
August 19, 2014

200 People Baptized Orthodox in the Nyamazi River of Rwanda

Georges Mana
August 18, 2014

News from the Orthodox Diocese of Burundi and Rwanda:

Today on 17th August 2014, His Grace Bishop Innocentios Byakatonda has baptized 200 people in the Nyamazi River located in the Kirehe District of the Eastern Province of Rwanda. After the baptism His Grace Bishop Innocentios conducted the Divine Liturgy in that valley where over 800 people were present.

After all ceremonies had been concluded, there was a friendly football (soccer) match between the Rurenge team and the Kaziba youth Orthodox team at Rurenge Stadium.

In this community of Kaziba, more people wish to be baptized (more than 2000 people, according to Bishop Innocentios) but there are also more needs: to catechize them, to build a church and a priest. On 09/14/2014, Deacon Maximos will be ordained as their priest.

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