I have an amazing little booklet available I wanted to offer to my readers for purchase which would make especially great reading for Great Lent. Recently I was commissioned to translate some beneficial writings of Righteous Alexei Mechev, but it didn't fall through and I was left with a bunch of booklets I would like to now sell instead of counting my losses. Please order today!

 Click Here For More Information and How To Order


April 16, 2013

Prayers to the Patron Saint of Boston

Apolytikion in the Plagal of the First Tone
Neither the desolation of the fens, nor the depth of thy humility could hide the light of thy virtues, whereby thou becamest a lamp unto the faithful, O Botolph our righteous Father. Wherefore, we entreat thee: do thou also enlighten us who venerate thy blessed memory.

Kontakion in the First Tone
The glory of the just, the protector of Boston, the man of mighty prayer, our belov'd Father Botolph, entreateth the Saviour that He show mercy to all of us. Let us honour him with thankful praise, O ye faithful; let us imitate his conversation and virtues, that God hear his prayers for us.

Boston doth exult on this holy day, for thy deeds, O wise one, are gone up as most fragrant myrrh and sweet smelling incense before the throne of Christ God, O Botolph, our blest Father and teacher in all truth.

Vesperal Doxastikon in the First Tone
Neither the fowls of the air, nor the cares of life, nor the deceitfulness of riches, could harm the good seed sown in thy heart, O Father Botolph. Thou didst bring forth a hundredfold, and thou becamest a great and spreading tree for thy brethren. Wherefore, give us rest in the shade of thy branches, that we might not faint under the burden and heat of the day; shelter our hierarchs from every wind of false doctrine; protect those dwelling in the city named for thee; and intercede with Christ that our souls be saved.

Aposticha in the First Tone
The new Boston danceth with the old on the memory of him for whom they both have received their name and reason to rejoice, even holy Botolph, the beloved man of God, the height of prayer and depth of humility and light of all the Church, who partaketh of the life on high and entreateth Christ to grant us grace and peace.

Though thou ever wast a man of peace, be thou now a man of war, and wage invisible war against our spiteful enemy; shatter his devices, and console us in our wounds, and lead us in the fray till thou bringest us as victors unto Christ, Father Botolph, that we all may stand with great boldness with thee at the Lord's right hand.

Ode Three in Plagal of the Fourth Tone
All that dwell in the city that beareth thy blessed name, shelter in the shade of thy fiery prayers to the God of all, lest that the sun by day or that the moon by night burn us with the heat of sin, which doth wither the world away.

Ode Seven in Plagal of the Fourth Tone
Glory to Father, Son, and Spirit, three eternal Flames of boundless love and glory, giving being and life to all He hath created, and Who, through righteous Botolph's prayers, shineth mercy on us sinners.

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