On the third Eutropios contended for the prize
on the wood of the cross.
on the wood of the cross.
Holy Martyr Eutropios, Kleonikos and Basiliskos
Saints Eutropios, Kleonikos and Basiliskos the Martyrs
Holy Hieromartyr Theodoret, Presbyter of Antioch
Synaxarion of the Holy Hieromartyr Theodoret of Antioch
Saints Zenon and Zoilos
Saints Zenon and Zoilos
Venerable Piamun the Virgin
The Unknown Maiden
The Unknown Maiden
Saint John Chrysostom IV, Catholicos of Georgia
Saint John Chrysostom IV, Catholicos of Georgia (+ 1001) and Saint John Chrysostom V, Catholicos of Georgia (+ 1048)
Saint John Chrysostom V, Catholicos of Georgia
Saint John Chrysostom IV, Catholicos of Georgia (+ 1001) and Saint John Chrysostom V, Catholicos of Georgia (+ 1048)
Synaxis of the Volokolamsk Icon of the Mother of God
Synaxis of the Volokolamsk Icon of the Mother of God