
April 13, 2017

Holy and Great Friday Resource Page

On this day, Holy and Great Friday, we celebrate the awesome, holy, and saving Passion of our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ - the spitting, the blows with the palm of the hand, the buffeting, the mockery, the reviling, the wearing of the purple robe, the reed, the sponge, the vinegar, the nailing, the lance, and above all, the Crucifixion and Death which He condescended to endure willingly for our sakes - and also the saving confession of the grateful thief upon the cross.

Verses for the Crucifixion

Thou art a living God, even though Thou wast lifeless on the Wood. 
O naked corpse, Thou art the Word of the living God.

Verses for the Penitent Thief

The thief opened the locked gates of Eden,
With the key, "Remember me".

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