
March 12, 2017

Saint Gregory the Dialogist Resource Page

St. Gregory the Great, Pope of Rome (Feast Day - March 12)


Gregory in the midst of his life,
Was in the midst of the choirs of Angels.

St. Gregory the Dialogist, Pope of Rome (According to Venerable Bede)

Saint Gregory the Dialogist as a Model for our Lives

When St. Gregory the Great Was Elected Pope

The Humility of Saint Gregory the Great

The Distribution of the Relic of the Chain of the Apostle Peter by Pope Gregory the Great

Imitating the Myrrhbearers (St. Gregory the Dialogist)

How A Certain Monk Was Restored From Excommunication After His Death

St. Gregory the Great on the Unity of the Three Apostolic Sees of Rome, Antioch and Alexandria

Ecumenical Patriarch or Universal Bishop?

A Dialogue About Hell with Saint Gregory the Dialogist

Life and Miracles of Saint Benedict of Nursia (A.D. 480-547)

Saint Scholastica of Nursia, Sister of Saint Benedict

A Miracle of Saint Paulinus of Nola (St. Gregory the Dialogist)

The Four-Hundred and Forty Martyrs Who Were Killed by the Lombards

The Holy Martyrs of the North African Persecution by the Arian Vandals in 484

Saint Isaac the Syrian, Who Lived in Asceticism in Spoleto, Italy

Saint Paulinus the Merciful, Bishop of Nola (+ 431)

Saint Eulogios, Archbishop of Alexandria (+ 607)

On Dreams (St. Gregory the Dialogist)

Praying for the Reposed Non-Christians and Non-Orthodox

The People of Old and the People of Today

Presanctified Liturgy Resource Page

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