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September 24, 2014

Protocol of the Ecumenical Patriarchate for the Recognition of Silouan the Athonite as a Saint

+ Demetrios, by the grace of God Archbishop of Constantinople, 
New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch,

Protocol No. 823/1987

Right it is and exceeding profitable for the fulfillment of the Church that they who excelled in virtuous deeds while in the flesh, and are now departed this life, be venerated and honored and glorified and celebrated annually, and that the praise accorded to them that lived virtuously is directed to God Himself, Who is the source of every human virtue, as we are told by Gregory the Theologian. And in as much as the praise of good deeds inclines and exhorts the slothful and idle to acquire virtue, while the lovers of virtue are made even the more inspired.

In so much therefore as the monk Silouan, a son of Russia, who for nigh half a century lived on Mount Athos in the Sacred Patriarchal and Stavropegic Monastery of the Holy and All-Glorious Great Martyr and Physician Panteleimon, did excel in such great feats of virtue, and by sanctity and holiness of life did make himself to be a pattern of life in Christ, and a living icon of virtue; and in his diverse Orthodox and edifying works manifest himself to be an apostolic and prophetic teacher of the Church and the faithful who bear Christ's name; who attained to high spiritual measure, and became a vessel of the Holy Spirit, practicing a rare love; and for all these things was honored by God with the gifts of healing of the sick and suffering, and with an amazing intuition.

Our Modesty, together with our Most Honorable and the Most Sacred Metropolitans, our beloved brothers and concelebrants in the Holy Spirit, mindful of his godly conversation, his works and his conduct; and careful of the general good of the faithful, DECREE, in accord with the customary practice of the Church and our fathers before us, to bestow upon him the honor due to holy men.

Wherefore we decree synodically, and do ordain, and in the Holy Spirit direct that from this day forth and forever more, Elder Silouan the Athonite be reckoned with the holy men and saints of the Church; that he be entered in the Calendar of Saints, and venerated with hymns of praise, on the twenty-fourth day of September, which day he gloriously departed to the Lord.

In witness thereto, and confirmation, this our present Patriarchal and Synodal Act is made, drawn up and signed in the Sacred Codex of our Holy and Great Church of Christ, and transmitted without change or alteration to the Sacred Congregation of the Holy Mountain that it be placed in their archive.

In the Year of our Salvation 1987, on the 26th day of the month of November, Indiction XI.

+ Demetrios, Archibishop of Constantinople

+ Ieronymos of Rodopolis
+ Maximos of Stavroupolis
+ Symeon of the Prince Isles
+ Evangelos of Perga
+ Constantine of Dercos
+ Joachim of Melitine
+ Photios of Imvros and Tenedos
+ Chrysostomos of Myra
+ Gabriel of Colonia
+ Kallinikos of Lystra
+ Athanasios of Helenoupolis
+ Bartholomew of Philadelphia

+ Demetrios, by the grace of God Archbishop of Constantinople, 
New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch,

Protocol No. 823/1987

To the Very Reverend Kyrill, Abbot, and to our Fathers in Essex of England at the Sacred, Patriarchal and Stavropegic Monastery of the Honorable Forerunner, beloved children of the Lord of our Modesty, grace be with you and peace from God.

By this our Patriarchal Letter we are pleased to inform you, in so far as you may be concerned, that in accordance with the proposal of the Canonical Commission, Elder Silouan the Athonite, who is the spiritual father of the founder and first Abbot your Sacred Monastery, the Very Reverend Archimandrite Sophrony, is now numbered with the saints of our Church. A transcript of the relevant Patriarchal and Synodal Act, duly constituted and subscribed in the Sacred Codex of our Holy and Great Church of Christ, is herewith dispatched to your Sacred Monastery, with the fervent prayer that this new Saint of our Church may constantly intercede on the behalf of the Holy Mountain, from which he manifested as a great son; on the behalf of your Sacred Monastery, and each of you who strive therein; on the behalf of the entire Church and on the behalf of the peace of the whole world.

The grace of God and His infinite mercy be with your beloved Reverence.

April 1, 1988

+ Demetrios, Archbishop of Constantinople
Fervent intercessor before God

Translated by John Sanidopoulos.

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