
February 24, 2018

Saints and Feasts of February 28

On the twenty-eighth the image of Basil 
was hidden under the earth.

Venerable Basil the Confessor

Saint Basil the Confessor

Holy Hieromartyr Proterios, Archbishop of Alexandria

Holy Hieromartyr Proterios, Patriarch of Alexandria (+ 457)

Venerable Barsos, Bishop of Damascus

Saint Barsos, Bishop of Damascus

Holy Martyr Abrikios

Holy Martyr Abrikios

Holy Martyr Nestor

Holy Hieromartyr Nestor, Bishop of Megydos

Venerable Marana and Kyra

Saints Marana and Kyra, Two Female Ascetics of Syria

Holy Six Martyrs of Egypt

Holy Six Martyrs of Egypt

Holy Apostles Nymphas and Eubulus of the Seventy

Holy Apostles Nymphas and Eubulus of the Seventy

Holy New Martyr Kyranna the Sound-Minded

Saint Kyranna the New Martyr Resource Page

Holy Venerable Martyr Jonah of Leros

Holy Venerable Martyr Jonah of Leros (+ 1561)

Saint Nicholas of Pskov 
Holy Martyrs Who Died in the 
Great Plague in Alexandria
If it is not a leap year, then the following Saints are celebrated 
on February 28th; otherwise they are celebrated on 
February 29th.

Venerable Cassian the Roman

Saint John Cassian Resource Page

Venerable Germanus of Dobrogea

Saint Germanus of Dobrogea

Venerable Leo the Cappadocian

Saint Leo the Cappadocian

Saint George the Confessor, Bishop of Develtos

Saint George the Confessor, Bishop of Develtos

Saint Oswald of Worcester, Archbishop of York

Saint Oswald of Worcester, Archbishop of York (+ 992)

Saint Meletius, Archbishop of Kharkov and Akhtyr 

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