I have an amazing little booklet available I wanted to offer to my readers for purchase which would make especially great reading for Great Lent. Recently I was commissioned to translate some beneficial writings of Righteous Alexei Mechev, but it didn't fall through and I was left with a bunch of booklets I would like to now sell instead of counting my losses. Please order today!

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April 16, 2017

Holy Pascha Resource Page

On the Holy and Great Sunday of Pascha, we celebrate the life-bearing Resurrection of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ.


Christ descended to do battle with Hades alone;
He ascended after taking many spoils of victory.

Holy Week Resource Page

Pentecostarion Resource Page

Bright Week Resource Page


Synaxarion for the Sunday of Pascha

Sunday of Pascha: Epistle and Gospel Reading

Sunday of Holy Pascha (Elder Epiphanios Theodoropoulos)

"On Pascha" by Melito of Sardis (a 2nd century text)

The Forty-Five Paschal Letters of Athanasius the Great

First Paschal Oration of St. Gregory the Theologian

Second Paschal Oration of St. Gregory the Theologian

The Paschal Catechetical Discourse of Saint John Chrysostom

An Interpretation of Certain Sayings of St. Gregory the Theologian Found in Paschal Hymns (Abba Dorotheos of Gaza)

Homily on the Lord's Resurrection (St. Leo the Great)

Sermon on Pascha and the Good Thief (St. Maximus of Turin)

On the Holy Pascha (St. Hesychios of Jerusalem) 

Old Testament Prefigurations of the Resurrection in the Pachal Canon of St. John of Damascus

St. Symeon the New Theologian: A Clear Vision of Christ's Resurrection


On Leaving Church Early On Pascha After "Christ is Risen!"

Why We Read the Gospel of John After Pascha and Not Before

The Visit of Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk to Prisoners on Pascha

An Athonite Paschal Miracle in 1935

The Feast of Pascha Is An Invitation To Illumination

What Pascha Isn't and What Pascha Is

The Fragrant Paschal Egg of Saint Iakovos Tsalikes  

Elder Paisios on the Joy of the Resurrection

Elder Porphyrios and the Joy of the Resurrection


The Greatest Event in Human History

May the Calendar of the Heart Say "Resurrection"!

Passover To Pascha

"Pascha" or "Easter" or Both?

Was Easter Borrowed From a Pagan Holiday?

Of the Death of the Old Man Heron, Who Was Deluded by the Devil

Pascha Under Turkish Domination (1 of 6)

Pascha Under Turkish Domination (2 of 6)

Pascha Under Turkish Domination (3 of 6)

Pascha Under Turkish Domination (4 of 6)

Pascha Under Turkish Domination (5 of 6)

Pascha Under Turkish Domination (6 of 6)

The Mysterious Paschal Liturgy in Hagia Sophia in the Year 1522

A Description of Greek Orthodox Easter in Jerusalem in 1915

The Black Easter of Symi in 1919

An Atheist's First Easter

A Resurrection "Behind Closed Doors"

Despite Quarantine Measures, Greeks Find Unique Ways to Celebrate Easter

"The Day of Easter" by Dionysios Solomos (A Paschal Poem)

A Paschal Divine Liturgy In the Middle of Paris

A Russian Catacomb Pascha

The Red Eggs of Pascha

The Resurrection Gospel in Homeric Greek (and other Greek dialects)

The Priest Who Translates the Gospel Into Sign Language

Approved English "Christ is Risen‏" for Greek Archdiocese of America

"Christ Is Risen" in Latin

"Christ Is Risen" in Pomak

Church Bells Ring to the Melody of "Christ is Risen"

8 Year Old Chants "It Is the Day of Resurrection"

90-Year-Old Woman from Kalymnos Chants "Anastaseos Imera" ("It is the Day of Resurrection")

The Paschal Stichera with Fr. Philotheos at Dochiariou Monastery

Audio Recording of St. Porphyrios Reading the Paschal Homily of St. John Chrysostom

Paschal Art

St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite on Inappropriate Ways To Celebrate Pascha

Paschal Fireworks Battle In Chios

Easter on the Island of the Apocalypse - Patmos (documentary)

Greek Bombs Trouble Tarpon Springs On Easter

A Syrian Style Easter

Boy Dies In Athens From Pascha Fireworks

Rick Steves’ European Easter: Greek Orthodox Celebrations (Video)

Greek Easter (with lemon)

Easter On Mount Athos (documentary)

Pascha on Mount Athos, Valaam and Sarov

Pascha at Vatopaidi Monastery

Pascha at Dionysiou Monastery on Mount Athos

Pascha On Mount Athos With Yannis Tsarouchis

Holy Week and Pascha in Zakynthos

Holy Week and Pascha In Colombia

Easter on the Greek Island of Paros

Pascha In Old Greece

Old Cypriot Easter Customs

Where Catholics and Orthodox Have Celebrated Easter Together Since 1588

Holy Pascha at Saint Anthony's Monastery in Arizona (video)

Flash Mob In Beirut Mall Sing "Christ Is Risen!"

48.1% In Greece Do Not Believe in the Resurrection

90 Percent of Russians Will Celebrate Easter

Pascha At Optina Monastery 2011

Syrian Christians Unite for Easter

Easter Celebrations In Prizren

Pascha in Kolwezi, Congo

"Christ Is Risen" in the Streets of Moldavia

Pascha In New York With Archbishop Demetrios 2011

Pascha With Papadiamantis: Lessons from a Panegyrist

A Romaic Pascha With Alexandros Papadiamantis

Icon Made of 15,000 Easter Eggs

Easter Egg Made of 7500 Roses Decorates Kiev Caves Lavra

At Easter, Albanians Recall ‘Dark’ Communist Past

An Orthodox Easter Greeting from Tom Hanks (video)


The Meaning of the Cross and the Resurrection

The Mystery of the Cross and the Resurrection of Christ

The Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Redemption (Fr. George Florovsky)

The Underlying Purpose of the Appearances of the Risen Christ (Metr. Hierotheos of Nafpaktos)

The Orthodox Church as the Church of the Resurrection (Metr. Hierotheos of Nafpaktos)

The True Pascha of the Church (Metr. Hierotheos of Nafpaktos)

The Gospel of Resurrection

Christ Removed the Three Obstacles Between God and Man

The First and Second Resurrection

The Resurrection of Christ is the Annihilation of Death

"Condemned" to Be Immortal (St. Justin Popovich)

The Firstborn From the Dead

The Truth and Power of the Resurrection

We Ought To Rejoice in the Resurrection Joy of the Theotokos

The Theotokos as the First to See the Risen Christ

The Three Visits of Mary Magdalene to the Tomb of Christ

Why Did The Lord Forbid Mary Magdalene From Touching Him After His Resurrection?

The First Miracle After the Lord's Resurrection - Entering a Room With Shut Doors

Eastern and Western Depictions of the Resurrection

The Mystery of Life and Renewal

Unlocking the Mysteries of the Resurrection of Christ

The Inner Existential Celebration of Christ's Resurrection

The Resurrection of Christ as an Historical and Existential Event

12 Historical Facts Most Critical Scholars Believe Supporting the Resurrection

The Testimony That Christ Rose From the Dead

Evidence for Christ's Resurrection From the Dead

Experiences of the Risen Jesus

How An Atheist Came To Believe in the Resurrection

The Risen Christ: Logic on Trial

The Gospel Through a Homicide Detective's Lens

Can a Scientist Believe in the Resurrection? Three Hypotheses.

The Resurrection - Exclusive to Christianity

What Do the 153 Fish Caught by the Apostle Peter Signify?

The Authenticity of Mark 16:9-20

With What Kind of Body Will The Dead Rise?

The Meaning of Christ Eating Baked Fish and Honeycomb Before His Ascension (St. Gregory Palamas)

Ezekiel's Prophecy of the Resurrection



Holy Martyrs of North Africa Who Suffered by the Vandals During the Paschal Liturgy (+ 459)

Holy Martyr Irene of Hellas

Saint Tounom the Emir (+ 18 April 1579)

Holy New Martyr Michael the Vourliotes (+ 1772)

Holy New Martyr Agathangelos of Esphigmenou (+ 1819)

The Paschal Martyrdom of Neomartyr Panagiotis (+ 1820)

Holy Hieromartyr Gregory V, Patriarch of Constantinople (+ 1821)

Hieromartyr Gregory V, Patriarch of Constantinople (+ 1821)

What Did Patriarch Bartholomew Ask For At the Martyrdom Site of His Predecessor Patriarch Gregory V?

Saint Ananias of Malles, Crete (+ 1907)

The Amazing Miracles of Saint Ananias of Malles, Crete

Father Petru Focsaneanu, Tortured to Death for Celebrating the Resurrection Service in his Prison Cell (+ 1953)

New Martyrs of Optina Monastery (+ April 18, 1993)

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