On the seventh the seven fathers were carried off in death.
Holy Seven Hieromartyrs of Chersonesos,
the Bishops Ephraim, Basil, Eugenios, Agathodoros,
Elpidios, Aitherios and Kapiton
the Bishops Ephraim, Basil, Eugenios, Agathodoros,
Elpidios, Aitherios and Kapiton
Synaxarion of the Holy Seven Hieromartyrs of Chersonesos
Saints Arkadios and Nestor,
Bishops of Tremithus in Cyprus
Bishops of Tremithus in Cyprus
Saints Arkadios and Nestor, Bishops of Tremithus in Cyprus
Venerable Paul the Simple
Saint Ephraim, Patriarch of Antioch
Venerable Laurentios of Megara,
Founder of the Sacred Monastery
Founder of the Sacred Monastery
of Phaneromenis in Salamina
Saint Laurentios of Megara, Founder of the Sacred Monastery of Phaneromenis in Salamina
The Wonderworking Icon of the Venerable Laurentios in Nea Ionia
Venerable Aimilianos the Roman
with his Companions James and Marianos
Holy Martyr and Confessor Johannes of Ilomantsi
Holy Martyr and Confessor Johannes of Ilomantsi (+ 1918)
Two New Saints from Finland Canonized by the Ecumenical Patriarchate
Synaxis of All Saints of the Dodecanese
Synaxis of All Saints of the Dodecanese