
April 6, 2018

Saints and Feasts of April 6

On the sixth the celestial gate opened for Eutychios.

Saint Eutychios, Patriarch of Constantinople

Saint Eutychios, Patriarch of Constantinople (+ 582)

St. Eutychios and the Condemnation of Heretics After Death

Holy One Hundred and Twenty Martyrs of Persia

Holy 120 Martyrs of Persia

Venerable Platonida

Saint Platonida of Nisibis in Syria

Holy Two Martyrs of Ascalon

Holy Two Martyrs of Ascalon

Venerable Gregory of Sinai

Saint Gregory of Sinai Resource Page

Venerable Gregory the Athonite, 
Who Lived in Asceticism on the Mountains 
of Great Lavra of Athos

Saint Gregory the Athonite, Instructor of Saint Gregory Palamas (+ 1308)

Holy New Venerable Martyr Gennadios of Dionysiou
Commemoration of the Black Easter of Thrace in 1906

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