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September 9, 2016

Supplicatory Canon to Saints Joachim and Anna, the Ancestors of God

Supplicatory Canon to Saints Joachim and Anna, the Ancestors of God

PRIEST: Blessed is our God, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.


PRIEST: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Heavenly King, O Comforter, the Spirit of truth, Who art everywhere present and fillest all things, O Treasury of every good and Bestower of life: Come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from every stain, and save, O Good One, our souls.

PEOPLE: Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (3)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, both now and ever, and unto the ages. Amen.

All Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, be gracious unto our sins. Master, pardon our iniquities. Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities for Thy name's sake.

Lord, have mercy (3)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Our Father, Who art in the Heavens, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

PRIEST: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.


Lord, have mercy (12).

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O come, let us worship and fall down before our King and God.
O come, let us worship and fall down before Christ our King and God.
O come, let us worship and fall down before Him, Christ the King and our God.

Psalm 142

O Lord, hear my prayers, give ear unto my supplication in Thy truth; hearken unto me in Thy righteousness. And enter not into judgment with Thy servant, for in Thy sight shall no man living be justified. For the enemy hath persecuted my soul; he hath humbled my life down to the earth. He hath sat me in darkness as those that have been long dead, and my spirit within me is become despondent, within me my heart is troubled. I remembered days of old, I meditated on all Thy works, I pondered on the creations of Thy hands. I stretched forth my hands unto Thee; my soul thirsteth after Thee like a waterless land. Quickly hear me, O Lord; my spirit hath fainted away. Turn not Thy face away from me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit. Cause me to hear Thy mercy in the morning; for in Thee have I put my hope. Cause me to know, O Lord; unto Thee have I fled for refuge. Teach me to do Thy will, for Thou art my God. Thy good spirit shall lead me in the land of uprightness; for Thy name's sake, O Lord, shalt Thou quicken me. In Thy righteousness shalt Thou bring my soul out of affliction, and in Thy mercy shalt Thou utterly destroy mine enemies. And Thou shalt cut off all them that afflict my soul, for I am Thy servant.

PEOPLE: God is the Lord, and hath appeared unto us; blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord.

Verse: O give thanks unto the Lord, and call upon His holy name (Psalm 104:1)

God is the Lord, and hath appeared unto us; blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord.

Verse: All the nations compassed me round about, and by the name of the Lord I warded them off (117:10)

God is the Lord, and hath appeared unto us; blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord.

Verse: This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes. (117:22)

God is the Lord, and hath appeared unto us; blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord.

Fourth Tone.

To Christ's ancestors let us cry out most piously,
All we who keep sacred feast,
Asking for their intercessions;
For they have received at God's throne
Boldness and true grace divine
To have mercy upon us;
For they gave birth wondrously
To the pure Ever-virgin;
Therefore, deliver our souls from every grief,
Blest Joachim and wise Anna, true Saints of God.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Theotokos, we shall not cease from speaking
Of all thy mighty acts, all we the unworthy ones;
For if thou hadst not stood to intercede for us,
Who would have delivered us
From such numerous dangers?
Who would have preserved us all
Until now, in true freedom?
O Lady, we shall not turn away from thee;
For thou dost always save thy servants
From all manner of grief.

Psalm 50

Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy; and according to the multitude of Thy compassions blot out my transgression. Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I know mine iniquity, and my sin is ever before me. Against Thee only have I sinned and done this evil before Thee, that Thou mightest be justified in Thy words, and prevail when Thou art judged. For behold I was conceived in equities, and in my sins did my mother bear me. For behold, though hast loved truth: the hidden and secret things of thy wisdom hast thou made manifest unto me. Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be made clean: thou shalt wash me and I shall be made whiter than snow. Thou shalt make me to hear joy and gladness: the bones that be humbled, they shall rejoice. Turn thy face away from my sin and blot out all mine iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from Thy presence, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation, and with Thy governing Spirit establish me. I shall teach transgressors Thy ways, and the ungodly shall turn back unto thee. Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, O God, thou God of my salvation, my tongue shall rejoice in Thy righteousness. O Lord, Thou shalt open my lips, and my mouth shall declare Thy praise. For if Thou hadst desired sacrifice, I had given it; with whole-burnt offerings Thou shalt not be pleased. A sacrifice unto God is a broken spirit; a heart that is broken and humble God will not despise. Do good, O Lord, in Thy good pleasure unto Sion, and let the walls of Jerusalem be built. Then shalt Thou be pleased with a sacrifice of righteousness with oblation and whole-burnt offerings. Then shall they offer bullocks upon Thine altar.

Then we chant the Canon

Ode One. Plagal of Fourth Tone
The Heirmos

O holy ancestors of Christ, intercede in our behalf.

We ask of Saints Anna and Joachim,
The godly-wise couple,
Who did marvelously give birth
To her who is far greater than the angels,
To ever pray to our Saviour in our behalf.

O holy ancestors of Christ, intercede in our behalf.

Ye now dwell in glory amongst the saved,
For ye lived in virtue
While sojourning upon the earth;
O Joachim and Anna, pray to Christ God
That He bestow on us true joy and grace divine.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The most righteous Anna and Joachim,
Who laboured in virtue,
Did give birth to the Bride of God,
Who is the sacred boast of all the faithful;
Therefore, with hymns of thanksgiving we honour them.
Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Since thou, O pure Virgin, has given birth
To Christ God our Saviour,
Who is truly the friend of man,
implore Him to most graciously deliver
Our wretched souls from all passions and grievous sins.

Ode Three
The Heirmos

O holy ancestors of Christ, intercede in our behalf.

Unto godly Joachim
And holy Anna let us cry out:
We call you blessed O righteous couple, For
Ye brought forth the Child of God.

O holy ancestors of Christ, intercede in our behalf.

Since thou hast attained by grace
The blessed Kingdom, O Joachim,
And broughtest forth the pure Theotokos,
intercede that we all be saved.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Since thy prayer was heard by God
When thou wast barren and full of grief,
Do thou entreat Him, O righteous Anna,
For those women who are with child.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Shielded by thy mighty grace,
And having thee as our staff and hope,
We conquer Satan, the most cruet tyrant,
For thou art the true Bride of God.

PRIEST: Have mercy on us, O God, according to Thy great mercy, we pray Thee, hearken and have mercy.

PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy (3)

PRIEST: Again we pray for our Archbishop (name) and for all our brotherhood in Christ.

PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy (3)

PRIEST: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, visitation, pardon, and remission of sins for the servants of God, all pious and Orthodox Christians, who dwell and sojourn in this city, the parishioners and benefactors of this holy Temple, and all that serve, chant, labour, and gather herein.

PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy (3)

PRIEST: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, safekeeping, protection, pardon and remission of sins of all pious Christians, for the servants of God (names), and for all who gather herein.

PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy (3)

PRIEST: Again we pray for health, salvation, and fertility for the servants of God (names) and for their deliverance from sterility or barrenness.

PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy (3)

PRIEST: For a merciful and man-befriending God art Thou, and unto Thee do we send up glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.


After these petitions, we chant the following Kathisma:

Second Tone

As ones who gave birth unto the
Living ark of God, The throne of the King,
The fiery cloud, the burning bush
That was unconsumed by the Son of God's
Omnipotent divinity,
Even Mary the blameless one,
O Joachim and Anna, pray to Christ for us.

Ode Four
The Heirmos

O holy ancestors of Christ, intercede in our behalf.

O ye ancestors blest of God,
Who are now rejoicing in glory with the saved,
Do ye raise our souls from grievous sins,
That we may be made worthy of the grace of God.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

With great joy on this comely feast
Let us, all the faithful, now praise the Saints of God,
And beseech them to implore the Lord
That we be delivered from adversities.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Since my soul hath been paralyzed
By my hateful passions and darkened by my sins,
I now seek thine aid, O Bride of God,
For thou art the hope of every Christian soul.

Ode Five
The Heirmos

O holy ancestors of Christ, intercede in our behalf.

Having lived for God
A pure life of blest sobriety,
Deem us all worthy by your righteous prayers
To pass the days of our sojourn in blessed purity.

O holy ancestors of Christ, intercede in our behalf.

Guide us in the path
Which is pleasing unto Christ our God,
That by the keeping of our Lord's commands
We may escape the bonds of sin and gain unending life.

Gory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Since ye have brought forth
The adornment of virginity,
O righteous ancestors beloved by God,
Now cause the light of Christ to shine upon our darkened souls.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

With the grace of God
Come and enlighten our most lowly souls,
And pray that we attain that blessed life,
For ye did give birth unto her who is the Bride of God.

Ode Six
The Heirmos

O holy ancestors of Christ, intercede in our behalf.

A refuge from every storm
And a divine help in time of need
Are ye for those who with faith
Draw nigh to our Master Christ
And trust in your holy prayers;
For your intercessions
Save our souls from grievous maladies.

O holy ancestors of Christ, intercede in our behalf.

Awake from sleep, O my soul,
And with the help of the Saints of God
Now put away all thy sins,
And live for our Master Christ
A pious and godly life;
For His yoke is easy;
And His burden is a joy to bear.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

O holy Saints blest of God,
We trust by your grace and righteous prayers,
To be enlightened by Christ,
Who is our true Joyous Light
And Saviour of all the world,
And to find salvation
in that blessed life which is to come.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

We who are ever beset
By grievous trials and illnesses,
Yet who are faithful to Christ,
All flee to the mighty help
For refuge in time of need;
And with faith we cry out:
Save thy servants O all-blameless one.

Second Tone.

As most radiant stars in the spiritual firmament
Did ye bring forth her who is the dawn of great radiance
Which preceded most wondrously Christ, the Sun of Righteousness,
Who in turn shone in the world as Saviour of our souls
With the light of saving truth;
Wherefore, together with her;
O Joachim and righteous Anna;
Do ye entreat Christ the Lord,
For those who faithfully acclaim your names.

Then we chant the First Antiphon of the Hymns of the Ascent of Fourth Tone

From my youth do many passions war against me; but do
Thou Thyself defend and save me, O my Saviour (2).

Ye haters of Sion shall be shamed by the Lord, for like grass,
By the fire shall ye be withered (2).

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

In the Holy Spirit, every soul is quickened, and through
cleansing, is exalted and made radiant by the Triple Unity in
a hidden sacred manner.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

By the Holy Spirit, the streams of grace gush forth, watering
All creation for the begetting of life.

And straightway, we chant the Prokeimenon

Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous. (2)

Verse: Praise is meet for the upright.

Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous.

PRIEST: And that we may be deemed worthy to hear the holy Gospel, let us beseech the Lord our God.

PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy (3)

PRIEST: Wisdom. Arise. Let us hear the holy Gospel. Peace be unto all.

PEOPLE: And to thy spirit.

PRIEST: The reading is from the holy Gospel according to Saint Luke. Let us attend.

PEOPLE: Glory to Thee, Lord, glory to Thee.

PRIEST: The Lord said: No man, when he hath lighted a lamp, covereth it with a vessel, or putteth it under a bed; but setteth it on a lamp-stand, that they which enter in may see the light. For nothing is hid, that shall not be made manifest; neither anything secret, that shall not be known and come to light. Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have. Then came to him his mother and his brethren, and could not come to him because of the multitude. And it was told him by certain which said, thy mother and thy brethren stand without and desire to see thee. And he answered and said unto them, my mother and my brethren are these which hear the word of God, and do it. (Luke 8:l6-21)

PEOPLE: Glory to Thee, O Lord, glory to Thee.

Second Tone

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. .

By the intercessions of the Ancestors of God, O Merciful One, blot out of the multitude of mine offences.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

By the intercessions of the Theotokos, O Merciful one, blot out the multitude of mine offences.

Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy; and according to the multitude of thy compassions blot out my transgressions.

Plagal of Second Tone:

The sure protection from every peril,
And the deliverance from illness are ye in truth,
O Joachim and Anna;
Save your chosen flock from harm
By your fervent prayers to Christ our Master,
Who was born for us of the pure Virgin;
For ye are the true hope of those who believe.

PRIEST: Save, O God Thy people, and bless Thine inheritance; visit Thy world with mercy and compassions; exalt the Orthodox Christians, and send down upon us Thy rich mercies; by the intercessions of our all-immaculate Lady Theotokos and Ever-virgin Mary; by the power of the honored and life-giving Cross; by the protection of the venerable, incorporeal, Heavenly Powers; by the supplications of the venerable, glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John; of the holy glorious, and all-famed Apostles; of our Fathers among the Saints, the great Hierarchs and universal Teachers, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom, Athanasius and Cyril, John the Almsgiver, Patriarch of Alexandria; of Gregory Palmas, Archbishop of Thessalonica, and Mark, Archbishop of Ephesus; of our holy Fathers among the Saints, Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia, Spyridon, Bishop of Trimythun, Epiphanius, Archbishop of Cyprus, Photius the Great, Methodius and Nipon, Patriarchs of Constantinople; Nectarios of Pentapolis the wonderworker; of the holy, glorious Great Martyrs, George the Trophy-bearer, Demetrius the Myrrh-streaming, Theodore of the Tyros, Theodore the Commander, Stephen the First Martyr, Artemius and Menas; of the sacred Martyrs Haralampos, Eleutherius, Polycarp, Cyprian and lgnatius the Godbearer of Antioch; of the holy Virgin Martyrs, Thecla the First Martyr, Febronia, lrene, Catherine, Barbara, Marina and Anastasia; of the holy, glorious and triumphantly victorious Martyrs; of the holy Forty Martyrs of Sebastia; of Stephen the New, and all the Martyrs for the holy icons; of James the New Martyr, of our holy and Godbearing Fathers, Anthony, Hilary, and Euthymius, and Arsenius the Great, Sabbas the Sanctified, Ephraim and Isaac the Syrian, Macarius and Pachomius the Great of Egypt, Simeon the Stylite, Andrew the Fool for Christ's sake, Alexis the man of God, John the Damascene, Maximus the Confessor, Mark the Anchorite, John Cassian the Roman, Simeon the New Theologian, Peter, Athanasius and Paul of the Holy Mountain Athos, and Seraphim of Sarov; of our holy and Godbearing Mothers, Mary of Egypt, Macrina, Pelagia and Thais; of the holy Unmercenaries and Healers, Panteleimon, Cosmas and Damian, Philaret the Almsgiver, John of Kronstadt, Herman of Alaska, and Peter the Aleut, the Martyr; of (the saint of the church); of our holy and just Ancestors of God Joachim and Anna; of (the saints of the day) whose memory we keep, and of all Thy Saints: We beseech Thee, Thou only greatly merciful God, hearken unto us sinners who pray unto Thee, and have mercy on us.

PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy (12)

PRIEST: By the mercy and compassions, and man-befriending love of Thine Only- begotten Son, with whom Thou art blessed, together with Thine all holy and good and life-creating Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.


And we complete the remaining Odes of the Canon

Ode Seven
The Heirmos

O holy ancestors of Christ intercede in our behalf.

As ones who gave birth to the Virgin
Who was shown to be the fountain of great mercy
And who brought forth the Lord, our Life and Resurrection,
Preserve us by your holy prayers, O blest Joachim and Anna.
O holy ancestors of Christ, intercede in our behalf.

With the great light of Christ our Saviour,
The divine Son of the holy Theotokos,
Now illumine the souls of us who keep your memory
And celebrate your joyous feast with true love and great Thanksgiving

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit

My wretched soul, O righteous father,
Hath succumbed to the enticements of the passions,
And now lieth dead in sins because of my transgressions;
But raise me up to praise thy name, O blest Joachim our Father.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Save, O pure Virgin Theotokos,
Thine own flock from every harm in times of trouble,
For we know thee to be our shelter and protection
And haven from the storms of life which are stirred up by the Devil.

Ode Eight
The Heirmos

O holy ancestors of Christ, intercede in our behalf.

Entreat the Saviour
To guide our lives by His commands,
And to free our souls from hateful passions,
That we may be found with Christ, and gain His blessed

O holy ancestors of Christ, intercede in our behalf.

O righteous Anna,
Be thou the comfort and support
Of all pious women who bear children;
And do thou entreat Christ God to grant them safe delivery.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Since ye are truly
Divine physicians of our souls,
O blest Joachim and righteous Anna,
intercede for us now at the throne of Christ our Saviour.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Since thou, O Virgin,
Art the true shelter and support
Of all pious Orthodox Christians,
Save thy helpless people from the malice of the devil.

Ode Nine
The Heirmos

O holy ancestors of Christ, intercede in our behalf

As parents and wise guardians
Of the all-pure Virgin,
Now intercede with Christ God, O most glorious ones,
That He deliver the souls of
All who have kept this feast.

O holy ancestors of Christ, intercede in our behalf.

As parents, O most blest ones,
Of the Ever-virgin,
Have great compassion on me who am darkened by sin;
And cause the light of Christ God to
Shine on my sinful soul.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Entreat the loving Saviour
To impart His mercy
To every Orthodox Christian who keepeth your feast;
And shed the light of salvation
On every pious soul.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O Virgin Theotokos,
Save our souls from peril,
For thou art truly the boast of the great Christian Race
Since thou didst bring forth the Saviour,
Who is our King and God.

PRIEST: It is truly meet to call thee blest, the Theotokos, the ever-blessed and all-immaculate and Mother of our God. More honourable than the Cherubim and beyond compare. more glorious than the Seraphim, thee who without corruption gavest birth to God the Word, the very Theotokos, thee do we magnify.

And the Priest censes the Holy Table and the people.
We chant the following Megalymaria:

PEOPLE: Let us now acclaim blessed Joachim,
Who, with godly Anna,
Did give birth to the Bride of God;
For the Saviour's promise
Surpassed the laws of nature,
And granted their desire
Which they attained by faith.

As ye stand in glory amongst the saved
in Christ's blessed Kingdom,
O true ancestors of the Lord,
Pray for us the faithful
Who celebrate your memory;
And mercifully deliver
Women who are with child.
From the devil's malice and every harm
Save your lowly servants,
O blest ancestors of our God;
And to pious women
Whose time is come for childbirth,
Vouchsafe a good delivery
By your most holy prayers.

Joachim and Anna now dance with joy,
For the holy Maiden
Whom they bare by the will of God
is the Ever-virgin
And Ever-blessed Mother
Of Christ the King, the promised
Saviour of Israel.

O all ye array of Angelic Hosts,
With the holy Baptist,
The Apostles' twelve-numbered band,
All the Saints together,
As well as God's Birthgiver,
Pray make ye intercession for our deliverance.

PEOPLE: Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us (3)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

All Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, be gracious unto our sins. Master, pardon our iniquities. Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities for Thy name's sake.

Lord, have mercy (3)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Our Father, Who are in the Heavens, hallowed by Thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but delver us from the evil one.

PRIEST: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.


Dismissal Hymn, 
Second Tone

We celebrate the memory of Your holy Ancestors, O Lord, and through them we beseech You to save our Souls.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Your mysteries, O Theotokos, are beyond comprehension and glory' You gave birth to the true God, and became a mother indeed, while you remained sealed in purity and in virginity. Beseech Him to save our souls.

PRIEST: Have mercy on us, O God, according to Thy great mercy, we pray Thee, hearken and have mercy.

PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy (3)

PRIEST: Again we pray for our Archbishop (name) and for all our brotherhood in Christ.

PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy (3)

PRIEST: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, visitation, pardon, aid remission of sins for the servants of God, all pious and Orthodox Christians, who dwell and sojourn in this city, the parishioners and benefactors of this holy Temple, and all that serve, chant, labour, and gather herein.

PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy (3)

PRIEST: Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, safekeeping, protection, pardon and remission of sins of all pious Christians, for the servants of God (names) and for all who gather herein.

PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy (3)

PRIEST: Let us pray for health, salvation, and fertility for the servants of God (names) and for their deliverance from sterility or barrenness.

PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy (3)

PRIEST: Again we pray that this holy church and this city, and every city and land, will be kept safe against violence and pestilence, famine and earthquake, flood and fire, against the sword and enemy invasion, civil strife and sudden death, that our good and loving God will be merciful and gracious and open
to our entreaties, to turn back all violence and evil aroused against us, deliver us from His impending righteous chastisement and be merciful to us.

PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy (3)

PRIEST: Again we pray that the Lord God will hear the voice of the prayer of us sinners and will have mercy on us.

PEOPLE: Lord, have mercy (3)

PRIEST: Hear us, O God, our Redeemer, the hope of all, at the ends of the earth or far away at sea, and show mercy on us. For You are a merciful and loving God, and to You we offer glory: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever.


PRIEST: Glory to You, our God, our hope, Glory to You.

May Christ our true God who rose from the dead as a good loving and merciful God, have mercy on us and save us, through the intercession of His most pure and Holy Mother; the power of the precious and life giving Cross; the protection of the honorable, bodiless powers of heaven; the supplications of the honorable, glorious prophet and forerunner, John the Baptist; the holy, glorious and praiseworthy apostles; the holy, glorious and triumphant martyrs; our holy and God bearing fathers; the holy and righteous ancestors of the Lord Joachim and Anna, commemorating Saint (name) whose memory we celebrate today, and of all the Saints, have mercy on us and save us, for He is good and loves mankind.

As the faithful venerate the Holy Relics of Joachim and Anna,
the following Troparia are chanted.

Second Tone. When from the Tree.

Let us
All who love the Saints of God,
in a pious Orthodox manner
Now celebrate this great feast,
Chanting hymns and sacred odes
Unto these chosen ones,
Anna and blessed Joachim;
For they did give birth to
Her who is the greatest joy of every Christian soul.
Therefore we cry out in thanksgiving
Unto our most holy protectors:
Save our wretched souls by your most holy prayers.

Second Tone

Unto thee do I commit
My every hope,
O Mother of God;
Guard me under thy shelter.

PRIEST: Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us.


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