Saints Commemorated on October 16
What should be the topic of the new website that will launch in November?
Church of Saint Etienne du Mont
Sarcophagus and surviving relics of St. Genevieve |
Tomb of Blaise Pascal |
Medieval Cluny Museum (Byzantine Collection)
Cephalophore Saints |
Processional Cross |
Coronation of Otto II and Theophano |
Adam and Eve |
Le Procope (oldest run restaurant in Paris from 1686)
Voltaire's desk |
Fontaine Saint-Michel
Military Museum and Tomb of Napoleon
Tomb of Napoleon |
Basilica of Saint Denis
Grave of King Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette |
Former Crypt of the Kings and Queens of France |
King Clovis I and his son King Childeric I |
Relics of St. Denis and his companions |
Louis XII and Anne de Bretagne, shown "dead, naked, and flayed" inside the tomb and alive, clothed, and praying on top. |
L'Hotel (where Oscar Wilde died)
Rodin Museum
The Thinker |
The Kiss |
The Gates of Hell |
Musee d' Orsay
Self-portrait of Picasso |
Pere Lachaise Cemetery
Tomb of Abelard and Heloise |
Tomb of Abelard and Heloise |
Grave of Jim Morrison |
Grave of Edith Piaf |
Tomb of Oscar Wilde |
Apartment of Victor Hugo
Standing desk of Victor Hugo |
Recreation of death bed and room of Victor Hugo |
Pont Neuf
Where Jacques de Molay, the 23rd and last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, was burned at the stake. |
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