, Mitropolitul Transilvaniei (Ardeal)), (†1678), feast day on April 24
Joseph the Confessor, Bishop of Maramureş, (Sfântul Iosif Mărturisitorul, Episcopul Maramureşului), (1690-~1711), feast day on April 24
Joseph the New of Partoş Monastery, Metropolitan of Timişoara, (Sfântul Ierarh Iosif cel Nou de la Mânăstirea Partoş, Mitropolit al Timişoarei), (1568-1656), feast day on September 15
Theotim, Bishop of Tomis, (Sfântul Ierarh Teotim, Episcopul Tomisului), (4th century), feast day on April 20
Confessor Sava Brancovici, Metropolitan of Ardeal (Transylvania), (Sfântul Ierarh Mărturisitor Sava Brancivici, Mitropolitul Ardealului) (†1683), feast day on April 24
Priest-Confessor John of Galeş, (Preotul Mârturisitor Ioan din Galeş), (18th century), feast day on October 21
Gregory IV, the Teacher, Metropolitan of Ţara Românească, (Sfântul Ierarh Grigorie IV Dacălul, Mitropolitul Tării Românesti), (1765-1834), feast day on June 22
Niceta, Bishop of Remesiana, (Sfântul Ierarh Niceta, Episcopul de Remesiana), (5th century), feast day on June 24
Leontie, Bishop of Rădăuţi, (Sfântul Ierarh Leontie, Episcop de Rădăuţi), (14th century), feast day on July 1
Priest-Confessor Moses Măcinic of Sibiel, (Preotul Mărturisitor Moise Măcinic, din Sibiel), (18th century), feast day on October 21
Niphon, Patriarch of Constantinople and Metropolitan of Ţara Românească, (Sfântul Ierarh Nifon, Patriarhul Constantinopolului şi Mitropolit al Tări Româneşti), (~1437-1508), feast day on August 11
Peter Mogila, Metropolitan of Kiev and all Rus, (Sfântul Ierarh Petru Movilă, Mitropolit de Kiev si a Toată Rusia), (1596-1647), feast day on December 22
Venerable Antipa of Calapodeşti, Mount Athos and Valaam Monastery. (Sfântul Antipa de la Calapodeşti, Muntele Athos şi Mânăstirea Valaam). (1816-1882). Feast day on January 10
Venerable Anthony of Iezeru Monastery, Vâlcea country. (Sfântul Cuvios Antonie de la Iezeru Vâlcea). (†1714). Feast day on November 23
Venerable George of Cernica Monastery. (Sfântul Cuvios Gheorghe de la Mânăstirea Cernica). (1730–1806). Feast day on December 3
Venerable Daniel the Hermit. (Sfântul Cuvios Daniil (Daniel) Sihastrul). (15th century). Feast day on December 18
Venerable Dimitrie the New of Basarabi. (Sfântul Cuvios Dimitrie cel Nou, Basarabov). (13th century). Feast day on September 27
Dosoftei, Metropolitan of Moldavia. (Sfântul Ierarh Dosoftei, Mitropolitul Moldovei). (1624-1693). Feast day on December 13
Venerable Gregory the Decapolit. (Sfântul Cuvios Grigorie Decapolitul). (~785-842). Feast day on November 20
Venerable Germanus of Dobrogea. Sfântul Gherman din Dobrogea). (368-415). Feast day on February 29
Venerable John Iacob the Romanian (the Hozevite). (Sfântul Cuvios Ioan Iacob Românul (Hozevitul)). (1913-1960). Feast day on August 5
Venerable John Cassian the Romanian. (Sfântul Cuvios Ioan Casian Românul). (360-435). Feast day on February 29
Venerable John the New of Prislop Monastery. (Sfântul Cuvios Ioan cel Nou de la Mânăstirea Prislop). Feast day on September 13
Venerable Nicodim of Tismana. (Sfântul Nicodim cel Sfinţit de la Tismana). (1320-1406). Feast day on December 26
Venerable Onufrie of Vorona. (Sfântul Onufrie de la Vorona).(18th century). Feast day on September 9
Venerable Paraschiva of Iaşi. (Sfânta Cuvioasă Paraschiva de la Iaşi). (1025-1050). Feast day on October 14
Venerable Paisios Velicikovski of Neamţ. (Sfântul Paisie Velicikovski de la Neamţ). (1722-1794). Feast day on November 15
Venerable Confessor Sofronie of Cioara. (Sfântul Mărturisitor Sofronie de la Cioara). (18th century). Feast day on October 21
Stephen the Great. ( Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt ). (1433-1504). Feast day on July 2
Venerable Theodora from Carpathia, of Sihla. (Sfânta Teodora din Carpaţi, Sihla). (17th century). Feast day on August 7
Venerable Basil of Poiana Mărului. (Sfântul Cuvios Vasile de la Poiana Mărului). (1692-1767). Feast day on April 15
Venerable Visarion the Confessor. (Cuviosul Mărturisitor Visarion Sarai Ieromonahul). (18th century). Feast day on October 21
Martyrs Claudiu, Castor, Sempronian, and Nicostrat, Feast day on November 9
Martyr Dassie, Feast day on November 20
Martyrs Donat and Venust, Feast day on August 21
Martyrs Ermil and Stratonic, Feast day on January 13
Martyrs Epictet and Astion, Feast day on July 8
Martyr Emilian of Durostor, Feast day on July 18
Martyr Hermes, Feast day on December 31
Martyr John the Valah, Feast day on May 12
Martyr John the New of Suceava, Feast day on June 2
Martyr Iuliu Veteranul, Feast day on May 27
Martyr Isihie, Feast day on June 15
Martyr Lup, Feast day on August 23
Martyrs Montanus and Maxima, Feast day on March 26
Martyr Nicandru and Marcian, Feast day on June 8
Martyr Oprea of Săliştea, Feast day on October 21
Martyrs Pasicrat and Valentin, Feast day on April 24
Philoftheia (Philothea) of Curtea de Argeş, Feast day on December 7
Martyrs Romul and Silvan, Feast day on August 21
Martyr Sava of Buzău (the Goth), Feast day on April 12
Martyr Theodosie of Brazi, Feast day s on September 23
Martyrs Zotic, Atal, Camasis, and Filip of Niculiţel, Feast day on June 4
Martyrs Brâncoveni: Constantin, Stephen, Radu, and Mathew, Feast day on August 16