September 28, 2017

Saints and Feasts of September 28

On the twenty-eighth Chariton died in his old age.

Venerable Chariton the Confessor
Righteous Prophet Baruch

Holy and Righteous Prophet Baruch

Holy Martyrs and Brothers 
Alexander, Alpheios and Zosima

Holy Martyrs of Pisidia During the Reign of Diocletian

Holy Martyr Mark the Shepherd

Holy Martyrs of Pisidia During the Reign of Diocletian

Holy Martyrs Nikon, Neon, Heliodoros, 
and other Virgins and Children

Holy Martyrs of Pisidia During the Reign of Diocletian

Holy Martyrs Eustathios the Roman and Kallinikos

Holy Martyrs Eustathios the Roman and Kallinikos

Holy Martyr Alexander and the 
Thirty Martyrs With Him

Holy Martyr Alexander and the Thirty Martyrs With Him

Venerable Isaac the Syrian

Saint Isaac the Syrian Resource Page

Holy Hieromartyr Alkison, Bishop of Nicopolis

Holy Hieromartyr Alkison, Bishop of Nicopolis (+ 516)

Venerable Auxentios the Wonderworker of Cyprus

Synaxarion of Saint Auxentios the Wonderworker of Cyprus

Saint Eustochium, Daughter of Saint Paula

Saint Eustochium, Daughter of Saint Paula

Saint Faustus, Bishop of Riez

Saint Faustus, Bishop of Riez (+ 495)

John Cassian, Vincent of Lerins and Faustus of Riez Were Not Semi-Pelagians

Saints Cyril and Maria, 
Parents of Saint Sergius of Radonezh

Saints Cyril and Maria, Parents of Saint Sergius of Radonezh (+ 1337)

Venerable Chariton of Syanzhema

Saints Euthymius and Chariton, Abbots of Syanzhema Monastery in Vologda (+ 1509)

Venerable Herodion of Iloezersk

Saint Herodion, Founder of Iloezersk Monastery (+ 1541)

Holy Martyr Wenceslas, Prince of the Czechs

Holy Martyr Wenceslas the Prince of the Czechs

Good King Wenceslas

The Original Words to the Song "Good King Wenceslas"

Finding of the Sacred Relics of the 
Venerable Neophytos the Recluse of Cyprus
Synaxis of the Saints of the Kiev Caves, 
Whose Relics Repose in the 
Near Caves of Venerable Anthony