
July 7, 2018

Saints and Feasts of July 7

On the seventh Thomas was seized from 
the sensible darkness of death.

Venerable Thomas of Mount Maleon

Holy Great Martyr Kyriaki

Saint Kyriaki Resource Page

Holy Hieromartyr Eustathios

Holy Hieromartyr Eustathios

Holy Martyr Polycarp the New

Holy Martyr Polycarp the New

Holy Hieromartyr Evangelos, Bishop of Tomis

Holy Hieromartyr Evangelos, Bishop of Tomis

Holy Martyrs Peregrinus, Lucian, Pompeius, 
Hesychius, Papius, Saturninus and Germanus

Saint Asteios, Bishop of Dyrrachium and the Seven Holy Martyrs With Him

Saint Prosper of Aquitaine

Saint Prosper of Aquitaine (+ 455)

Venerable Euphrosyne, in the world Eudokia, 
Grand Duchess of Moscow

Saint Euphrosyne, in the world Eudokia, Grand Duchess of Moscow (+ 1407)

Holy Hieromartyr Vlasios of Akarnania

Saint Vlasios of Akarnania Has Been Canonized by the Ecumenical Patriarchate

Thousands Attend the First Celebration of the Newly Canonized Saint Vlasios of Akarnania

 Commemoration of the Kalinovka Miracle 
of the Bloody Crucifix in 1923

The Kalinovka Miracle of the Bloody Crucifix in 1923

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