I have an amazing little booklet available I wanted to offer to my readers for purchase which would make especially great reading for Great Lent. Recently I was commissioned to translate some beneficial writings of Righteous Alexei Mechev, but it didn't fall through and I was left with a bunch of booklets I would like to now sell instead of counting my losses. Please order today!

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April 18, 2014

Christ Speaks To Us From the Cross (St. Tikhon of Zadonsk)

By St. Tikhon of Zadonsk

Mankind, why have you deserted Me? Why do you turn away from the person that loves you? Why have you joined forces with my enemy? Remember that I descended from Heaven for your sake. Remember that I became incarnate for your sake. Remember that I was born of the Virgin Mary for your sake. Remember that I became a baby for your sake. Remember that I humbled Myself for your sake. Remember that I became poor for your sake. Remember that I dwelt upon the earth for your sake. Remember that I was persecuted for your sake. Remember that I suffered verbal abuse and was disgraced. I was wounded, I was spit upon, I was slapped, I was ridiculed and I was unjustly accused just for you. Remember that for you I was numbered among the unjust. Remember it was for you that I suffered a disgraceful death. Remember it was for you that I was buried. I came down from the heavens in order to make it possible for you to be lifted up to the heavens. I became humble in order to raise you up. I became poor so that I could make you rich. I was disgraced in order to make you honorable. I was wounded in order to bring you back to life.

You sinned and I took your sins upon myself. You are guilty of sin and I was crucified. You are the debtor and I paid the price. You were condemned to death and I died for you. I was called to do these things out of my love and compassion for you. I could not endure to see you suffering and living in despair. And you have scorned my love. Instead of loving Me, you repaid Me with your hatred. Instead of loving Me, you loved sin. Instead of serving Me, you indulged serving your own passions. But what was it about Me that made you avoid Me? Why is it that you do not want to come to Me? Do you pursue that which is good for you? Whatever is good in life I possess. Do you seek a blessed life? I offer it to you. Do you seek that which is beautiful? What is more beautiful than Me? Do you seek kindness? Who is more compassionate than the Son of God and the Virgin Mary? Do you seek that which is the most blessed thing in life? What is more blessed than the Kingdom of Heaven? Do you desire glory in life? Who is more glorious than Me in the world? Do you seek after riches? All the most profound riches in life are found in Me. Do you seek to acquire wisdom? I am the Wisdom of God. Do you seek a faithful friend in life? Who could possibly be friendlier than Me who gave His life for the sake of all of you? Are you looking for help in life? Who else in the world can help you like I can?

You seek healing from a doctor? Who else can heal you like I can? Are you looking for joy in life? Who else can give you the joy the way I can? Do you seek to find comfort in your pain? Who else will comfort you the way I can? Do you seek after tranquility? You will find tranquility for your soul in Me. Do you seek a sense of peace in your life? I am the peace that you seek for your soul. Do you seek after abundant life? I am the source of life. Do you seek after light that will light up your world? I am the Light of the world. Do you seek after truth? I am the truth. Do you seek to find the true path in life? I am the true path of life. Are you seeking a guide to lead you to heaven? I am the true guide. Why then do you not want to come to Me? Are you afraid to approach Me? Truly who else is more approachable than Me in life? Are you afraid to call upon Me for my help? In truth, when did I ever deny you anything when you asked for something in faith? Could it be that your sins are hindering you? Remember that I have died for the sins of the world. Are you worried about the multitude of your sins? My compassion is greater than all your sins. “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give your rest.”

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