
June 14, 2018

Saints and Feasts of June 14

On the fourteenth the pleasant portion fell upon Elisha.

Holy Prophet Elisha

Prophet Elisha Resource Page

Saint Methodios the Confessor, 
Patriarch of Constantinople

Saint Methodios the Confessor, Patriarch of Constantinople (+ 846)

Holy Hieromartyr Cyril, Bishop of Gortyna

Saint Cyril, Bishop of Gortyna

Venerable Julitta of Tabennisi

Saint Julitta of Tabennisi (+ 410)

Venerable Nephon the Athonite

Saint Nephon the Athonite (+ 1411)

Venerable Elisha of Suma

Saint Elisha of Suma (+ 15th cent.)

Holy Eleven Estonians Martyred During the 
Soviet Occupation of Estonia (1940-1941): 
Protopresbyter Vasilli Ritskok, 
Presbyters Johannes Kraav, 
Joan Segejev, Arteemi Vapper and Νikolai Leisman, 
Deacons Vasilli Astanin and Peeter Koslov, 
Presvytera Marta Leisman and the Laypeople 
Joann Lagovski, Theodor Pettai and Anna Pettai
Venerable Justin (Popovich), 
Archimandrite of Ćelije Monastery in Serbia

Saint Justin Popovich Resource Page


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