
January 19, 2018

Saints and Feasts of January 19

On the nineteenth the Makarii obtained the blessed land.

Venerable Makarios of Egypt 
and Venerable Makarios of Alexandria

Saints Makarios of Egypt and Makarios of Alexandria Resource Page

Holy Martyr Euphrasia

Synaxarion of Holy Martyr Euphrasia of Nicomedia

Translation of the Relic of our Holy Father 
Gregory the Theologian to the 
Church of the Holy Apostles

History of the Relics of Saint Gregory the Theologian

Saint Gregory the Theologian Resource Page

Commemoration of the Miracle of 
Basil the Great in Nicaea

Commemoration of the Miracle of St. Basil the Great Against the Arians

The Dialogue Between Basil the Great and the Arian Prefect Modestus

The Orthodoxy of St. Basil and the Extremism of Patriarch Nikon

Saint Basil the Great Resource Page

Venerable Makarios, Bishop of Ierissos
Venerable Maximos and Dometios the Brothers
Venerable Meletios the Confessor of Mount Galesion

Saint Meletios the Confessor of Mount Galesion (+ 1283)

Saint Mark the Eugenikos, Metropolitan of Ephesus

Saint Mark of Ephesus Resource Page

Saint Arsenios, Archbishop of Kerkyra

Saint Arsenios, Archbishop of Kerkyra (+ 953)

Venerable Anton the Stylite of Martqopi

Saint Theodore of Novgorod the Fool for Christ

Saint Theodore of Novgorod the Fool for Christ (+ 1392)

Venerable Macarius the Faster of the Kiev Caves

Saint Macarius the Faster of the Kiev Caves

Venerable Macarius the Deacon of the Kiev Caves

Saint Macarius the Deacon of the Kiev Caves

Saint Makarios Kalogeras
Uncovering of the Relics of Venerable Sava Storozhevsky

Commemoration of the Return of the Relics of 
Saint Peter the Wonderworker 
to Argos from Rome (January 19, 2008)

Synaxarion of Saint Peter the Wonderworker of Argos

Saint Peter the Wonderworker of Argos

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