On the sixteenth Pamphilos was beheaded
by the edge of the sword.
by the edge of the sword.
Holy Martyr Pamphilos of Caesarea
Holy Martyrs Valens, Paul and Seleucus
Holy Martyr Pamphilos of Caesarea and his Companions
Holy Martyrs Porphyrios and Julian
Holy Martyr Pamphilos of Caesarea and his Companions
Holy Martyr Theodoulos
Holy Martyr Pamphilos of Caesarea and his Companions
Holy Martyrs Elias, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Samuel and Daniel
Holy Martyr Pamphilos of Caesarea and his Companions
Holy Martyrs of Martyropolis
Saint Maruthas of Martyropolis and the Holy Martyrs of Persia Who Rest There
Venerable Maruthas,
Who Founded the City of Martyropolis
Who Founded the City of Martyropolis
Saint Maruthas of Martyropolis and the Holy Martyrs of Persia Who Rest There
Saint Flavian, Patriarch of Constantinople
Saint Flavian, Patriarch of Constantinople (+ 449)
Saint Flavian and the Triumph of Orthodoxy in the Fifth Century
Venerable Flavian
Synaxarion of Saint Flavian the Hermit and Wonderworker
Holy New Venerable Martyr Romanos of Karpenisi