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Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev |
September 30, 2014
Abba Isaac the Syrian, the "Unjustly Accused" Saint (3 of 7)
September 29, 2014
Abba Isaac the Syrian, the "Unjustly Accused" Saint (2 of 7)
September 28, 2014
Abba Isaac the Syrian, the "Unjustly Accused" Saint (1 of 7)
September 27, 2014
Metropolitan Nikodemos of Ierissos and the Discovery of the Relics of St. Akylina
September 26, 2014
The Theology We Need Today
September 25, 2014
Earthquakes in the Synaxarion of the Orthodox Church
September 24, 2014
Protocol of the Ecumenical Patriarchate for the Recognition of Silouan the Athonite as a Saint
September 23, 2014
Was Zechariah, the Father of John the Baptist, a High Priest?
September 22, 2014
Anti-Orthodox Pietism
The Icon of Saint Eustathios That Fell Without Being Touched
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Eustathios Glymenopoulos as a lawyer of the Mixed Courts of Egypt |
September 21, 2014
The Rod of Moses in Constantinople
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Rod of Moses at Topkapi Museum |
Synaxis of All Saints of Thessaliotidos
September 19, 2014
When St. Gabriel the Fool Visited a Synagogue, a Mosque and a Baptist Church
September 18, 2014
New Website Launched: "Daimonologia"
September 17, 2014
When Orthodox Theologians Theologize Like Protestants
September 16, 2014
Portions of the True Cross That Exist in the Monasteries of Mount Athos Today
(From the book: The Holy Mountain by Hieromonk Gerasimos Smyrnakis of Esphigmenou, Athens, 1903 [in Greek].)
Saint Euphemia Resource Page
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St. Euphemia the Great Martyr (Feast Day - September 16 & July 11) |
September 16 - Feast of St. Euphemia
Synaxarion of Saint Euphemia the Great Martyr, with the Holy Martyrs Victor and Sosthenes
Holy Great Martyr Euphemia: Epistle and Gospel Reading
The Passion of the Holy Great-Martyr Euphemia the All-Praised
Introduction to the Life and Miracles of the Holy Great Martyr Euphemia (St. John of Kronstadt)
Saint Euphemia the Great Martyr as a Model for our Lives
September: Day 16: Teaching 1: Holy Great Martyr Euphemia
A 9th-century Salutation in Honor of St. Euphemia
St. Euphemia, St. Melitini and the Island of Lemnos
A Description of the Martyrdom of St. Euphemia Based on a Fourth Century Icon
July 11 - Miracle of St. Euphemia at the Fourth Ecumenical Synod
Synaxarion of the Commemoration of the Miracle of Saint Euphemia at the Fourth Ecumenical Synod
The Miracle of St. Euphemia at the Fourth Ecumenical Synod
Hymns of Praise to Saint Euphemia for July 11th
Historical Sources for the Miracle of St. Euphemia at the Fourth Ecumenical Synod
How the Feast of Saint Euphemia on July 11th Came to Be Celebrated at the Ecumenical Patriarchate
A 6th cent. Description of the Church of Saint Euphemia in Chalcedon
Relics of St. Euphemia
Iconoclasm and Saint Euphemia According to Theophanes the Chronicler
The Relics of Saint Euphemia the Great Martyr
The Face of St. Euphemia Still Incorrupt!
Saint Euphemia in the Relationship Between Popes and Emperors
History of the Current Reliquary of St. Euphemia at the Ecumenical Patriarchate
Shrines of St. Euphemia
A 6th cent. Description of the Church of Saint Euphemia in Chalcedon
Church of Saint Euphemia at the Hippodrome in Constantinople
The Church of St. Euphemia in the Hippodrome
Commemoration of the Consecration of the Church of Saint Euphemia in Dexiokratiana
Commemoration of the Consecration of the Church of Saint Euphemia Near the Neorion Harbor
The Holy Monastery of Saint Euphemia in Kerkyra
St. Euphemia, St. Melitini and the Island of Lemnos
Saint Kastinos, Bishop of Byzantium
Saint Marciana, otherwise known as Euphemia, Empress of the Romans (+ 524)
Miracles of St. Euphemia
Saint Euphemia's Conversation With Elder Paisios
More on the Relationship Between Elder Paisios and Saint Euphemia
The Encounter Between Elder Paisios and St. Euphemia in Images
Saint Alypios the Stylite of Adrianople
September 15, 2014
Saint Joseph the New of Partos, Metropolitan of Timisoara (+ 1656)
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St. Joseph the New of Partos (Feast Day - September 15) |
September 14, 2014
Holy Cross Resource Page
The Sign of the Cross: Its Power, Meaning and Miracles
The Apostolic Tradition of Venerating the Holy Cross (St. Nektarios of Aegina)
St. John Chrysostom on the Holy Cross
St. Ephraim the Syrian on the Holy Cross
Repulsion of the Evil One and an Appeal to Christ (Poem by St. Gregory the Theologian)
Concerning the Cross and Faith (St. John of Damascus)
Let Him Deny Himself, Take Up His Cross, and Follow Me (St. Theophylact of Bulgaria)
The Cross, the Preserver of the Universe (St. John Maximovitch)
The Inevitability of Suffering (Archbishop John of Riga)
Elder Paisios on Demons and the Power of the Cross
Prerequisites For True Spirituality
The Cross as a Balance Scale of Righteousness
The Mystery of the Cross
Why Does the World Reject the Cross of Christ?
The Cross and Theology
The Mystery of the Cross and the Resurrection of Christ
Theologia Crucis et Theologia Gloriae (Theology of the Cross and Theology of Glory)
Why Did Christ Suffer Crucifixion?
What Christ Accomplished on the Cross
What Does It Mean That Christ Became a Curse For Us on the Cross?
To Whom Was the Blood of Christ Offered? (St. Gregory the Theologian)
The Death of Christ in the Air Cleansed the Atmosphere of Demons (St. Athanasius the Great)
The Power of the Cross Against Demons and Magic (St. Athanasius the Great)
The Mystery of the Cross According to Saint Gregory Palamas: Introduction (Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos)
The Seven Phrases Christ Spoke on the Cross (St. Nikolai Velimirovich)
Why Did It Become Dark When Christ Was Crucified?
Two Powerful Old Testament Images of the Cross
The Foreshadowing of the Cross in the Old Testament According to St. Kosmas the Melodist
Salvation According to Saint Paul
Orthodoxy and the Juridical Position: The Significance of the "Antilytron"
The Juridical Mentality of the West Annuls Christ's Sacrifice
"Expiation" Rather Than "Propitiation"
The Sacrifice of Christ as "Expiation"
The Cross and Orthodox Tradition
The Honor Due to the Cross in the Canons of the Church
Liturgical Gestures
Pontian Customs for the Day of the Cross
The Orthodox Tradition of the Blessed Prozimi
The Cross in the Lives of the Saints
The Poison and the Cross: A Tale from the Life of Saint John the Theologian
Great Martyr Eustathios Plakidas With His Wife and Children
March: Day 23: Holy Hieromartyr Nikon
Saint Porphyrios, Bishop of Gaza
Saint Benedict and the Sign of the Holy Cross
Saint Thomas I, Patriarch of Constantinople (+ 610)
Saint Columba and the Loch Ness Monster
Saint Elias (Ilya) Muromets of the Kiev Near Caves
Saint Constantine the New Martyr of Hydra
Elder Porphyrios In the House of Prostitution
A Night of Entertainment With Elder Paisios
Miracles and Phenomena of the Cross
The Power In Crossing Ourselves
A Historical Account of the Power of the True Cross
The Healing Properties of the True Cross in Constantinople
Four Contemporary Miracles of the Holy Cross
The Kalinovka Miracle of the Bloody Crucifix in 1923
A Wondrous Vision of the True Cross in 1967
The Miracle of the Bleeding Gospel (April 27, 1989)
A Miracle of the Holy Cross in Fiji
A Miracle of the Holy Cross in India
A Miracle of the Holy Cross in Africa (Congo) 1
A Miracle of the Holy Cross in Africa (Congo) 2
A Miracle of the True Cross (video)
A Haunting In Thessaloniki
Vladimir Putin and his Miracle Cross
The Miraculous Power of the Cross and Prayer - A Scientific Study
Elder Gervasios Paraskevopoulos and the Miracle of the Cross
Moldavian Villagers See Image of Cross and Burning Candle in a Tree Cut
A Cross Wondrously Appears in the Trunk of a Tree
The Recent Appearance of a Cross in a Tree Trunk in Krini
Luminous Cross Appears In Skies Over Russia
Cross in a Church in West Ukraine Starts Bleeding (photos)
Did an "Open Eye" Miracle Recently Take Place at the Holy Sepulchre?
True Cross Relics
The Distribution of Pieces of the True Cross
Did the Cross of Christ Expose and Kill Arius?
Paulinus of Nola and the Distribution of a Relic of the True Cross
Portions of the True Cross That Exist in the Monasteries of Mount Athos Today
Vatican Cross Given By Emperor Justin II Restored
The Basilica di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme In Rome
The True History of the Palatine Cross in Notre Dame Cathedral
A Wondrous Vision of the True Cross in 1967
A Miracle of the Holy Cross in Fiji
A Miracle of the True Cross (video)
Thousands In Thessaloniki Venerate the True Cross
Other Crosses
The Iron Pectoral Cross of Saint Athanasios the Athonite
The Cross of St. Kosmas Aitolos in Polydendri
Metal Cross of St. Kosmas Aitolos Given To Metropolis of Beroia
The Curious Crucifix of Rila Monastery
German Catholic Church Returns Looted Cross to Serbia
World's Largest Stone Cross Installed in Sevastopol
Underwater Cross Set Up in Karantinnaya Bay in Sevastopol (photos & videos)
The Hidden Cross of Pontus, a True Story
Holy Cross Shrines
Monastery of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem
The Location Where the True Cross of Christ Was Found by Saint Helen
The Place Where St. Mary of Egypt Repented
The Veneration of the Holy Cross in Cyprus
Holy Cross Monastery In Omodos, Cyprus
Krustova Gora: Holy Cross Forest in Bulgaria
The Holy Mount of Grabarka in Poland
The Basilica di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme In Rome
Orthodox Cross to be Planted at Southernmost Point of America
The Cross and Popular Culture
Beauty Will Save The World
The Kenotic Theology of the Cross and Popular Culture
Making Comedy of the Cross of Christ
Movie: "Constantine and the Cross" (1961)
Andres Serrano's "Piss Christ" Destroyed By Christian Protesters
Horror Movies and the Cross - The Cross in the Very First Horror Movie from 1896
The Cross and Persecution
Why Does the World Reject the Cross of Christ?
Evgeny Rodionov, the New Martyr of Chechnya
Coptic Christian Student Murdered By Classmates for Wearing a Cross
Muslim Group Offended By 'Christian' Tomatoes
Terrorists Behead Christian in Syria for Wearing His Cross