On the twelfth Theophanes perished and departed from life.
Venerable Theophanes the Confessor,
Abbot of Megas Agros on Mount Sigriane
Venerable Gregory the Dialogist, Pope of Rome
Saint Gregory the Dialogist Resource Page
Holy Nine Martyrs
Holy Nine Martyrs
Righteous Phinehas
Righteous Aaron
Righteous Aaron, Brother of Moses the God-Seer
Venerable Symeon the Devout
Saint Symeon the Devout, Spiritual Father of Saint Symeon the New Theologian
Saint Demetre the Devoted, King of Georgia
Saint Demetre the Devoted, King of Georgia (+ 1289)
Holy Hieromartyr Kirion II,
Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia
Holy Hieromartyr Kirion II, Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia (+ 1918)