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August 17, 2014

Fr. John Romanides Resource Page

"My good friend, the most pious Presbyter John Romanides, is not an ordinary theologian. He learned theology in two or three Universities and with the help of asceticism which illumined his soul. He knows four languages and is deeply educated. He is literally a monk, fed by the Holy Fathers and the holy liturgical life of the Orthodox Church, singing hymns to God 'seven times a day'."

- Elder Theoklitos Dionysiatis (Athonite Flowers, 1962)

"Take every class you can from Fr. John Romanides. He teaches the truth."

- Elder Aimilianos of Simonopetra (advice to a theology student)


Theology in Greece in the 1960's

Eldress Eulambia Romanides (+ 1980)

Saint Paisios the Athonite and the Clairvoyant Eldress Eulambia Romanides


The Repose of Fr. John Romanides (+11/01/2001)

Recordings and Eulogies from the Funeral of Fr. John Romanides (November 6, 2001)

The Relationship and Correspondence Between Fr. George Florovsky and Fr. John Romanides

My Teacher Fr. John Romanides and my Spiritual Father Fr. George Florovsky

Not A Licensed Theologian

Talking About The Devil

New Book About Fr. John Romanides' Orthodox Dogmatics Presented In Athens

The Theological Legacy of Fr. John Romanides Ten Years After His Repose

Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos Lecture on Fr. John Romanides (video)

The Recent Repose of the Lay Theologian Athanasios Sakarellos


The Theological Works of Fr. John Romanides

Contemporary Theological Movements in Orthodoxy (Metr. Hierotheos of Nafpaktos)

Dogmatic Lessons of Father John Romanides (1 of 7)

Dogmatic Lessons of Father John Romanides (2 of 7)

Dogmatic Lessons of Father John Romanides (3 of 7)

Dogmatic Lessons of Father John Romanides (4 of 7)

Dogmatic Lessons of Father John Romanides (5 of 7)

Dogmatic Lessons of Father John Romanides (6 of 7)

Dogmatic Lessons of Father John Romanides (7 of 7)      

Prophetic Themes in the Orthodox Ecclesiology of Fr John Romanides

The Application of Orthodox Theology

The Polemical Nature of Theology

The Orthodox Approach to Apologetics and Theological Knowledge

A Question Concerning the Knowledge of God and Orthodox Gnosiology

Can We Know God Through Mathematics?

The Faith of the Mind and the Faith of the Heart

How To Interpret Holy Scripture as an Orthodox Theologian

Fr. John Romanides, the Angel of Great Counsel, and Iconography

The Messiah in the Old and New Testaments

Theosis in the New Testament is called "Glorification"

The Term 'Kingdom of God' Is Not In the New Testament

"That They All May Be One" Patristically Explained

Salvation According to Saint Paul

Salvation and Ethics in St. Ignatius of Antioch

Purification, Illumination and Glorification Are EVERYTHING in Orthodoxy (1 of 3)

Purification, Illumination and Glorification Are EVERYTHING in Orthodoxy (2 of 3)

Purification, Illumination and Glorification Are EVERYTHING in Orthodoxy (3 of 3)

Does Baptism Really Make a Person the Temple of God?

Who Can Receive Holy Communion Every Sunday?

The Criterion for Whether of Not the Church is in a Good State

What are the Criteria for an Ecumenical Synod?

The Myth of Only Seven Ecumenical Councils

The Basis of the Acceptance of the Tome of Leo (Fr. John Romanides)

God and the Devil

Justin Martyr and the Fourth Gospel

Why We Read the Gospel of John After Pascha and Not Before

"The Life in Christ" by Fr. John Romanides

"On the Church" by Fr. John Romanides

The Ecclesiology of St. Ignatius of Antioch

Apostolic Tradition and Apostolic Succession in the Mystery of the Church

The Purpose of Man According to the Greek Fathers

The Theological School of the Apostolic Church

Who Is A Saint? (Fr. John Romanides)

That the Qualities of the Soul Exist by the Grace of God

What is the Difference Between Orthodox Christians and Heretics?

Is Saint Augustine of Hippo A Father of the Church?

A Response To Errors About Fr. John Romanides in the Book "Orthodox Readings of Augustine"

Saints John Cassian, Vincent of Lerins and Faustus of Riez Were Not Semi-Pelagians

Saint Patrick and Unceasing Prayer of the Heart

The Areopagite in 20th Century Orthodoxy

Dialogue Between A Scholastic Theologian and an Orthodox Theologian

"Mystical" Theology or "Secret" Theology

Why The Filioque Is A Heresy

Protopresbyter John Romanides's Teaching on Creation

Do the Saints Have Unerring Knowledge of Scientific Matters?

Scientific Progress as Related to Frankish Civilization and Romanity

Scientific Progress, Frankish Civilization and Romanity

Fr. John Romanides on the Creation of the World and Man (1 of 6)

Fr. John Romanides on the Creation of the World and Man (2 of 6)

Fr. John Romanides on the Creation of the World and Man (3 of 6)

Fr. John Romanides on the Creation of the World and Man (4 of 6)

Fr. John Romanides on the Creation of the World and Man (5 of 6)

Fr. John Romanides on the Creation of the World and Man (6 of 6)

Christian Perfection and the Mystery of the Cross (1 of 3)

Christian Perfection and the Mystery of the Cross (2 of 3)

Christian Perfection and the Mystery of the Cross (3 of 3)

The Mystery of Pentecost According to Fr. John Romanides

Two Introductory Books on Modern Orthodox Spirituality Recommended by Fr. John Romanides


Fr. John Romanides as a Historian

The Term "Romiosini" According to Fr. John Romanides

Orthodoxy as the Official Religion of the Roman State

The Days of the Schism of 1054 (1 of 6)

The Days of the Schism of 1054 (2 of 6)

The Days of the Schism of 1054 (3 of 6)

The Days of the Schism of 1054 (4 of 6)

The Days of the Schism of 1054 (5 of 6)

The Days of the Schism of 1054 (6 of 6)

The Donation of Constantine

Fr. John Romanides on Robin Hood and Orthodoxy

Scientific Progress, Frankish Civilization and Romanity

A Greek or a Roman Revolution?

The Revival of Romiosini in the Thought of Romanides and Yannaras


A Greek Orthodox View of Ecumenism (1 of 2)

A Greek Orthodox View of Ecumenism (2 of 2)

Fr. John Romanides and Neo-Barlaamism

The Prophetic Letter of Fr. John Romanides to Fr. Theoklitos Dionysiatis

Elder Ephraim of the Holy Mountain and Arizona

Fr. John Romanides' Encounter With the Zoe Brotherhood

The Three Hierarchs and the Greek Emphasis on Hellenism

Fr. John Romanides On Moralism

Is Orthodoxy a Religion?

The Birth of Christ Celebrates the End of the Sickness of Religion

Fr. John Romanides on Extraterrestrial Alien Life

"For the Sake of the World: The Spirit of Buddhist and Christian Monasticism" (Book Review by Fr. John Romanides)

On So-Called Neo-Chalcedonianism

A Critique of the Holy Synod in Resistance

On the Application of the Term "Theologoumenon"

Gregory Palamas in Eastern and Western Theological Thought: A Summary

Neopatristic, Postpatristic and Contextual "Theology"

The Dangers of Parisian Theology

Nationalism in the Conflict Between Muslims and Romans

On Conservatives and Liberals

National Healthcare and the Church-State Relationship in Byzantium

The Diplomatic Potential of Romanity in the 21st Century

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