I have an amazing little booklet available I wanted to offer to my readers for purchase which would make especially great reading for Great Lent. Recently I was commissioned to translate some beneficial writings of Righteous Alexei Mechev, but it didn't fall through and I was left with a bunch of booklets I would like to now sell instead of counting my losses. Please order today!

 Click Here For More Information and How To Order


June 30, 2018

The Best of June 2018 by the Mystagogy Resource Center (MRC)

Below is the monthly review for the month of June of the ten most popular articles from the previous month on johnsanidopoulos.com, then all the posts made on the other websites of the Mystagogy Resource Center.


1. The Praiseworthy Orthodox Funeral of a Mother of Ten Children

2. The Chains of Saint Paul the Apostle

3. The Prison of the Apostles Paul and Silas in Philippi

4. Saint Columba of Iona, Enlightener of Scotland (+ 597)

5. Holy Martyr Nectan of Hartland in Devonshire (+ 510)

6. Did St. Justin Popovich Break Communion With the Serbian Patriarchate?

7. Finding of the Sacred Relics of the Newly-Revealed Hieromartyr Nicholas in Karyes of Lesvos in 1960

8. On the Blood-Flowing Icon of Saint Theodore in Karsatas (St. Anastasios of Sinai)

9. Church of the Holy Five Canonical Virgins in Crete

10. 7 Greek Shrines Dedicated to the Prophet Elisha


1. Movie: "Antimoz Iverieli" (2001)

2. "Doctor Zhivago": Russian TV Mini-Series (2006)


1. How I Became Orthodox (Herman Tristram Engelhardt)

2. Holy Synod of Greece Approves of Two New Patron Saints in the Medical Field

3. Saint Luke of Crimea and Albert Schweitzer: Bringing Together Two Great Men

4. Science and Orthodox Christianity: An Overview (1 of 2)


1. A 9th Century Saint and Patriarch of Constantinople Who Disputed the Book of Revelation


1. How a Horror Movie Inspired Me to Begin Studying the Bible

2. The Devil and His Wiles (1 of 6)

3. The Devil and His Wiles (2 of 6)

4. Simon Magus and the Apostle Peter


1. The Author of the Book "The Gurus, the Young Man, and Elder Paisios"


1. Questions and Answers 26 - 30

2. Questions and Answers 31 - 35

3. Questions and Answers 36 - 40


1. 5 - Book Review: "Occult America: The Secret History of How Mysticism Shaped Our Nation"

2. 6 - Book Review: "Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire" by Edward N. Luttwak

3. 7 - Book Review: "The Christian Parthenon: Classicism and Pilgrimage in Byzantine Athens" by Anthony Kaldellis

4. 8 - Book Review: "Protestant Patriarch: The Life of Cyril Lucaris (1572-1638), Patriarch of Constantinople"

Church of the Holy Twelve Apostles in Sudak of Crimea

The Church of the Holy Twelve Apostles is a monument of architecture that is part of the complex of a medieval Genoese fortress in Sudak of Crimea.

The Church of the Twelve Apostles is located at the base of Mount Palvani-Oba, next to Astragver Tower, its other name is the Port Tower. The church, built in the Byzantine style, is referred to in the Middle Ages (13th-15th centuries) as being built for the Greek community of medieval Sudak.

Holy Hierarch Gelasius from Ramet Monastery

St. Gelasius of Ramet (Feast Day - June 30)

Saint Gelasius (Ghelasie) was the abbot and founder of the Ramet Monastery in Transylvania. He had lived as a solitary near Ramet Creek, and he was granted the grace of working miracles.

The Saint fasted on weekdays, eating only on Saturdays and Sundays, and his only food was the Divine Eucharist. During the day he fulfilled his monastic obediences, and at night he kept vigil.

Saint Martial, Bishop of Limoges

St Martial of Limoges (Feast Day - June 30)

Saint Gregory of Tours names Saint Martial, who founded the Church of Limoges in France, as one of the seven bishops sent from Rome by Pope Fabian to Gaul with Saint Denis of Paris in the middle of the third century. At Limoges he overturned pagan worship and superstitions and filled the city with faith in the true God. He further writes in his History of the Franks: "Martial lived in the greatest sanctity, winning people to the Church and spreading the faith of Christ among all, and died in peace, confessing the faith."

Saints and Feasts of June 30

On the thirtieth the famed initiated Apostles gathered together.

Synaxis of the Holy, Glorious and 
All-Praised Twelve Apostles

Twelve Apostles Resource Page

Saint Martial, Bishop of Limoges

Saint Martial, Bishop of Limoges

Saint Peter, Prince of the Horde

Saint Peter the Prince of the Golden Horde and the Appearance of Sts. Peter and Paul

Holy Hierarch Gelasius from Ramet

Holy Hierarch Gelasius from Ramet Monastery

Saint Dinar, Queen of Hereti
Venerable Gervasios (Paraskevopoulos) of Patras

Commemoration of the Slaughter of Christians 
By Turks and Kurds in Diarbekir of Asia Minor

The Slaughter of Christians By Turks and Kurds in Diarbekir in 1895

Glorification of Saint Sophronius, Bishop of Irkutsk

Saint Sophronius, Bishop of Irkutsk and Wonderworker of All Siberia (+ 1771)

June 29, 2018

The Prison of the Apostles Paul and Silas in Philippi

Philippi, where Paul and Silas spent time in a jail cell, was a city in eastern Macedonia established by King Philip II of Macedon. The king started the city in 356 B.C., the same year his son and heir to the throne Alexander III (also known as Alexander the Great) was born. The objective of founding the town was to take control of the neighboring gold mines and to establish a garrison at a strategic passage.

The Chains of Saint Paul the Apostle

In the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls in Rome, the chain that, according to the most ancient tradition, attached the Apostle Paul to the Roman soldier assigned to guard him while in prison in Rome, is the most precious among the relics and objects on display in the Chapel of Relics. On the Feast Day of Saint Paul (June 29th) each year, the chains are taken in procession around the Basilica.

This is what Saint John Chrysostom (Homily 8 on Ephesians) said of these chains in Rome:

Saint Cassius, Bishop of Narni (+ 558)

St. Cassius of Narni (Feast Day - June 29)

Saint Cassius was Bishop of Narni in Cascavel from 9 October 536 to 29 June 558. Cassius was married; his wife's name was Fausto. He was most noted for his daily celebration of the Liturgy and the giving of all his possessions to the poor. Cassius's time in office coincided with Justinian's Gothic War, a dangerous period for Italian cities.

Saints and Feasts of June 29

On the twenty-ninth Peter submitted to the cross 
and Paul to the sword.

Holy, Glorious and All-Praised Foremost 
Apostles Peter and Paul

Apostles Peter and Paul Resource Page

Saint Cassius, Bishop of Narni

Saint Cassius, Bishop of Narni (+ 558)

June 28, 2018

The Praiseworthy Orthodox Funeral of a Mother of Ten Children

Maria S. lost her life in a car accident a few days ago as she returned home from her job.

The unfortunate mother was a mid-wife by profession and a mother of ten children that ranged in ages from 2 months old to 22 years old.

Last Saturday her funeral was celebrated, with thousands of people present, since she was very much loved in Oropos, where she lived with her family of many children.

Synaxarion of the Holy Martyr Papias

St. Papias the Martyr (Feast Day - June 28);
Image shows St. Orestes being dragged by a horse


How can I escape talking about Papias,
A brave Martyr of the Lord?

He flourished during the reigns of Emperors Diocletian and Maximian in the year 301, having adored and believed in Christ from his ancestors, and he proclaimed piety to others. For this he was accused before the governor and apprehended. Thus he stood before him, and he was urged to sacrifice to the idols. Because he could not be persuaded, but instead he insulted the governor, for this the governor became enraged.

Holy Abba Moses the Anchorite


For the sake of virtue Moses ascended the mountain,
There he died, like Moses on the mountain.

In his Synaxaristes, Saint Nikodemos the Hagiorite informs us that the Moses commemorated on June 28th is not the Ethiopian, because he is commemorated on August 28th, therefore it is believed that the Moses referred to on this day is the Moses that Saint John Cassian spoke with, their conversation being recorded in the first two books of the Conferences. We know that this Moses is not the same Moses as the Ethiopian, because he specifically says in this text that Moses entered the desert monastery in his youth. Below is the complete text of the first two conferences recorded by John Cassian.

Holy Martyr Basil and the Seventy Martyrs of Scythopolis

Ancient Amphitheater of Scythopolis


To the Seventy Martyrs.
You had ten times seven disciples Savior,
You have the same amount of athletes by the sword.

Almost nothing is known of these Holy Martyrs. Basil was either the leader of the Seventy or one of the Seventy and probably a native of Scythopolis. They were martyred by the sword, probably by beheading, in Scythopolis (mod. Beit Shean; Baishan in Syriac) of Palestine. Basil is separately commemorated on July 5th, the day of his martyrdom, while the Seventy are all together celebrated on June 28th. Interestingly, Saint Prokopios of Scythopolis was martyred in Caesarea on July 7, 303, according to Eusebius, and he was the first martyr of Diocletian's persecution there; perhaps there is an association.

Saints and Feasts of June 28

On the twenty-eighth Cyrus was revealed 
along with his fellow contestant.

Finding of the Sacred Relics of the 
Holy Unmercenaries Cyrus and John
Holy Martyr Papias

Synaxarion of the Holy Martyr Papias

Saint Sergios the Magistros

Saint Sergios Niketiates the Magistros (+ c. 843)

Holy Martyr Macedonius

Holy Martyr Macedonius

Venerable Oulkianos

Venerable Oulkianos

Saint Paul the Physician

Saint Paul the Physician of Corinth

Holy Two Child Martyrs

Holy Two Child Martyrs

Venerable Moses the Anchorite

Holy Abba Moses the Anchorite

Saint Donagos, Bishop of Libya

Saint Donagos, Bishop of Libya

Holy Seventy Martyrs of Scythopolis

Holy Martyr Basil and the Seventy Martyrs of Scythopolis

Holy Three Martyrs of Galatia

Holy Three Martyrs of Galatia

Venerable Magnus

Venerable Magnus

Venerable Xenophon of Robeika

Saint Xenophon of Robeika (+ 1262)

Venerable Sergius and Herman of Valaam

Saints Sergius and Herman of Valaam

June 27, 2018

Church of Saint Sampson the Innkeeper in Pyrgos of Santorini

This is an old church, but the internal and external embellishment of the church dates to 2003. It is one of two churches in Santorini dedicated to Saint Sampson, and one of seven dedicated to the Saint in all of Greece. The church is located near the Elementary School on the eastern side of the village, along a narrow path. It also celebrates on August 27th, when locals bake Phanouropita in honor of Saint Phanourios.

Saint George the Hagiorite (+ 1065)

St. George Mtatsmindeli (Feast Day - June 27)

By Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze

Saint George’s family had its roots in the region of Samtskhe in southern Georgia. George was born in Trialeti to the pious Jacob and Mariam.

When George reached the age of seven, the God-fearing and wise Abbess Sabiana of Tadzrisi Monastery in Samtskhe took him under her care. George spent three years at Tadzrisi, and when he was ten his father sent him to Khakhuli Monastery, to his own brothers Saints George the Scribe and Saba.

Cyril Loukaris Versus the World

Cyril Loukaris was elected Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople in 1620, at a critical time in Europe. The Thirty Years War (1618-1648) between Catholics and Protestants was raging, exporting its hatred and violence to the East. Jesuits and Capuchins were attempting to induce mass conversions to Catholicism from among the Orthodox population, while Catholic powers and Protestant ambassadors were both applying pressure on the Sublime Porte.

Saints and Feasts of June 27

On the twenty-seventh Sampson died and gushed forth myrrh.

Saint Sampson the Innkeeper

Saint Sampson the Innkeeper Resource Page

Holy Martyr Anektos of Caesarea

Synaxarion of the Holy Martyr Anektos of Caesarea

Saint Joanna the Myrrhbearer

Saint Joanna the Myrrhbearer

Venerable Luke the Hermit

Venerable Luke the Hermit

Holy Martyrs Markios and Markia

Holy Martyrs Markios and Markia

Holy Hieromartyr Pierius, Presbyter of Antioch

Holy Hieromartyr Pierius, Presbyter of Antioch

Saint Cyril Loukaris, Patriarch of Constantinople

Saint Cyril Loukaris Resource Page

Venerable George the Hagiorite

Saint George the Hagiorite (+ 1065)

Saint Severus the Presbyter

The Beneficial Lesson of Saint Severus the Presbyter

Venerable Martin of Turov

Saint Martin of Turov (+ 1150)

Narration of Bishop Synesios of Cyrene, 
Regarding Evagrios the Philosopher, 
and the Three Gold Litra

The Tale of Evagrios the Philosopher, Who Was Converted by Bishop Synesios of Cyrene, and the Three Gold Litra

June 26, 2018

My Day With a Holocaust Survivor

By John Sanidopoulos

In our days words like "Nazi" and "Concentration Camp" are used in a very ignorant fashion, especially by those in America who stand on the political left, which leaves me with the understanding that they have no clue what a Nazi or Concentration Camp was. On the other end you have holocaust deniers, who I would consider to possess the same ignorance. This has prompted me to write this brief article on a day I once spent with a holocaust survivor, and what he told me about his ordeal.

Saint Theoleptos, Metropolitan of Philadelphia (+ 1322)

St. Theoleptos of Philadelphia (Feast Day - June 25)

Saint Nikodemos, in his Introduction to the writings of Saint Theoleptos in the Philokalia, tells us the following about him:

"Theoleptos, the truly great luminary of Philadelphia, flourished during the reign of Andronikos II Palaiologos, around the year 1325. He first lived the solitary life at the Holy Mountain, and from there received the dignity of Primate of the Metropolis of Philadelphia. Saint Gregory (Palamas) the Archbishop of Thessaloniki was his guide and mystagogue in lessons of excellence. He initiated him in sacred watchfulness and noetic prayer, although he still lived in the world, as is written in the life of Gregory written by Patriarch Philotheos.

Appearance of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in 1383

By Archpriest John Matusiak

According to ancient tradition, the wonderworking icon of Tikhvin is one of several painted by Saint Luke the Evangelist. The icon was taken from Jerusalem to Constantinople in the fifth century, where it was enshrined in the Church of Blachernae, which was built especially for this purpose.

In 1383, seventy years before the fall of Constantinople at the hands of the Turks, fishermen on Lake Ladoga in the principality of Novgorod the Great witnessed the icon miraculously hovering over the lake’s waters amidst a radiant light. According to an early sixteenth century Russian manuscript, “The Tale of Miracles of the Icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God,” the Theotokos herself decided that her image should leave Constantinople, perhaps in anticipation of the impending fall of the Byzantine Empire.

Saint Dionysius, Archbishop of Suzdal (+ 1385)

St. Dionysius of Suzdal (Feast Days - October 15 & June 26)

Dionysius, Archbishop of Suzdal, in the world David, was a native of the Duchy of Kiev and tonsured at the Kiev Caves Lavra with the name Dionysius and made a Hieromonk. He arrived at the Volga with an icon of the Mother of God that he had received as a blessing from Saints Anthony and Theodosius. Saint Dionysius dug out a cave not far from Nizhni-Novgorod and struggled in total solitude. Brethren constantly thronged to the holy ascetic and in the year 1335 he founded a monastery in honor of the Ascension of the Lord known as the Pechersky Monastery.

Saints and Feasts of June 26

On the twenty-sixth, David passed through the gates of life.

Venerable David of Thessaloniki

Saint David the Dendrite Resource Page

Venerable John, Bishop of Gothia

Saint John, Bishop of Gothia (+ 791)

Venerable Anthion
Holy Martyr and Unmercenary Medicus of Otricoli
Saint Dionysius, Archbishop of Suzdal

Saint Dionysius, Archbishop of Suzdal (+ 1385)

Holy New Venerable Martyr David the Agiannanitis

Holy New Martyr David the New the Agiannanitis (+ 1813)

Synaxis of the Wonderworking Icon of the 
Mother of God of Lydda or "the Roman"

Saint Germanos, Patriarch of Constantinople, and the Wonderworking Icon of Lydda

Appearance of the Tikhvin Icon of the 
Most Holy Theotokos (1383)

Appearance of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in 1383

The Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God (animation)

Saint David the Dendrite Resource Page

St. David the Dendrite (Feast Day - June 26)


With David of old art thou now united, O new David,
For thou didst kill the carnal passions like Goliath.
On the twenty-sixth, David passed through the gates of life.

June 25, 2018

The Holy Seven Martyred Brothers Orentios, Pharnakios, Eros, Firmus, Firminus, Kyriakos and Longinus

Holy Seven Martyred Brothers (Feast Day - June 25)


To Orentios.
Orentios emerged alive from the depths of the sea,
He died on the earth and hastened towards heaven.

To Pharnakios.
Pharnakios was taken up from the clay earth,
Raised to the grounds of the house of the Lord.

To Eros.
You possessed desire for the beauty of heaven Eros,
To which you have gone up rejoicing.

To Firmus and Firminus.
On the noetic thrones Firmus and Firminus,
The King of Angels sits.

To Kyriakos and Longinus.
Kyriakos and Longinus as equal to the angels,
God established equal in honor to the Angels.

Holy Martyr Febronia of Nisibis

St. Febronia (Feast Day - June 25)


Saint Febronia is reputed to have been a martyr in Nisibis under Diocletian (284-305), and is said to have been the work of a fellow nun of her from her monastery named Thomais. The psychological insight into the friendship between the widowed Hieria and the young nun Febronia would seem point to a woman as the author.

There can be little doubt that the work was composed in Nisibis, which is in the Mardin Province of Turkey, bordering Syria. Her veneration appears to have become popular only in the late sixth century and later. In the verse Life of the East Syrian monk Rabban bar 'idta, we are told that in 563 his sister "built a nunnery in the name of the martyred woman Febronia who had been martyred in the days of Diocletian;" this convent was not in Nisibis itself but across the Tigris in Marga. In the seventh century the veneration reached Constantinople, where it be­came associated with that of Saint Artemios, and it is probably of significance that the emperor Heraclius (610-41) had a daughter (by his second wife Martina) named Febronia. Saint Febronia also had an oratory in the sanctuary of the famous Church of Saint John the Baptist in the Oxeia Quarter of Constantinople. It would seem plausible to suggest that the veneration and the Greek translation of her Life reached Constantinople at much the same time. Once in Greek, her Life served as a source for several later passions. From the capital her veneration spread to Italy (by way of Naples) and France.

Sayings of Holy Abba Simon

Venerable Simon (Feast Day - June 25)


The vessel of the flesh of Simon is a shrine,
The dwelling place of his spirit is the heavens.

Sayings of Abba Simon

1. A magistrate came to see Abba Simon one day. When he heard of it, he put on his apron and went out to attend to a palm-tree. When the visitors arrived they called out to him, ‘Old man, where is the anchorite?’ He replied, ‘There is no anchorite here.’ Hearing these words, they went away again.

Saints Peter and Febronia, Wonderworkers of Murom (+ 1228)

Sts. Peter and Febronia (Feast Day - June 25)

Prince Peter was the second son of the Murom prince Yuri Vladimirovich. He entered upon the throne of Murom in the year 1203. Several years before this Saint Peter had fallen ill with leprosy, from which no one was able to heal him. In a vision it was revealed to the prince that the daughter of a bee-keeper would be able to heal him: the pious maiden Febronia, a peasant of Laskova village in Ryazan gubernia. Saint Peter sent his emissaries to this village.

Life and Sayings of Saint Nikon of Optina (+ 1931)

St. Nikon of Optina (Feast Day - June 25)

Saint Nikon was born on September 26, 1888, the son of Metrophanes and Vera Belyaev, and was named Nicholas at his Baptism. His parents, who were both very devout, belonged to one of Moscow’s merchant families.

Even in his childhood, there were events that were like signs in his life. In 1888, St. John of Kronstadt visited the Belyaev home. After serving a moleben, he blessed the young mother and gave her his photograph with his autograph and date: “1888, the year of the birth of your son Nicholas.”

Saints and Feasts of June 25

On the twenty-fifth Febronia gave her neck to the sword.

Holy Martyr Febronia

Holy Martyr Febronia of Nisibis

Saint Febronia as a Model for our Lives

The Holy Seven Martyred Brothers 
Orentios, Pharnakios, Eros, Firmus, 
Firminus, Kyriakos and Longinus 
Commemoration of God Helping the Queen City 
Against Godless Saracens

Commemoration of God Helping the Queen City Against Godless Saracens

Holy Venerable Martyrs Leonida, Liby and Eutropia

Holy Venerable Martyrs Leonida, Liby and Eutropia

Venerable Simon

Sayings of Holy Abba Simon

Venerable Methodios of Nivritos

Saint Methodios of Nivritos

Saint Theoleptos, Metropolitan of Philadelphia

Saints Peter and Febronia, Wonderworkers of Murom

Saints Peter and Febronia, Wonderworkers of Murom (+ 1228)

Venerable Dionysios, 
Founder of the Athonite Monastery of the Forerunner

Saint Dionysios, Builder of the Athonite Monastery of the Forerunner, Now Known as Dionysiou (+ 1388)

Venerable Dometios, 
Fellow Ascetic of Saint Dionysios 
and First Abbot of Dionysiou Monastery

Saint Dionysios, Builder of the Athonite Monastery of the Forerunner, Now Known as Dionysiou (+ 1388)

Venerable Dalmatius of Siberia

Holy New Martyr Prokopios the New from Varna

Holy New Martyr Prokopios the New from Varna, Bulgaria (+ 1810)

Holy New Martyr George of Krini

Holy New Martyr George of Krini (+ 1823)

Venerable Nikon of Optina

Life and Sayings of Saint Nikon of Optina (+ 1931)

June 24, 2018

Saints and Feasts of the Last Sunday of June

Synaxis of the Panagia Megalomata in Skiathos

Panagia Megalomata of Skiathos

Saints and Feasts of June 24

The mother bore the Forerunner on the twenty-fourth.

Nativity of the Honorable, Glorious Prophet, 
Forerunner and Baptist John

Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Resource Page

Synaxis of the Righteous Zechariah and Elizabeth

Synaxis of the Righteous Zechariah and Elizabeth

Venerable Anthony of Dymsk

Saint Anthony of Dymsk (+ 1224)

Righteous Youths John and Jacob of Meniugi

Righteous Youths John and Jacob of Meniugi (+ 1560's)

Holy New Martyr Panagiotis of Caesarea

Holy New Martyr Panagiotis of Caesarea in Cappadocia (+ 1765)

Venerable Athanasios Parios

Saint Athanasios Parios Resource Page

Translation of the Sacred Relic of 
Saint John the New of Suceava

Holy Great Martyr John the New of Suceava (+ 1330)

Statement of the Holy Monastery of Saint John the New in Suceava, Romania in Light of the Case of Coronavirus

Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Resource Page

Birth of Saint John the Baptist (Feast Day - June 24)


Zachariah danced with his wife,
Not with many children, but with one great one.
The mother bore the Forerunner on the twenty-fourth.


The Birth of John the Baptist and the Summer Solstice

Three Wondrous Things That Accompanied the Birth of Saint John the Baptist


June 23, 2018

On the Fast of the Apostles (St. Symeon of Thessaloniki)

By St. Symeon of Thessaloniki

(Responses to Various Questions, 104)

The fast of the Apostles was established in their honor, and rightly so for through them we have been deemed worthy of many good things, having been made manifest to us as practitioners and teachers of fasting and obedience, even unto death itself persevering in self-control. To this even the Latins bear witness unintentionally, honoring the Apostles on the days of their memorials with fasting; but we, in adhering to the Apostolic Constitutions compiled by Clement,* after the Descent of the Holy Spirit rejoice for one week and then, immediately after, we fast for a week, that we may not grow weak through soft living, as we are taught. At the same time we honor through fasting the Apostles who enjoined fasting.

Synaxarion of the Holy Martyr Eustochios the Presbyter and Those With Him

St. Eustochios and Those With Him (Feast Day - June 23)


To Eustochios.
Divinely possessed you went to the sword Eustochios,
Keeping in mind the One who crowns.

To Gaius.
Divine Gaius was like a secure door,
Though beheaded by the sword his soul remains unwounded.

To Lollia.
You approached Christ through the sword Lollia,
As a bride you were painted rouge with your blood.

To Probis.
From your neck there gushed forth a spring of blood,
Rejoicing Probis as you advance towards Christ.

To Urban.
You were cut at the neck by a sword Martyr Urban,
Making no sound like a sheared lamb.

Saints and Feasts of June 23

On the twenty-third Agrippina died from her wounds.

Holy Martyr Agrippina of Rome

Holy Martyr Agrippina of Rome

Holy Hieromartyrs Aristokles the Presbyter, 
Demetrianos the Deacon and Athanasios the Reader

Saints Aristokles the Presbyter, Demetrianos the Deacon and Athanasios the Reader

Holy Martyr Eustochios the Presbyter with 
Gaius his nephew, and his children 
Lollia, Probis and Urban

Synaxarion of the Holy Martyr Eustochios the Presbyter and Those With Him

Venerable Niketas of Thebes, together with 
Venerable Theodore the Priest, 
Venerable Daniel of the Castle in Patras and 
Venerable Gregory of Mystras

Saints Niketas of Thebes and Those With Him

Saint Gregory of Mystra, Patron of Sparta

Venerable Barbaros the Pentapolitis

Life and Miracles of Saint Barbaros the Myrrhgusher

Saint Barbaros the Myrrhgusher and Wonderworker

The Discovery of the Relics of Saint Barbaros the Myrrhgusher in 2013

Saint Artemius of Verkola

Saint Artemius of Verkola the Righteous Youth

Saints Gerasimos of Crete, Neophytos of Knossos, 
Joachim of Chersonisos, Hierotheos of Lampis,
 Zacharias of Sitia, Joachim of Petra, 
Gerasimos of Rethymnos, Kallinikos of Kydonia, 
Melchizedek of Kisamos, Kallinikos of Diopolis and 
All Clergy and Laity Martyred in Crete in 1821 and 1822

Commemoration of All Those Martyred in Crete for their Faith in Christ and Homeland During the Revolution of 1821

Synaxis of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God 
in Memory of the Saving of Moscow from 
the Invasion of Khan Achmed

Synaxis of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God in Memory of the Saving of Moscow from the Invasion of Khan Achmed in 1480

Synaxis of All Saints of Vladimir

Synaxis of All Saints of Vladimir

June 22, 2018

Saint Anastasia of Serbia, Mother of Saint Sava (+ 1200)

St. Anastasia of Serbia (Feast Day - June 22)

Saint Anastasia was the mother of Saint Sava of Serbia (Jan. 14). She came from a noble family, though her origins are unknown, and received the name Anna when she was baptized. Later, she married the Serbian Grand Prince Stefan Nemanja (Sept. 24), making her the princess consort of the Serbian Principality around the year 1150.

Saints and Feasts of June 22

On the twenty-second the head of Eusebius was crushed.

Holy Hieromartyr Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata

Holy Hieromartyr Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata (+ 380)

Saint Eusebius of Samosata as a Model for our Lives

Holy Martyrs Zenon and Zenas

Holy Martyrs Zenon and Zenas of Philadelphia

Holy Martyr Pompianos

Holy Martyrs Pompianos, Galation, Juliana and Satorninos

Holy Martyr Galation

Holy Martyrs Pompianos, Galation, Juliana and Satorninos

Holy Martyrs Juliana and her son Satorninos

Holy Martyrs Pompianos, Galation, Juliana and Satorninos

Holy Martyr Alban of Britain

Saint Alban, First Martyr of Britain

Saint Alban the Martyr of Britain

Saint Nicetas, Bishop of Remesiana

Saint Nicetas, Bishop of Remesiana (+ 414)

Saint Anastasia of Serbia
Holy New Hieromartyrs Ambrosios, Neophytos 
and Venerable Martyr Makarios of Vatopaidi

Saint Gregory the Teacher of Vatopaidi

Saint Gregory the Teacher (+ 1834)

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