

May 2, 2018

Saints and Feasts of May 2

On the second Athanasius was stripped 
of his corpse in the sepulcher.

Translation of the Sacred Relic of our Holy Father 
Athanasius the Great, Archbishop of Alexandria

Synaxarion for the Translation of the Relic of Saint Athanasius the Great

Translation of the Sacred Relic of Saint Athanasius the Great: Epistle and Gospel Reading

Saint Athanasius the Great Resource Page

Holy Martyrs Hesperus and Zoe 
with their children Kyriakos and Theodoulos

Saints Hesperus, Zoe, Kyriakos and Theodoulos as Models for our Lives

Venerable Jordan the Wonderworker

Venerable Jordan the Wonderworker

Saint Savvas, Bishop of Dafnousia

Saint Savvas, Bishop of Dafnousia

Holy Prince Boris-Michael, 
Equal to the Apostles and Enlightener of Bulgaria

Holy Prince Boris-Michael, Enlightener of Bulgaria (+ 907)

Saint Athanasios Patellarios the Sitter, 
Patriarch of Constantinople 
and Wonderworker of Lubensk

Saint Athanasios Patellarios of Lubensk and His Seated Relics

Miracles of Saint Athanasios the Sitter, Patriarch of Constantinople

Venerable Matrona the Blind of Moscow
Translation of the Sacred Relics of the 
Holy Passionbearers Boris and Gleb

Translation of the Sacred Relics of the Holy Passionbearers Boris and Gleb