I have an amazing little booklet available I wanted to offer to my readers for purchase which would make especially great reading for Great Lent. Recently I was commissioned to translate some beneficial writings of Righteous Alexei Mechev, but it didn't fall through and I was left with a bunch of booklets I would like to now sell instead of counting my losses. Please order today!

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January 27, 2018

Synaxarion for the Translation of the Relics of Saint John Chrysostom

On the twenty-seventh of this month, is the translation of the relic of our Holy Father John Chrysostom the Archbishop of Constantinople.


Dead you sit on the throne O John,
But you live in God, saying peace to all.
On the twenty-seventh the lifeless body was carried off as gold.

The blessed and divine John Chrysostom, because he did not ignore what was just in accordance with his love for people, but rebuked the empress Eudoxia for her lawlessness and injustice, and this because in a tyrannical manner she took the field of a widow, whose name was Kallitrope: for this reason he was exiled twice, and again he was called back from exile. The third and last time, he was sent to Cucusus, which according to some is near Tokat, and is called Göksun by the Turks, at the border of Cappadocia and lesser Armenia, and is honored with the throne of a Bishop. From Cucusus he was exiled to Arabissus. From Arabissus he was exiled to Pytius, which is also its name today and is also located near Tokat. These three places were not only desolate and wanting of what was needful, but it was also fought over by the neighboring Isaurians.

There this great Father and fleshless Angel was to be found exiled, and he was called to the heavens by the Master of all, through the sacred Apostles Peter and John, and in this way he passed from the earth to the heavenly and eternal dwelling. His holy relic was treasured in Comana of Cappadocia, together with the holy relics of the Holy Martyrs Basiliscus and Lucian, who themselves had appeared to him in a vision of the night. Since the emperor Arcadius and his wife Eudoxia died, and the empire was received by his son Theodosius the Younger in 408, then Saint Proclus, a disciple of the divine Chrysostom who was anointed Deacon by him, by common election was made Patriarch of Constantinople. So in the fourth year of his patriarchate, namely in 435, he persuaded the emperor, and sent out men to bring to Constantinople the relic of the divine Father. The Saint prevented himself from going, however, and remained immobile (he did this because the emperor wanted to take the relic with authority and arrogance, but the Saint wanted to teach humility and moderation). Because the Saint remained immobile, for this reason the emperor made supplication to him through the following letter, which comprised of the following:

Letter of Emperor Theodosius

To the ecumenical Patriarch and Teacher and Spiritual Father John Chrysostom, I the emperor Theodosius offer my veneration. We, honorable Father, considering your body dead, as are all the other bodies of those who have died, wanted to simply transfer it to us. For this reason we were justly unable to fulfill our desire. But you, most-honorable Father, do so forgive us, in that we do repent. For you taught everyone to repent. And give yourself, as a father who loves his children, to us your sons who love their father, and who desire to be gladdened by your presence.

When this letter was sent, and placed on the chest of the Saint, then the divine Father gave himself over, with the coffin that contained his holy relic, and they brought him easily and without trouble. When the holy relic arrived at the opposite coast of Constantinople, the emperor came out with the entire senate in order to meet him. The coffin, that contained the holy relic, was placed on an imperial ship. Then a storm arose, and the other boats scattered to various places, but the ship that contained the holy relic, landed at the field of the widow Kallitrope, who was unjustly treated by Eudoxia, as we previously mentioned. When the field was given to the widow, the sea became calm. First the holy relic was brought to the Temple of the Apostle Thomas. There the holy relic was placed on the sacred cathedra, and - O the miracle! - he addressed the people with "Peace be to all." He was then buried under the earth, where he can still be found. When the Divine Liturgy was celebrated, great miracles took place, of which one is the following. A man suffering with an illness called arthritis, due to the pain and distress it causes the joints (arthra) of the members of the body, had become paralyzed, and practically immobile, took hold of the sacred coffin that contained the holy relic, and - O the miracle! - immediately he was completely liberated from his suffering. This is how God glorifies those who glorify Him by their conduct. His Synaxis is celebrated in the all-revered Temple of the Holy Apostles, where his sacred body can be found under the altar.

Apolytikion in Plagal of the Fourth Tone
Grace like a flame shining forth from thy mouth has illumined the universe, and disclosed to the world treasures of poverty and shown us the height of humility. And as by thine own words thou teachest us, Father John Chrysostom, so intercede with the Word, Christ our God, to save our souls.

Kontakion in the First Tone
The Church rejoices at the recovery of thy holy relics. She kept them hidden, like most precious gold, and by thine intercessions she unceasingly grants healing to those who praise thee, O John Chrysostom.

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