I have an amazing little booklet available I wanted to offer to my readers for purchase which would make especially great reading for Great Lent. Recently I was commissioned to translate some beneficial writings of Righteous Alexei Mechev, but it didn't fall through and I was left with a bunch of booklets I would like to now sell instead of counting my losses. Please order today!

 Click Here For More Information and How To Order


November 14, 2014

Saint Gregory Palamas Resource Page

St. Gregory Palamas (Feast Day - November 15 & 2nd Sunday of Great Lent)


Synaxarion of Saint Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessaloniki

Saint Gregory Palamas as a Model for our Lives

Synaxis of the Holy Family of Saint Gregory Palamas (Dec. 18)

The Call and Mission of Saint Gregory Palamas

Cave of Saint Gregory Palamas in Beroea

Saint Gregory Palamas at the Hesychasterion of Saint Savvas

The Significance of Gregory Palamas for Orthodoxy

Saint Gregory Palamas and the Black Death

Saint Gregory Palamas and the Heavenly Synod

Saint Gregory the Athonite, Instructor of Saint Gregory Palamas (+ 1308)

Saint Nikodemos of Vatopaidi, Teacher of Saint Gregory Palamas (+ 1322)

Second Sunday of Great Lent  
Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas Resource Page

Ninth Ecumenical Synod

The Myth of Only Seven Ecumenical Councils

What are the Criteria for an Ecumenical Synod?

Saint Gregory Palamas, Father of the Ninth Ecumenical Synod (1 of 3)

Saint Gregory Palamas, Father of the Ninth Ecumenical Synod (2 of 3)

Saint Gregory Palamas, Father of the Ninth Ecumenical Synod (3 of 3)

An Official Recognition of the 8th and 9th Ecumenical Synods

Serbian Church Proposes for the Recognition of the 8th and 9th Ecumenical Synods

Studies and Teachings 

An Interview with Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos on the Relevance of Saint Gregory Palamas Today

St. Gregory Palamas and the Tradition of the Fathers

The Significance of the Teachings of Saint Gregory Palamas

The Message of the Teachings of Saint Gregory Palamas for our Times

Gregory Palamas and the True Nature of the Hesychastic Dispute

The "Hagiorite Tome" of Saint Gregory Palamas

The Way of Purification, Illumination and Theosis

The Experience of Uncreated Light

All Christians Are Called To Pray Without Ceasing

Our Education in God

The Heart in the Hesychastic Treatises of St Gregory Palamas

St. Gregory Palamas and the Essence of Hesychasm

Mysticism and Rationalism in the Middle Ages: The Views of St. Gregory Palamas

The Mystery of the Cross According to Saint Gregory Palamas: Introduction (Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos)

An Orthodox Evaluation of Certain Teachings in the Writings of John Scotus Eriugena in Light of the Theology of St Gregory Palamas

What Does It Mean To Worship God "In Spirit And Truth"?

Double Knowledge According to Gregory Palamas

The Heart in the Hesychastic Treatises of St Gregory Palamas

From the Post-Modern Persona to the Person

The Grace of God in Creation: Palamas, Cabasilas and Sacramental Theology

St. Gregory Palamas on Augustine of Hippo and Pastoral Theology

Fundamentalism and Tradition

The Fathers of the Church and Islam (4 of 5)

The Transfiguration and Post-Patristic Theology

The Dangers of Parisian Theology

Barlaamism in Contemporary Theology (1 of 3)

Barlaamism in Contemporary Theology (2 of 3)

Barlaamism in Contemporary Theology (3 of 3)

The Search For Perfection In Orthodoxy and Culture

Festal Homilies 

Great Lent and the Pentecostarion Homilies

Homily on the Publican and the Pharisee (St. Gregory Palamas)

Homily on the Parable of the Prodigal Son (St. Gregory Palamas)

Homily on Christ's Second Coming (St. Gregory Palamas)

Homily on Fasting and the Origin of the World (St. Gregory Palamas)

Homily to Encourage Fasting (St. Gregory Palamas)

Homily on Faith for the Sunday of Orthodoxy (St. Gregory Palamas)

Homily on the Second Sunday of Lent by St. Gregory Palamas

Homily on the Third Sunday of Lent by St. Gregory Palamas

Homily on the Fourth Sunday of Lent by St. Gregory Palamas

Homily on the Fifth Sunday of Lent by St. Gregory Palamas

Homily for Palm Sunday (St. Gregory Palamas)

Homily for the Sunday of the Myrrhbearing Women (St. Gregory Palamas)

Homily on the Gospel About the Samaritan Woman (St. Gregory Palamas)

First Homily on the Ascension of our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ (St. Gregory Palamas)

On Pentecost by St. Gregory Palamas

Homily for the Sunday of All Saints (St. Gregory Palamas)

Miracles and Shrines

Metropolitan Church of Saint Gregory Palamas in Thessaloniki

Cave of Saint Gregory Palamas in Beroea

Saint Gregory Palamas at the Hesychasterion of Saint Savvas

The Veneration of Saint Gregory Palamas in Kastoria

St. Gregory Palamas and the Healing of the Hieromonk with Head Pains

St. Gregory Palamas and the Chanter with a Withered Hand

"If Palamas Is A Saint, Then Let Him Drown Us"

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