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August 8, 2013

Schismatic Blasphemies Regarding the "Deluded" Paisios and "Magician" Porphyrios

I bring to your attention the blasphemies against the Holy Spirit and slanders by the schismatic occupiers of Esphigmenou Monastery. Read it and weep!

- Many pious New Calendarists tell us: "But don't you see the miracles such and such a father has done? But don't you see Father Paisios who was sanctified? But don't you see Father Porphyrios who was sanctified?" If the saints are like these, then we would prefer not to be saints.

When Father Paisios, who having begun from here, was living with snakes, the older fathers took him to be deluded. When Bartholomew became Patriarch, he said: "God gave us the best Patriarch." He even dug his grave at his hut, but fortunately God does not keep pace with our own counsels, nor with our vanities. God conceded and he died in the world! Fathers, this is a terrifying example. For all the years I've been on the Holy Mountain, I know of only two that died on the outside: Father Nikanor of Hilandari, who wrote against our Monastery and after writing his fingers gathered together to not be able to write again, and secondly Father Paisios, both of whom were asked if they wanted to return to the Holy Mountain to die, and they responded "NO".

An apparent abandonment of our Lady the Theotokos. Why did the older fathers say: "May God make us worthy to die on the Holy Mountain."

Written by Abbot Methodios of Esphigmenou in the periodical 
ΒΟΑΝΕΡΓΕΣ with the title "ΑΓΑΠΑΤΕ ΑΛΛΗΛΟΥΣ", 2005 issue 19.

- Regarding the deluded Paisios, who had everything but an Orthodox mindset, we will say more in the next issue. It is sufficient to note here that Paisios was abandoned by our own Panagia, who left him to die far away from the Holy Mountain, alone, in a female monastery, while Paisios "clairvoyantly" was making graves on the Holy Mountain to have the memory of death and be buried there.

From the periodical Saint Agathangelos Esphigmenitis 2004 Issue 205.

- Unfortunately this is the image presented of today's Holy Mountain. With the crutches of certain pseudo-saints, of the Paisios and Porphyrios type, it tries to hold the faithful in communion with heresy, they criticize the contemporary persecuted Zealot fathers, in order to please their lord, Bartholomew the Latin-minded.

From the periodical Saint Agathangelos Esphigmenitis 2005 Issue 212.

- Did the genuine Saints of Orthodoxy have the need to catch the pulse of those who came to them with guesses? 

Who, as the magician Porphyrios, took the shape-stance with their body like a "mystic" of the Oracle of Dodona? 

Who admired the statue of Zeus in the Museum at Athens instead of enlightening the people and uncovering the demonic religion of idols? 

Who would "see" ancient things under the earth? And Porphyrios even saw from Athens ancient things found in Belgrade!

Who held the hands of the sick, as the magician Porphyrios, and cauterized without the sedation of the operating room?!

Who rushed like a wildcat, as the magician Porphyrios, and scratched those who spoke with them! to show that they did surgery and confirmed in this way their clairvoyant gift!

Who "passed through walls", as the magician Porphyrios did, because, as his impressed spiritual children narrated, he had proficient molecular structure and decomposed matter?

And if Porphyrios was indeed a saint, why did his disciples translate his relic at night? Perhaps because at his exhumation there were signs that contradicted his reputation as a saint?

From the periodical Saint Agathangelos Esphigmenitis 2005 Issue 211.

- What can one first admire of the nonsense and sophistry of the deluded Paisios? When the united Church teaches the walling off of Orthodox from the kakodox, Latin-minded, Ecumenical bishops, we will listen to the deluded praised-by-the-kakodox Bartholomew, the venerator of the Mason Demetrios? No! A myriad of No's!

From the periodical Saint Agathangelos Esphigmenitis 2005 Issue 211.

You don't know how much I have been pained and how much I have prayed about this issue. We must love them and hurt for them and not judge them, but more so we must pray for them to be enlightened by God, and if perhaps one of them with a good disposition seeks our help, we must not say a word about it.

Elder Paisios the Athonite

Source: Translated by John Sanidopoulos.

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