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February 7, 2018

Saint Parthenios of Lampsakos as a Patron Saint Against Cancer

Saint Parthenios of Lampsakos is considered a patron saint for those suffering with cancer. Not only did he heal people with cancer in his lifetime, but he continued to do so after his repose, even till our own days. Below are just three famous contemporary accounts of such miracles.

1. St. Parthenios Does Surgery on Malignant Cancer

We will first present the testimony of Stephanos Stephanou, a navy retiree, residing in Piraeus and originating from Andros. Below is the account in his own words:

"Who in this world has not hurt mentally and physically? And who does not feel the need to ask why there is pain in the world? The sky is not always clear and the sea is not always calm. The sky becomes obscured with heavy black clouds that break with tremendous downpours and thunderstorms. The all-black clouds of pain and stormy tears overwhelm us.

Such storms did the speaker pass through with the disease of cancer. On Christmas Eve in 1982 I was diagnosed with a tumor in the large intestine. That's when I visited the blessed Father Porphyrios, who strengthened me and said: 'Go get surgery and you will be well.'

My surgery took place on January 3, 1983 in the large intestine and tests showed it was malignant cancer.

In March of 1984 a tumor appeared in my left lung. I went into surgery on March 21st and half of my left lung was removed, and tests showed the cancer had metastasized from the intestine.

In October of 1984, a tumor showed up in my right lung, I received surgery, and again tests showed it had metastasized from the intestine.

In December of 1987 I had a check-up, scans, etc. I was again hit in the right lung. I had surgery and tests showed malignant cancer had metastasized from the intestine.

But then, before the third surgery, I was told that the right lung still had a tumor of cancer and that if I did not do it soon, death would take place within three months.

I was then in London and grieved by this mental pain leaving the doctor's office and walking down the street to the hotel, watering through my tears the streets of London saying, 'My God, there is no need for rain, as I have watered London with my tears.'

I was frightened of the third lung operation, and the medical pulmonologist Stephen Spiro of University College insisted that this surgery be carried out by the surgeon Peter Goldstraw of Brompton Hospital.

Surgeon Peter Goldstraw told us that the surgery would take 5 to 6 hours. I went to the surgery room for surgery and at one and a half (1.5) hours the surgeon came and told my wife, 'Finished.'

She was frightened that they had stitched me up without surgery or died.

But the surgeon Peter Goldstraw, an internationally renowned lung surgeon, reassured her by saying: 'The operation was very good, but I,' said the doctor,' as I performed the surgery my hands would leave me and I did not realize that the surgery was over so quickly.'

Our great God sent His Saint and this Saint performed my surgery. Again, it was malignant metastatic cancer.

Exactly one year later, in December of 1988, I had another surgery in my right lung. Malignant cancer by metastasis from the intestine. For the fourth surgery I was told I needed to stay 15 days in the hospital, due to it being Christmas and staff would go on vacation. Since surgery went well, however, they let me out after 6 days and I went to the hotel. Thus I had one surgery for my intestines and four for my lungs.

Although I have only half my left lung and my right lung has been through surgery three times, with the help of God I am still alive after ten years without having any dyspnoea and the strength of my lungs is low.

Every time I visited Father Porphyrios and Father Sophrony in Essex, they would tell me I would become well.

Ten years have passed since my last surgery and with the help of God my illness has ceased.

I have not ceased however to invoke the help of God, the Panagia and the Saints, as well as Saint Parthenios who is the saint of cancer. Four years ago when I went to London for tests the doctor teared up when he saw me and said, 'I did not have the hope that I would see you again.'"

Following this healing, Stephanos built a chapel dedicated to Saint Parthenios at the Lyreio Children's Foundation, an orphange run by nuns, in the village of Mati in Attica.

2. Healing of a 26 Year Old Woman

Stratoula, a 26 year old woman from Halkida, was diagnosed with cancer in September 1996. Below is the story of her healing through St. Parthenios in her own words:

"In my 26th year, a test showed that I had contracted the virus that alters the cells outside the cervix. The doctors made an operation, cutting a piece of the cervix. After three months, the test showed that I had healed. After some time the virus again came knocking on my door. Then I decided to put my life in the hands of Saint Parthenios. I fasted 40 days, Confessed, Communed, and every day I read the Supplicatory Canon of the Saint. From the first day even, I saw him in my sleep appearing and disappearing three times in front of me as a huge icon of Saint Parthenios. It was as big as the size of the room and bright. Then waking up, I realized that the Saint had heard me and was beside me. I have also not ceased to be near him. When I redid the test, the response was negative for the virus and what remained was simply inflammation. With tears I thanked Saint Parthenios and decided to continue with more faith my prayers. The next test was negative for any malignancy, and there was no inflammation. All this without drugs, without doctors, without the painful and torturous treatments for cancer which doctors apply today. Now I always have him as my protector over my bed and I weekly climb to the monastery to pray and thank him. In my effort I was helped by two elderly nuns of the monastery whose advice and understanding boosted my soul, so I can pray with more power and be armed with patience and perseverance. I thank them."

We are assured by the Abbess Mariam of the Holy Monastery of Panagia Makrymalli in Psachna, where the holy skull of the Saint is kept, that Stratoula is quite well. Now she is married and has never forgotten her vow. Once a week, as a sign of respect, love and gratitude to the Saint, she goes to the monastery, kneels before the holy relic, and thanks him for the great gift he bestowed on her.

3. St. Parthenios Appears Alive to a Cancer Patient

Vasiliki Mela from Keratsini, Piraeus, in June of 1998, after examinations was told she had a tumor in the armpit that had metastasized. The future was not promising for her, as well for her husband and children, leaving them in a desperate situation. She entered the Piraeus Anti-Cancer Hospital in Metaxa, and a surgery was scheduled for Thursday, July 30th. The entire family sought divine intervention.

One night, a week before the surgery, Saint Parthenios appeared to two family members in different ways. First he appeared to George, the husband of Vasiliki, and then to her daughter-in-law Angelica, who was raised by the nuns of the Lyreio Children's Foundation.

According to Angelica, on July 23rd she beheld a dream in which she was driving up to the Chapel of Saint Parthenios at the Lyreio Foundation, and she was holding the arm of a nun from there. The children were behind her and they were going to the chapel for the Divine Liturgy. In front of her were other cars, and in front of those was a certain monk. When she asked the nun who it was, she said it was a new priest whose name was Parthenios. We arrived at the church and liturgy began. The priest then called for her mother-in-law and herself to go stand before the sanctuary. He then crossed her three times, saying, "Do not be afraid, you will become well." He then turned to Angelica and said, "Your mother-in-law will become completely well, and I want you to do a liturgy so your mother-in-law can commune."

According to George, he also saw in his dream that he was going up to the chapel with his wife and children. As he was crossing his wife with holy oil on cotton, he saw the Saint leaning against a column outside the church, and he said to them, "Come, we were waiting for you."

Now it should be noted that even though Angelica knew about St. Parthenios growing up, George knew nothing about him. In fact, he had never even been to the chapel, but he described it accurately.

The next day, Friday, Vasiliki's husband went to the hospital and told his wife that she is healed because a miracle had taken place, and the Saint was calling them to go to his chapel. Vasiliki was perplexed. At that moment a doctor walked in with her most recent results from her mammogram, and he showed them that she was now clean and no tumor could be be found. From gloom the family now felt optimism and joy.

The next day Vasiliki was released from the hospital and the family went to the Chapel of Saint Parthenios. The abbess gave Vasiliki a book with the life of the Saint and his divine office, which she began praying daily.

On Monday she returned to the hospital for the surgery alone and she was hopeful. The surgery went on as scheduled that Wednesday on the 29th of July, and everything went better than expected, but the doctors still recommended that she undergo a series of radiation treatments. However, when she came out of the surgery her hand had become immobile and she was in tremendous pain. Because of this she could not do the radiation.

On August 22nd, the entire family went to the Chapel of Saint Parthenios and attended the liturgy. Afterwards they got into the coach of the Foundation to come down. Father Emmanuel Makris, who did the liturgy, stayed behind and did the Paraklesis to the Saint Parthenios. As soon as Vasiliki sat down in the coach, a terrible pain hit her like ahammer, and ten minutes later her hand was completely healed.

Three months after the surgery Vasiliki was examined at the hospital again, and she was completely fine, though not so much the biopsy. Because her hand was better, the radiation started, but since everything improved very quickly it was soon after stopped and not needed.

Since then the family does not cease speaking of the miracle done to Vasiliki, and they glorify God and His Saint Parthenios for their intervention.

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