
August 12, 2018

Saints and Feasts of August 12

On the twelfth Photios and Aniketos 
were put to death in the fire.

(Fasting Day)

Holy Martyrs Photios and Aniketos

Holy Martyrs Photios and Aniketos of Nicomedia

Venerable Palamon

Holy Abba Palamon, Spiritual Father of Saint Pachomios the Great

Holy Twelve Soldier Martyrs of Crete

The Holy Twelve Soldier Martyrs of Crete

Venerable Kastor

Venerable Kastor

Holy Martyrs Pamphilus and Capiton

Holy Martyrs Pamphilus and Capiton

Venerables Sergius and Stephen

Venerables Sergius and Stephen

Annunciation of the Metastasis of the Theotokos

Synaxarion of the Annunciation of the Metastasis of the Theotokos

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