I have an amazing little booklet available I wanted to offer to my readers for purchase which would make especially great reading for Great Lent. Recently I was commissioned to translate some beneficial writings of Righteous Alexei Mechev, but it didn't fall through and I was left with a bunch of booklets I would like to now sell instead of counting my losses. Please order today!

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June 30, 2017

Church of the Holy Apostles in Thessaloniki (14th cent.)

The Church of the Holy Apostles is a 14th-century Orthodox church in the northern Greek city of Thessaloniki. The church is located at the start of Olympou Street, near the city's western medieval walls.

As evidenced by remnants of a column to the south of the church and a cistern to its northwest, it originally formed part of a larger complex. Consequently it appears that the church was originally built as the katholikon of a monastery.

Old Testament Types of the Holy Apostles (St. Gregory Palamas)

By St. Gregory Palamas

(From Homily 44)

As Jacob produced twelve patriarchs according to the flesh, from whom the twelve tribes of Israel came into being (Gen. 35:22-26), so spiritually Jesus gave us the twelve initiates into His mystery (Matt. 10:2-4, Mark 3:14-19, Luke 6:13-16, and Acts 1:13). When one of them wretchedly fell away (Matt. 27:5, Acts 1:16-20), the great St. Paul, upon whom Christ had looked down from heaven (cf. Acts 9:3), made up the number.* If we do not see the same number of tribes originating from the apostles, that is nothing at all strange, for spiritual things are divided without losing their unity. In the same way, our body apparently has five senses, but our soul’s perception is single, divided yet united.

How the Brazen Sea in the Temple of Solomon Symbolizes the Ministry of the Twelve Apostles

Almost a thousand years before Jesus set foot on the earth, the first temple dedicated to the God of Israel in Jerusalem was built out of Lebanon cedar (the finest there was), costly stones, and pure gold. Scripture indicates that over 183,000 men were involved in the construction of this glorious house of worship during the reign of King Solomon (1 Kings 5:13-16). The vessels that were housed within the temple, and those that remained in the inner court, were equally as elaborate. One of these vessels that stood on the right side of the sanctuary between the altar and the porch of the temple was an immense bronze basin known as “the Sea” (1 Kings 7:23; 2 Chronicles 4:2).

Twelve Apostles Resource Page


I honor the twelve friends of Christ who saw God,
Heroic men and dare I say gods.
On the thirtieth the famed initiated Apostles gathered together.

Synaxis of the Holy Twelve Apostles (June 30)

Synaxis of the Holy Twelve Apostles: Epistle and Gospel Reading

Synaxis of the Glorious and All-Praiseworthy Twelve Apostles

The Holy Twelve Apostles as Models for our Lives

Concerning the Holy Apostles

The Twelve Apostles: Timid Men Who Conquered the World (St. John Chrysostom)

How The Lord Chose His Twelve Apostles (St. Cyril of Alexandria)

On the Mission of the Apostles (Hymns by St. Romanos the Melodist)

Encomium to the Twelve Apostles (St. Neophytos the Recluse)

Old Testament Types of the Holy Apostles (St. Gregory Palamas)

How the Brazen Sea in the Temple of Solomon Symbolizes the Ministry of the Twelve Apostles

St. Kosmas Aitolos on the Holy Apostles

The Six Apostolic Synods Mentioned in the Book of Acts (St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite)

The Five Joys of the Apostles Following the Ascension (St. Silouan the Athonite)

The Apostolic Testimony to the Resurrection of Christ (Elder Epiphanios Theodoropoulos)

The Iconography of the Deaths of Apostles

Church of the Holy Apostles in Thessaloniki (14th cent.)

Church of the Holy Twelve Apostles in Sudak of Crimea

The Holy Spring of the Twelve Apostles in Constantinople

Apostles Fast Resource Page

Saint Peter the Apostle (June 29)

Apostles Peter and Paul Resource Page

Saint Paul the Apostle (June 29)

Apostles Peter and Paul Resource Page

Apostle Andrew the First-Called (Nov. 30)

Apostle Andrew Resource Page

Apostle James, the Son of Zebedee (Apr. 30)

Holy Apostle James, the Son of Zebedee

Apostle John the Evangelist and Theologian  
(Sep. 26 & May 8)

Saint John the Theologian Resource Page

Apostle Philip (Nov. 14 & July 31)

Saint Philip the Apostle Resource Page

Apostle Bartholomew (June 11)

Apostles Bartholomew and Barnabas Resource Page

Apostle Thomas (Oct. 6)

Saint Thomas the Apostle Resource Page

Apostle Matthew the Evangelist (Nov. 6)

Saint Matthew the Evangelist Resource Page

Apostle James, the Son of Alphaeus (Oct. 9)

Holy Apostle James, the Son of Alphaeus

Who Was the Apostle James the Son of Alphaeus?

Apostle Jude, Brother of the Lord (June 19)

Holy Apostle Jude of the Twelve

The Grandchildren of the Apostle Jude and Relatives of the Lord

Apostle Simon the Zealot (May 10)

Synaxarion of the Holy Apostle Simon the Zealot

Holy Apostle Simon the Zealot

Saint Simon the Zealot and Apostle of Georgia

Apostle Matthias (Aug. 9)

Apostle Matthias Resource Page

June 29, 2017

The Holy Skulls of the Apostles Peter and Paul

While the body of St. Peter the Apostle is located in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, and the body of St. Paul the Apostle is in the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls, their heads rest elsewhere, in the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran in Rome, established by Constantine the Great in the fourth century. The graceful Baldacchino over the high altar, which looks out of place in its present surroundings, dates from 1369. At the top is a reliquary said to contain the heads of Saints Peter and Paul, which rest here since at least the ninth century, though some believe these may have been removed during the French occupation of Rome in the 18th century. The reason they rest here is because this is the official Cathedral of Rome and seat of the Pope, who is considered the successor of the Apostle Peter.

History of the Feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

“Let us extol Peter and Paul, those two great luminaries of the Church, for they shine brighter than the sun in the firmament of faith” (Stichera for Vespers).

In the Orthodox Church, the Apostle Peter iss the first among the Apostles because of his authority, while Paul is equally first among the Apostles because of his apostolic labor. In icons they are depicted together as pillars of the Church of Christ. Their primary title together is therefore "Foremost of the Apostles".

Life of the Holy Foremost Apostle Peter

By Jacobus de Voragine

Peter had three names. He was called Simon Bariona. Simon is translated as he who obeys, or he who mourns; Bariona, however, means son of the dove, for in Syrian bar means son, and in Hebrew iona means dove. He was obedient, for when Christ called him he answered the first call; he mourned, for when he denied Christ he went out and wept bitterly; He was the son of the dove, because he was diligent in serving God in simplicity. Again, he was called Cephas which means head, or rock, or one whose mouth resounds. He was a head in that he was the chief of the disciples, a rock in the constancy of his suffering, and one whose mouth resounds in his untiring preaching. Thirdly, he was called Peter, which means the knowing one, or one who takes off his shoes, or one who loosens. He knew the divinity of Christ when he said: 'Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God.' He took off from the feet of his desires the works of death and all earthly things, when he said: 'Behold we have left all things, and have followed thee.' He loosens the fetters of our sins with the keys which he received from the Lord. Peter has also three surnames. He was called Simon Johanna, which means beauty of the Lord; Simon Johannis, which means he to whom it is given; and thirdly, Simon Bariona, the son of the dove. In this we should note that he had the adornment of good conduct, the gifts of virtue, and an overflowing of tears: for the dove does not sing but it mourns. The name of Peter was first given him by Jesus when He said: 'Thou shalt be called Cephas, which is interpreted Peter.' Thereafter He gave him the promised name, as we read in Saint Mark: 'And to Simon he gave the name of Peter.' For the third time He confirmed the name upon him when He said: 'Thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church.'

Outline of the Life of the Holy Apostle Paul

The Apostle Paul’s Birth & Education

c. A.D. 6 Born a Roman citizen to Jewish parents in Tarsus (in modern eastern Turkey)

c. 20–30 Studies Torah in Jerusalem with Gamaliel; becomes a Pharisee

c. 30–33 Persecutes followers of Jesus of Nazareth in Jerusalem and Judea

Apostles Peter and Paul Resource Page

Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (Feast Day - June 29)


Peter the preacher of the Cross was killed by crucifixion,
Paul was decapitated having decapitated error.
On the twenty-ninth Peter submitted to the cross and Paul to the sword.
June 29 - Feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

Life of the Holy Foremost Apostle Peter

Saint Peter the Apostle as a Model for our Lives

Gospel Commentary for the Second Sunday after Pentecost (St. Theophylact of Ochrid)

The Apostle Peter and the Transfiguration of Christ

The Apostle Peter and the Noetic Mount Tabor

What Peter Should Have Said When He Denied Christ and Wept Bitterly (St. Maximos the Greek)

Homily on the Eleventh Eothinon Gospel - John 21:14-25

The Apostle Peter, A Greater Philosopher Than Plato

Simon Peter and Simon the Magician: A Battle of True and False Miracles

Simon Magus and the Apostle Peter

"Saint Peter Raises Tabitha in Joppa" (one of the last works of Photis Kontoglou)

Chains of the Apostle Peter Resource Page

Commemoration of the Consecration of the Church of the Apostle Peter Next to Hagia Sophia in Constantinople

Archaeologists Find Evidence of St. Peter's Prison

Metr. Hilarion Serves Liturgy in Crypt of St. Peter

Saint Peter of the Dominicans to Liturgize Again After 400 Years

Commemoration of the Appearance of the Apostle Peter to Emperor Justinian in Athyra

Saint Paul the Apostle

Outline of the Life of the Holy Apostle Paul

Saint Paul the Apostle as a Model for our Lives

An Introduction to the Epistles of the Apostle Paul

St. John Chrysostom: The Greatest Interpreter of the Apostle Paul

The Increasing Humility of the Apostle Paul

The Term "Propitiation" in Saint Paul

Salvation According to Saint Paul

The Primacy of Rome and the Apostle Paul

The Theological School of the Apostolic Church

The Tears of the Apostle Paul

The Apostle Paul as Preacher and Orthodox Ecumenist

Paul, the Christian Equivalent to Muhammad

Did the Apostle Paul Invent Christianity?

Was the Apostle Paul a Misogynist?

Vatican Experts Confirm Authenticity of St. Paul's Remains

The Chains of Saint Paul the Apostle

The Prison Cell of the Apostle Peter in Jerusalem

Great Vespers Where St. Paul Preached to the Athenians

Thousands Celebrate the Apostle Paul in Ancient Corinth

The Apostle Paul in Thessaloniki

The Prison of the Apostles Paul and Silas in Philippi

The Shrine of the Apostle Paul In Samothrace

The Apostle Paul On the Island of Lesvos (Mytilene)

The 10th Century Church of Saint Paul in Sfakia, Crete

Saint Paul and the Snake of Malta

The Cave of Saint Paul in Ephesus

Turks Claim To Have Discovered the "Cell" of the Apostle Paul

Fourth Century Image of St. Paul Uncovered in Roman Catacomb

Sixth Century Fresco of St. Paul Discovered In Roman Catacomb

Fourth Century Icons of the Apostles Peter and Paul Discovered

June 28, 2017

On the Application of the Term "Theologoumenon"

By John Sanidopoulos

The term "theologoumenon", or its plural "theologoumena", is an ancient Greek word that means either "something that is theologized" or "that which is said about God or divine things", and in the scant use of the word from patristic writings, this is how it was understood. In theological literature today, the word "theologoumenon" takes on a different or added meaning, usually summarized as being an "individual theological opinion". But this is not how the term was ever meant to be used, at least from an Orthodox Christian perspective.

Saint Paul the Physician of Corinth

St. Paul the Physician of Corinth (Feast Day - June 28)


Paul died anointed having cut off the burning passion,
Now through his intercessions he releases from suffering.

Saint Paul lived around the seventh century and was from the city of Corinth. He was born to Christian parents who raised him in piety. While still young, he withdrew to a monastery to devote his life to God, and with much labor he became an experienced ascetic. He had an especially difficult struggle with the impure spirit of fornication. One night, as Paul stood in prayer, a demon appeared to him and said that if he did not satisfy his carnal lust at least one time, he would come against him in a brutal way. With the power of the Cross and the name of Christ he drove the impure spirit of fornication away from himself, and in turn that spirit created a malicious falsehood against the Saint.

June 27, 2017

Saint Sampson the Innkeeper Resource Page

St. Sampson the Innkeeper (Feast Day - June 27)


Just as Sampson of old with a jawbone was led to drink,
So Sampson now gushes forth myrrh from his tomb.
On the twenty-seventh Sampson died and gushed forth myrrh.

Synaxarion of Saint Sampson the Innkeeper

Saint Sampson the Innkeeper

Cyril Loukaris and the Codex Alexandrinus

The Codex Alexandrinus is an early fifth-century manuscript of the Greek Bible, containing the majority of the Septuagint and the New Testament. It is one of the four Great uncial codices. Along with the Codex Sinaiticus and the Vaticanus, it is one of the earliest and most complete manuscripts of the Bible.

It derives its name from Alexandria where it resided for a number of years before it was brought by the Orthodox Patriarch Cyril Loukaris from Alexandria to Constantinople. Then it was given to Charles I of England in the 17th century. Until the later purchase of Codex Sinaiticus, it was the best manuscript of the Greek Bible deposited in Britain. Today, it rests along with Codex Sinaiticus in one of the showcases in the Ritblat Gallery of the British Library. A full photographic reproduction of the New Testament volume (Royal MS 1 D. viii) is available on the British Library's website.

Book Review: "Protestant Patriarch: The Life of Cyril Lucaris (1572-1638), Patriarch of Constantinople"

Protestant Patriarch:
The Life of Cyril Lucaris (1572-1638),
Patriarch of Constantinople

By George A. Hadjiantoniou
160 pp. Richmond, John Knox Press, 1961.

Cyril Lucaris, Greek Orthodox Patriarch successively of Alexandria (1601-1630) and of Constantinople (1630-1638), is a noble, tragic, sometimes enigmatic figure, a man of exceptional gifts, of towering courage, and of saintly life. Educated in Italy, and in personal contact with the ambassadors in Constantinople of the Protestant powers, he sought to reform the Greek Church along the lines of the Reformation in Europe and published a Calvinist Confessio which has become celebrated. The foreign envoys supported him - and sometimes used him as a pawn in their own diplomatic projects. Inevitably Lucaris, made enemies - notably the Jesuits in Constantinople - and they finally achieved his ruin. He was falsely accused of treason and strangled by order of the Sultan, and his body was thrown into the Bosporus. He is remembered for having made a present to King Charles I of England of the Codex Alexandrinus, as a token of his esteem of the English ambassador, Sir Thomas Rowe.

Saint Sampson and the Healing of the Man who Suffered from Anthrax

In tenth-century Constantinople there was a man named Bardas. He belonged to the personal retinue of Emperor Romanos II. Moreover, he had obtained the office of xenodochos (innkeeper or chief administrator) of the Hospital of Saint Sampson. This indicates that the Hospital of Saint Sampson in the tenth-century, like the Orphanage of Constantinople, was not administered by the Patriarch of Constantinople or a monastic community, but by the imperial government.

Saint Sampson Cathedral in Saint Petersburg

Saint Sampson's Cathedral (Sampsonievsky Cathedral; Сампсониевский собор) is one of the oldest churches in St. Petersburg. It stands on the northern outskirts of the city and gives its name to Sampsonievsky Avenue. Sampsonievsky Cathedral features the largest icons of all Orthodox churches in St. Petersburg. From the outside the church may look modest, but inside prepare to be impressed. It also has the heaviest bell (6,400kg) in town. Rumor has it that it was in St. Sampson's Cathedral that Catherine II of Russia secretly married Grigory Potemkin in 1774.

Saint Sampson the Innkeeper

St. Sampson the Innkeeper (Feast Day - June 27)

Our blessed father Sampson came from a family from the high society of Roman aristocracy, apparently linked to the kin of Constantine the Great. He studied all the important subjects of the time, particularly medicine, to which he felt drawn by his compassionate nature. He was unable to remain indifferent to the spectacle of pain and unhappiness and received the poor and the sick at his home, in order to provide them with all the attention that love could offer and, more particularly, the comfort of prayer and faith. When his parents died, he distributed his large fortune and, free of every earthly obligation and wishing to avoid being esteemed in the eyes of other people, he left for Constantinople. He settled in a humble house and devoted himself entirely to prayer, in silence, though continuing his good works. He gathered in as many sick people as he found and treated them without charge. He particularly took responsibility for those who were suffering from incurable diseases or those who had diseases that other doctors were reluctant to treat: lepers, the blind and the possessed, and so his reputation spread throughout the whole city and his dwelling became a haven for those who had nothing to hope for.

Saint Cyril Loukaris Resource Page

St. Cyril Loukaris (Feast Day - June 27)


The sacrificer of the Lord is sacrificed,
Strangled by the madness of the descendants of Hagar.
On the twenty-seventh Cyril victoriously ventured to heaven.

June 26, 2017

On Christian Ministries That Lack the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit

By St. Gregory of Sinai

Those who write and speak and who wish to build up the Church, while lacking the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, are 'psychic' or worldly people void of the Spirit, as St. Jude observes (cf. Jude 19). Such people come under the curse which says, 'Woe to those who are wise in their own sight, and esteem themselves as possessors of knowledge' (Isa. 5:21); for they speak from themselves and it is not the Spirit of God that speaks in them (cf. Matt. 10:20). For those who speak what are simply their own thoughts before they have attained purity are deluded by the spirit of self-conceit. It is to them that Solomon refers when he says, 'I knew a man who regarded himself as wise; there is more hope for a fool than for him' (Prov. 26:12 LXX); and again, 'Do not be wise in your own sight' (Prov. 3:7). St. Paul himself, filled with the Spirit, endorses this when he says, 'We are not qualified to form any judgment on our own account; our qualification comes from God' (2 Cor. 3:5), and, 'As men sent from God, we speak before God in the grace of Christ' (2 Cor. 2:17). What people say when they speak on their own account is repellent and murksome, for their words do not come from the living spring of the Spirit, but are spawned from the morass of their own heart, a bog infested with the leeches, snakes and frogs of desire, delusion and dissipation; the water of their knowledge is evil-smelling, turbid and torpid, sickening to those who drink it and filling them with nausea and disgust.

From The Philokalia, vol. 4, "On Commandments and Doctrines" 128, p. 247.

Saint John, Bishop of Gothia (+ 791)

St. John of Gothia (Feast Day - June 26)


Having bound the mind of the flesh Father,
You denied the flesh and in the end left it behind.

Our Holy Father John was born to a Crimean Gothic family, the son of Leo and Photini, in Partenit of Crimea. Like the holy Prophets Samuel and Jeremiah, he was sanctified from the womb after being born in answer to the fervent prayer of his parents, and immediately after being born was dedicated to God.

Life of our Holy Father David the Dendrite of Thessaloniki (+ 540)

St. David the Dendrite of Thessaloniki (Feast Day - June 26)


With David of old art thou now united, O new David,
For thou didst kill the carnal passions like Goliath. 
On the twenty-sixth, David passed through the gates of life.

David, our Father of great renown, the earthly angel and heavenly man, was born and reared in the east and came to the illustrious and great city of Thessaloniki. Renouncing the world and worldly things, he abandoned friends and relatives, temporal honor and glory, money, possessions, and every other passing joy and even his own life, according to the evangelical exhortation. Following the Master, he took up the Cross from his youth; for his heart was deeply pierced with divine love.

June 25, 2017

New Martyrs Under the Turks Resource Page

Neomartyrs After the Fall of Constantinople
(Feast Day - Third Sunday After Pentecost)


The New Athletes destroyed the old woman Hagar,
And now are joined with the Athletes of old.
The multitude of new athletes walk in the heavenly divine city.

"I Was Born a Christian, and a Christian I Will Die" (Homily for the Sunday of the Neomartyrs Under the Turks)

The Autograph Neomartyrologium Collection of Monk Caesarius Daponte (1713-1784)

Who Is A Saint? (Fr. John Romanides)

Patriarchs of Constantinople Killed Under the Turks

Blood-Stained Cassocks and 1821


1 - Holy New Martyr Angelis of Constantinople (+ 1680)

1 - Holy New Martyr Haido of Halkidiki (+ 19th cent.)

3 - Holy New Martyr Polydoros of Cyprus (+ 1794)

6 - Holy New Martyr Lygeri of Chios (+ 1822)

8 - Holy New Martyr Athanasios the Koulakiotis (+ 1774)

14 - Holy New Martyr Makarios the New (+ 1507)

14 - Holy New Hieromartyr Anthimos, Metropolitan of Wallachia (+ 1716)

15 - Holy New Hieromartyr Niketas of Serres (+ 1808)

15 - Holy New Martyr John of Sphakia in Crete (+ 1811)

20 - Holy New Martyr Hilarion the New of Crete (+ 1804)

23 - Holy New Martyr Nicholas the Grocer from Karpenisi (+ 1672)

23 - Holy New Martyr John of Konitsa, formerly a Muslim (+ 1814)

27 - Holy New Hieromartyr Anthimos the Iberian, Metropolitan of Wallachia (+ 1716)

27 - Holy New Martyr Akylina of Thessaloniki (+ 1764)

27 - Metropolitan Nikodemos of Ierissos and the Discovery of the Relics of St. Akylina

27 - After 249 Years, the Relics of St. Akylina Return to Her Homeland

29 - Synaxarion of the Holy New Venerable Martyr Malachias of Lindos

29 - Strofades Monastery and the Massacre of 1537

29 - Holy New Martyrs Lambros, Theodore and One Who Was Anonymous, Who Were Martyred in Vrachori (+ 1786)


2 - Holy New Martyr George the Sandalmaker from Philadelphia (+ 1794)

6 - Holy New Martyr Makarios of Kios in Bithynia (+ 1590)

9 - Holy New Martyr John at Prousa

10 - Saint Dionysios the Philosopher (+ 1611)

13 - Holy New Martyr Chryse of Meglen (+ 1796)

13 - Holy New Martyr Zlata of Meglen (+ 1796) 

13 - Holy Neomartyr Chryse as a Model for our Lives 

13 - Holy New Martyr Bosiljka Rajicic of Pasjane (+ late 19th cent.) 

16 - Holy New Martyr John of Tourkoleka (+ 1816)

18 - Holy New Martyrs Isidore and his Two Children, Newly-Revealed in 1953

18 - Holy New Martyrs Gabriel and Kyrmidoles of Egypt (+ 1522)

21 - Holy New Martyr John of Monemvasia (+ 1773)

26 - Holy New Martyr Joasaph the New (+ 1516)

26 -  Translation of the Relics of the Holy New Martyr George of Ioannina

29 - Holy New Hieromartyr Athanasios of Sparta in Attaleia (+ 1653)

29 - Holy New Martyr Timothy of Esphigmenou (+ 1820)

31 - Holy New Martyr Nicholas of Chios (+ 1754)


1 - Saint David, the Great Komnenos and Last Emperor of Trebizond, and His Martyrdom for Christ

1 - David the Great Komnenos, the Last Emperor of Trebizond, is Canonized

1 - Holy New Martyr Iakovos of Kastoria and his Two Disciples Iakovos the Deacon and Dionysios the Monk (+ 1520)

2 - Holy New Martyrs Lambros, Theodore and One Who Was Anonymous, Who Were Martyred in Vrachori (+ 1786)

3 - Holy New Hieromartyr George of Neapolis (+ 1797)

12 - Holy New Martyr Mark of Kleisoura (+ 1598)

12 - Holy New Martyr Savvas of Nigdi (+ 1726)

12 - Saint Nicholas the New Martyr from the Parish of the Exi Marmara (+ 1732)

13 - Holy New Venerable Martyr Damaskenos of Constantinople (+ 1681)

14 - Holy New Martyr Constantine of Hydra (+ 1800)

18 - Holy New Martyr Anastasios of Paramythia in Epirus (+ 1750) and Saint Daniel the Former Muslim

26 - Holy New Martyr George of Chios (+ 1807)

28 - Holy New Martyr Nicholas Basdanis of Metsovo (+ 1617)

28 - Discovery of the Skull of Saint Nicholas of Metsovo


3 - Holy New Hieromartyr Gabriel II, Patriarch of Constantinople (+ 1659)

3 - Holy New Martyr Angelis, the Physician of Argos (+ 1813)

4 - Holy New Hieromartyr Seraphim, Archbishop of Phanarion and Neochorion (+ 1601)

6 - Holy New Martyr Nicholas Karamanos of Smyrna (+ 1657)

13 - Holy New Hieromartyr Gabriel, Archbishop of Serbia (+ 1659)

17 - Holy New Martyrs Avakum the Deacon and Paisius the Abbot of Serbia

20 - Holy New Martyr John the Tailor of Thasos (+ 1652)

24 - Holy New Martyr Ahmed the Calligrapher (+ 1682)

24 - Saint Ahmed the Calligrapher as a Model for our Lives

26 - Holy New Hieromartyr Constantios the Russian (+ 1743)

30 - Holy New Venerable Martyr Gideon of Karakallou (+ 1818)


1 - Holy New Martyr Peter of Tripoli in Peloponessos (+ 1776)

2 - Holy New Martyr Zorzes the Iberian (+ 1770)

5 - Holy New Martyr Romanos of Karpenisi (+ 1694)

5 - The Glorious Vision to Saint Akakios of the Holy New Martyr Romanos

6 - Holy New Hieromartyr Romanos of Lacedaemon (+ 1695)

7 - Holy New Martyr Athanasios of Attaleia (+ 1700)

8 - Saint Kyranna the New Martyr Resource Page

11 - Holy New Martyr Nikephoros of Crete (+ 1832)

16 - Holy New Hieromartyr Damaskenos of Gambrovo (+ 1771)

16 - Holy New Martyr Nicholas of Mitylene (+ 1771)

17 - Saint George of Ioannina Resource Page

20 - Holy New Martyr Zacharias of Patras (+ 1782)

22 - Holy New Martyr Gregory of Pec

25 - Holy New Martyr Auxentios of Bellas in Ioannina (+ 1720)

27 - Holy New Martyr Demetrios the Bartender of Constantinople (+ 1784)

29 - Holy New Martyr Demetrios of Chios (+ 1802)

30 - Holy New Martyr Theodore the Hatzis of Mytilene (+ 1784)

30 - Holy New Martyr Dimiter of Sliven, Bulgaria (+ 1841)

31 - Holy New Martyr Elias Ardounis of Kalamata (+ 1686)

31 - The Church Built Over the Spot Where the Holy New Martyr Elias Ardounis was Martyred in Kalamata


7 - Holy New Martyr George of Alikianos, Crete (+ 1867)

11 - Holy New Martyr George of Kratovo (+ 1515)

12 - Holy New Martyr Christos the Gardener (+ 1748)

14 - Holy Newly-Revealed New Martyr Nicholas of Ichthys, Corinth (+ 1554)

14 - The Church of Saint Nicholas of Ichthys in Psari, Corinth

14 - Holy New Martyr Damian the New (+ 1568)

14 - Holy New Martyr George the Tailor, Also Called Paizan, of Mytilene (+ 1693)

14 - Holy New Hieromartyr Nicholas of Trebizond (+ 1920)

15 - Holy New Martyr John the Koulakiotis (+ 1776)

16 - Holy New Martyr Romanos of Karpenisi (+ 1694)

16 - The Glorious Vision to Saint Akakios of the Holy New Martyr Romanos

16 -  Holy New Hieromartyr Deacon Who Is Anonymous

17 - Holy New Martyr Theodore of Byzantium (+ 1795)

17 - St. Theodore of Byzantium and the Miraculous Deliverance of Mytilene from the Plague in 1832

17 - Holy New Hieromartyr Theodore of Adjara (+ 1822)

19 - Saint Philothei of Athens Resource Page

23 - Holy New Hieromartyr Lazarus of Tripoli (+ 1605)

26 - Holy New Martyr John Kalphas (+ 1575)

27 - Holy New Martyr Elias of Trebizond (+ 1749)

28 - Saint Kyranna the New Martyr Resource Page


1 - Holy New Martyr Paraskevas of Trebizond (+ 1659)

5 - Holy New Martyr John of Bulgaria (+ 1784)

5 - Holy New Hieromartyr Parthenios Partheniades (+ 1805)

5 - Holy New Martyr George of Rapsani (+ 1818)

9 - Holy New Martyrs Christos the Priest and Panagos (+ 1716)

10 - Holy New Martyr Michael the Breadseller (+ 1547)

15 - Holy New Martyr Manuel of Sphakia, Crete (+ 1792)

Sunday Between March 18th and 24th - Holy New Hieromartyr Gregory, Metropolitan of New Patras (+ 1711)

19 - Holy New Martyr Demetrios the Tornaras (+ 1564)

20 - Holy New Martyr Myron the Tailor of Heraklion, Crete (+ 1793)

20 - Holy New Martyr Myron of Crete as a Model for our Lives

22 - Holy New Martyr Euthymios of Peloponnesos (+ 1814)

23 - Holy New Martyr Luke of Adrianople (+ 1802)

23 - Papa-Foti's Vision of St. Luke the New Martyr

24 - Holy New Hieromartyr Parthenios III, Patriarch of Constantinople (+ 1657)

26 - Holy New Martyr George of Sofia in Bulgaria (+ 1437)

30 - Holy New Martyr Zacharias, Metropolitan of Corinth (+ 1684)


3 - Holy New Martyr Paul the Russian and Freedman (+ 1683)

3 - Saint Paul the Russian and his Wife as Models for our Lives

5 - Holy New Martyr Argyre of Proussa, Patron Saint of Marriage (+ 1725)

5 - Holy New Martyr George of Ephesus (+ 1801)

5 - The Paschal Martyrdom of Neomartyr Panagiotis (+ 1820)

6 - Holy New Martyr Gennadios of Dionysiou (+ 1818)

8 - Holy New Martyr John Koulikas (+ 1564)

8 - Holy New Martyr John the Naukleros (+ 1669)

9 - Saints Raphael, Nicholas and Irene Resource Page

9 - Saint Eleni, Who Was Martyred With Saints Raphael, Nicholas and Irene in Lesvos (+ 1463)

10 - Holy New Martyr Demos the Fisherman at Smyrna (+ 1763)

10 - Holy New Martyr Demos the Fisherman as a Model for our Lives

10 - Holy Patriarch Gregory V of Constantinople Resource Page

10 - Holy New Martyr Chrysanthos of Xenophontos (+ 1821)

13 - Translation of the Sacred Relics of the Holy New Martyr George of Cyprus

14 - Holy New Martyr Demetrios of Peloponnesos (+ 1803)

14 - A Description of the Martyrdom Preparation of Saint Demetrios of Peloponnesos

15 - Holy New Hieromartyr Ananias Lampardes, Metropolitan of Lacedaemon (+ 1764)

16 - Holy New Martyr Christopher of Dionysiou (+ 1818)

18 - Holy New Martyr John the Tailor of Ioannina (+ 1546)

18 - Saint John of Ioannina as a Model for our Lives

18 - Saint Tounom the Emir (+ 1579)

18 - Saint Cyril VI, Patriarch of Constantinople (+ April 18, 1821)

18 - Three Recent Miracles of Saint Cyril VI, Patriarch of Constantinople

19 - Holy New Martyr Agathangelos of Esphigmenou (+ 1819)

23 - Holy New Martyr George of Ptolemais (+ 1752)

23 - Holy New Martyr Lazarus the Shepherd of Bulgaria (+ 1802)

24 - Holy New Martyr Doukas the Tailor from Mytilene (+ 1564)

24 - Holy New Martyr Nicholas at Magnesia (+ 1776)

27 - Holy New Martyr Noultsos of Kastoria and Those With Him (+ 1696)

28 - Holy New Martyr John of Petra in Pieria (+ 1822)

30 - Holy New Martyr Argyre of Proussa, Patron Saint of Marriage (+ 1725)


First Sunday of May - Holy Six Virgin Martyrs of Geroplatonos in Halkidiki (+ 1854)

1 - Venerable New Martyrs Akakios of Neochorion, Euthymios of Peloponnesos and Ignatios the New

1 - Holy New Martyr Maria Methymopoula (+ 1826)

3 - Holy New Martyr Ahmed the Calligrapher (+ 1682)

3 - Saint Ahmed the Calligrapher as a Model for our Lives

5 - Saint Ephraim of Nea Makri Resource Page

9 - The New Martyrs of Novo Selo Holy Trinity Monastery in Apriltsi (+ 1876)

11 - The Glorious Martyrdom and Extraordinary Revelation of Saints Olympia and Euphrosyne of Karyes in Mytilene

11 - Holy New Martyr Argyrios of Epanomi (+ 1806)

12 - Holy New Martyr John of Serres (+ c. 1480)

12 - Holy New Martyr John the Wallachian (+ 1662)

13 - Holy New Hieromartyrs Gabriel and Arkadios of Iveron (+ 1922)

14 - Holy New Martyr Mark of Crete, Who Was Martyred in Smyrna (+ 1643)

14 - Holy New Martyr John the Goldsmith of Bulgaria (+ 1802)

17 - Holy New Martyr Nicholas Basdanis of Metsovo (+ 1617)

17 - Discovery of the Skull of Saint Nicholas of Metsovo

19 - Holy Hieromartyr Melchizedek, Bishop of Kisamos (+ 1821)

19 - Holy New Martyr John the Dragatis, nicknamed "Arnaoutoyiannis" (+ 1845)

21 - Holy New Martyr Pachomios of Usaki (+ 1730)

22 - Holy New Hieromartyr Zacharias of Prousa (+ 1802)

22 - Holy New Martyr Paul of Peloponnesos (+ 1818)

26 - Holy New Martyr George of Kratovo (+ 1515)

26 - Holy New Martyr Alexander the Dervish from Thessaloniki (+ 1794)

27 - Saint John the Russian Resource Page

28 - Holy New Hieromartyr Arsenios, Bishop of Beroea

28 - Holy New Martyr Mitros of Peloponnesos (+ 1794)

29 - Holy New Martyr Andrew Argenti of Chios (+ 1465)

29 - Holy New Martyr Nannos (John) of Thessaloniki (+ 1802)

29 - Church of Saint John the Martyr in Old Gynaikokastro

30 -  The 23 Turkish Martyrs of Thyatira (+ 1649): Account by a 17th Century Jesuit Missionary to Smyrna


2 - Holy Great Martyr John the New of Suceava (+ 1330)

2 - Commemoration of the Miracle of Saint John the New of Suceava in 1622

2 - Holy New Martyr Demetrios of Philadelphia (+ 1657)

2 - Holy New Martyr Constantine the Former Hagarene from Mytilene (+ 1819)

3 - Saint Dorotheos Proios, Metropolitan of Adrianople (+ 1821)

3 - Saint Gregory, Bishop of Derkoi (+ 1821)

3 - Holy Hieromartyr Joseph III (Antonopoulos), Archbishop of Thessaloniki (+ 1821)

4 - Commemoration of the Consecration of the Sacred Church of the Holy New Martyr Anastasios in Nafplio

5 - Holy New Martyr Mark of Chios (+ 1801)

8 - Holy New Martyr Theophanes of Constantinople (+ 1588)

10 - Holy New Martyr Savvas the Stageiritis (+ 1821)

11 - Holy New Martyr Zafeirios of Halkidiki (+ c. 1821)

12 - Holy New Martyr John of Trebizond, Who Contested in Akkerman (+ 1492)

12 - Holy New Martyrs Synesios, Benedict, Timothy and Paul at Thessaloniki

13 - Holy New Hieromartyr Anthimos, Metropolitan of Wallachia (+ 1716)

17 - Holy New Hieromartyr Parthenios Pagkostas of Patmos (+ 1629)

21 - Holy New Martyr Niketas of Nisyros (+ 1732)

21 - Holy Hieromartyr Basil Kalapalikes (+ 1902)

22 -  Holy New Martyrs Ambrosios, Neophytos and Makarios of Vatopaidi (+ 1821)

24 - Holy Great Martyr John the New of Suceava (+ 1330)

24 - Statement of the Holy Monastery of Saint John the New in Suceava, Romania in Light of the Case of Coronavirus

24 - Holy New Martyr Panagiotis of Caesarea in Cappadocia (+ 1765)

25 - Holy New Martyr Prokopios the New from Varna, Bulgaria (+ 1810)

25 - Holy New Martyr George of Krini (+ 1823)

26 - Holy New Martyr David the New the Agiannanitis (+ 1813)

27 - Saint Cyril Loukaris Resource Page

30 - Saint Michael Paknanas Resource Page


2 - Holy New Martyr Lampros of Samothrace (+ 1835)

3 - Holy New Martyr Gerasimos of Karpenisi (+ 1812)

5 - Holy New Hieromartyr Cyprian at Constantinople (+ 1679)

6 - Holy New Martyr Cyril from Thessaloniki (+ 1566) and the Discovery of His Relics in 1972

Second Saturday of July - Holy New Martyr Athanasios of Lemnos (+ 1846)

9 - Saint Michael Paknanas Resource Page

9 - Holy New Hieromartyr Methodios, Bishop of Lampes in Crete (+ 1793)

9 - Archbishop Kyprianos and the 9th of July 1821

First Sunday After July 10th - The Five Ascetic Martyrs of Leipsoi

11 - Holy New Martyr Nikodemos the Albanian of Elbasan (+ 1722)

11 - Holy New Martyr Nektarios of Vryoulla (+ 1820)

14 - The Four Crypto-Christian Neomartyrs: Emmanuel, Anezina, George and Maria

24 - Holy New Martyr Theophilos of Zakynthos (+ 1635)

24 - Saint Theophilos the New Martyr of Chios as a Model for our Lives

24 - Holy New Martyr Athanasios of Kios (+ 1670)

27 - Holy New Martyr Christodoulos of Kassandra (+ 1777)

27 - Holy New Martyr Christodoulos as a Model for our Lives

31 - An Anonymous New Martyr From Crete (+ July 1811)

31 - Holy New Martyr Dionysios of Vatopaidi (+ 1822)


2 - Holy New Martyr Theodore of the Dardanelles (+ 1690)

5 - Holy New Martyr Christos from Preveza (+ 1668)

6 - Holy New Martyr Avvakum (+ 1628)

8 - Holy New Martyr Triantaphyllos the Sailor of Zagora (+ 1680)

8 - Holy New Martyr Spaso (Anastasios) of Rodovis in Bulgaria (+ 1794)

9 - Holy New Hieromartyr Euthymios, Metropolitan of Rhodes (+ 1529)

9 - Holy New Martyr Nicholas of Kokova (+ 1822)

11 - Holy New Martyrs Anastasios and Demetrios the Basketweavers (+ 1816)

14 - Holy New Martyr Symeon the Goldsmith from Trebizond (+ 1653)

15 - Holy New Hieromartyr Christos of Ioannina (+ 1823)

16 - Holy New Venerable Martyrs Nikodemos of Meteora (+ 1551) and Daniel of Meteora

16 - Life and Veneration of Saint Stamatios of Volos (+ 1680)

16 - Holy New Martyr Apostolos the New (+ 1686)

16 - Saint Constantine Brancoveanu, Prince of Wallachia (+ 1714)

17 - Holy New Martyr Demetrios of Samarina (+ 1808)

18 - Holy New Martyr Constantine of Kappua (+ 1610)

18 - Holy New Martyr Matthew (+ 1697)

18 - Holy New Hieromartyr Agapios of Galatista (+ 1752)

18 - Holy New Martyr George of Kastoria who was formerly a Hagarene (+ 1809 or 1815)

20 - Holy New Martyr Theocharis of Neapolis (+ 1740)

23 - Saint Kosmas the Aitolos Resource Page

25 - Papa-Foti's Vision of St. Luke the New Martyr

Bright Tuesday

Saints Raphael, Nicholas and Irene Resource Page

179 Newly-Revealed Martyrs of Ntaou Penteli

Holy New Martyr John the New of Ioannina

Saint John of Ioannina as a Model for our Lives

Holy New Martyr Christopher of Dionysiou (+ 1818)

Holy New Martyrs Christodoulos and Anastasia of Patras (+ 1821)

Bright Thursday

Holy New Martyr Michael the Breadseller (+ 1547)

Holy New Martyr John of Petra in Pieria (+ 1822) 

Thomas Sunday

The Miraculous Liberation of the Holy Mountain of Athos from the Turks in 1830

Holy New Martyrs George, Manuel, Theodore, George and Michael of Samothrace (+ 1835)

Saint Niketas the New Hieromartyr (+ 1808)

The Holy 1241 New Martyrs of Naousa

First Celebration of the 1241 Naousa Martyrs of 1822

Holy New Martyr Nicholas of Kokova (+ 1822) 

Saint Cyril VI, Patriarch of Constantinople (+ April 18, 1821)

Three Recent Miracles of Saint Cyril VI

Commemoration of the Massacre in 1823 at the Cave of Milatos

Sunday of the Blind Man

Ecumenical Patriarchate Canonizes Seven New Martyrs of Kastoria

Monday of the Holy Spirit

Sunday of All Saints

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