On the sixth the heads of the forty-two were cut off together.
Holy Forty-Two Great Martyrs of Amorium
Venerable Arkadios of Cyprus
Venerable Arkadios of Cyprus with the Holy Martyrs Julian and Euboulos
Holy Martyrs Julian and Euboulos
Venerable Arkadios of Cyprus with the Holy Martyrs Julian and Euboulos
Venerable Hesychios the Wonderworker
Synaxarion of our Venerable Father Hesychios the Wonderworker
Holy Venerable Martyr Maximos
Holy Venerable Martyr Maximos
Holy Martyr Euphrosynos
Holy Martyr Euphrosynos
Venerable Job (in schema Joshua) of Anzersk
Saint Job (in schema Joshua) of Anzersk (+ 1720)
Commemoration of the Finding of the Honorable Cross
and Nails by Saint Helen
Finding of the Miraculous Icon
of Jesus Christ at Agia Moni
of Jesus Christ at Agia Moni
The Miraculous Icon of Jesus Christ at Agia Moni