
February 24, 2018

Saints and Feasts of February 26

On the twenty-sixth the corpse of Porphyrios 
was hidden in the earth.

Venerable Porphyrios, Bishop of Gaza

Synaxarion of our Venerable Father Porphyrios the Bishop of Gaza

Saint Porphyrios, Bishop of Gaza (+ 420)

Saint Porphyrios of Gaza and the World of Late Antiquity

The Miraculous Healing of St. Porphyrios of Gaza by the Thief on the Cross

Holy Martyr Photini the Samaritan

Saint Photini the Samaritan Resource Page

Holy Martyr Anatoli, Sister of Saint Photini

Saint Photini the Samaritan Resource Page

Holy Martyr Photo, Sister of Saint Photini

Saint Photini the Samaritan Resource Page

Holy Martyr Photida, Sister of Saint Photini

Saint Photini the Samaritan Resource Page

The Holy Water of Saint Photida and the Faith of the Turkish Aga

Holy Martyr Paraskevi, Sister of Saint Photini

Saint Photini the Samaritan Resource Page

Holy Martyr Kyriaki, Sister of Saint Photini

Saint Photini the Samaritan Resource Page

Holy Martyr Photinos, Son of Saint Photini

Saint Photini the Samaritan Resource Page

Holy Martyr Joses, Son of Saint Photini

Saint Photini the Samaritan Resource Page

Holy Martyr Sebastian the Military Commander

Saint Photini the Samaritan Resource Page

Holy Martyr Victor the General, Son of Saint Photini

Saint Photini the Samaritan Resource Page

Holy Martyr Theokletos the Sorcerer 

Holy Martyr Christodoulos

Holy Martyr Christodoulos

Venerable Sebastian of Poshekhonye

Saint Sebastian of Poshekhonye (+ 1492)

Holy New Martyr John Kalphas

Holy New Martyr John Kalphas (+ 1575)

Commemoration of the Ordination of 
Saint John Chrysostom 
as Archbishop of Constantinople

Commemoration of the Ordination of Saint John Chrysostom as Archbishop of Constantinople (February 26, 398)

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