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May 9, 2019

Service for the Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas of Myra (St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite)


In 1081 AD, the Holy Body of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was taken from the Church of his See in Myra, to the city of Bari on the west coast of Italy. Some have looked at this event, and see it as a theft from, and a great loss for, the Greeks of Asia Minor, to the benefit of the Italians. Other see even in this event, God's love and providence. St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite takes the latter point of view, as he relates that the transfer of the Saint's relic was by the will of God: “on the one hand, that his relic not remain without honor and glory, and on the other, that the West might partake of his wonders, as [the Christians of Bari at that time] had not yet fallen into heresies and false beliefs, but was Orthodox, and united with the Church of the East.”

Likely because some mourn the loss of St. Nicholas' body to the East, the memory of the translation of his relic is generally not as widely celebrated in Orthodox Greece as it is in Russia and other countries. However, St. Nikodemos did feel strong enough that this event deserves memory that he composed a service for this feast, as he relates: “For this feast, my weakness has composed a Service for St. Nicholas, and whoever desires to celebrate the Saint, let him seek it, for it is found in the Cell of St. Nicholas, called Barberadon, near Karyes.”

It should also be noted, that areas in the Peloponese, Zakynthos and other Ionian Islands, etc. that the Italian ships would have passed have maintained that this “passing-by” of the relics of St. Nicholas was a great blessing for them, and many places celebrate this festively. St. Nikodemos refers to this in his service, where he hymns the “passing” of the relic of the Saint, through which he sanctified not just these areas of Greece and Italy, but “everything under the sun”. Because various areas had greeted the relics on different days, the custom arose to variously celebrate the translation of St. Nicholas on May 9th, May 10th, May 20th, or other days during that period. The service by St. Nikodemos was written, however, to be celebrated on May 10th.

Service for the Translation of the Holy Relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myria in Lycia

By St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite

(Chanted on the 10th of May)

Great Vespers

After the Psalm, “Bless the Lord, O my soul…”, the “Blessed is the man…”, then at the “Lord I have cried…”, six verses (of the Prosomoia of the Saint), and two of the present feast.

Stichera in the Fourth Tone. As the brave one among the Martyrs.
The Church rejoices at your precious Relic, through which you have sanctified everything under the sun, and she magnifies the Lord, Who showed you forth to be the adornment of Hierarchs, and the deliverer of the faithful, therefore intercede, that deliverance from offenses be granted to those who hymn you in faith, O thrice-blessed Archbishop Nicholas.

The leader of the people of Myra, the pride of the Fathers, the boast and support of the whole world, the guide towards piety, he who demonstrates dogmas, and the chosen vessel. We know you to be the fragrance of the Spirit, the treasure of the poor, and the savior and deliverer of the storm-tossed, O Nicholas, the Father of the Fathers.

Having been aflame with divine zeal for Christ, O blessed one, you deposed the boldness of Arius the godless, and you preached the Son as being consubstantial with the Father, and truly equal in honor. Through His immeasurable compassion, He received our clay without confusion, and ineffably deified it, translating it to heaven.

You wholly desired Christ, O all-honored one, and you followed His paths, as an all-holy Hierarch, and an all-perfect mystic, and the boast of the faithful, the supporter of the poor. Therefore, the Lord truly showed you to be wondrous with a multitude of miracles, both while alive and after your repose.

Doxastikon of the Stichera in the Plagal of the Second Tone.
The great treasure among the Hierarchs, the unassailable surrounding wall of the Church, the boast of the whole world, and the glory and rejoicing of the Angels, let us gather to hymn him, and fervently cry out: Rejoice, you who proclaimed the Son and Word of God as consubstantial and equal in glory to the Father, God the Word, through your all-wise tongue, and through Whom you received all things. Rejoice, the protection of orphans and widows. Rejoice, the most-speedy helper of those who sail the seas. Rejoice, the most-radiant light, who sanctified everything under the sun with miracles. And now, be present with us, who with fervor hymn the honored passing of your divine Relic, O Hierarch Nicholas.

Both now. Of the Feast.

Then “O gladsome light...”, followed by the Prokeimenon of the Day, then the reading of the Hierarch.

The Reading is from the Wisdom of Solomon (3:1-9)
“The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God...”

The Reading is from the Wisdom of Solomon (5, 15-23, and 6:1-3)
“The righteous live unto the ages, and their reward is from the Lord...”

The Reading is from the Wisdom of Solomon (4: 7-15)
“The righteous man, even if he happens to die, is at rest...”

At the Litia

First Tone
O Father Nicholas, from infancy, you desired the Lord, and abandoned the world, and counted its joys as refuse, as you distributed your wealth to the poor. You were zealous for the Angelic way, as you offered to the Master ceaseless hymns. Therefore, He Who beheld the hidden things of your soul, made you worthy of divine wonders, granting the ability to work them, and that unending blessedness of the age to come. Having reposed, you now dwell with the Angels. Do not cease to intercede on behalf of us, O Saint Nicholas.

O adornment of the Fathers, divine Nicholas, the all-perfect shepherd of the sheep of the Church of Christ God, for in a godly manner you led your people towards the heavenly sheepfold, as a perfect guide, and were shown to be a nourisher of orphans, and a savior and deliverer of those who sail. Intercede on behalf of us to the Lord, who with fervor hymn the translation of your sacred and divine Relic.

Second Tone
You were shown to be truly a shepherd of the Arch-shepherd, and a disciple of Christ, O Hierarch Nicholas. Therefore, you rightly condemned the Arians, and through your pastoral protection, you cast them out, and having been filled with divine zeal, you gave the godless Arius a slap, and you showed all those who were of like mind with him to be fools, giving pasture to your rational sheep. And now in the heavens, as you had laid down your life for your sheep, you receive the reward for your deeds from Christ God, and the Savior of our souls.

Third Tone
Who would not glorify, who would not rightly bless the Arch-priest and Teacher Nicholas, whom the Holy Trinity has blessed? For he was shown to be a famed teacher of the Holy Church, an unshakable pillar of piety, and a most-exacting canon of truth, the defender of the First Ecumenical Synod, he who uproots the tares of deception of the demons, the dissolver of heretics, the guide for the deluded, the common Father of orphans, the protector of Greece which calls upon him, and the rejoicing of the whole world.

Glory. Plagal of the Second Tone.
Come today, O you who dwell on earth, let us celebrate with hymns of praise, hymning the divine passing of the Holy Relic of the Great and thrice-blessed Nicholas, and in faith, let us cry out, saying: Rejoice, the surpassing helper of all those who call upon you in faith. Rejoice, the faith of the poor, and the deliver and protector of those on the seas. And now, entreat Christ God on behalf of us, O Hierarch Nicholas.

Both now. Of the feast.

Aposticha in the Second Tone. When You were taken down from the tree.
Rejoice, the enricher of orphans, rejoice the benefactor of widows, and the savior of those who sail, rejoice the most-fervent deliverer of the innocent. The rejoicing of the faithful, the wonder of the Angels, the pillar and foundation of the Church of Christ, rejoice the pride of the Fathers, the true boast of the people of Myra, and the chaste adornment of the divine Venerable Saints.

Verse. My mouth will speak wisdom...
When the terrible and insane Arius moved his tongue against Christ impudently, then, at the holy Gathering, with the sling of the Spirit, you cast him out like another Goliath, from the community of the faithful. Then, being aflame with divine zeal in deed and word, you deposed him, O divine Nicholas.

Verse. The mouth of the righteous man meditates on wisdom...
You hearkened to the word of the Prophet, as a wise Hierarch, and built temples and raised altars to Christ God, O all-wise one, and offered bloodless sacrifices, as another Melchizedek, O Holy one, as a sacred Hierarch. Therefore, the Master of all glorifies your all-precious Body before all, O Nicholas.

Doxastikon of the Aposticha in the Plagal of the Second Tone.
When, O all-blessed one, you delivered your soul unto the hands of the Creator, then the whole multitude of the people of Myra, of every age, surrounded the bier, and wearily shed tears upon your spotless Body, and bitterly mourned, saying: “Why have you abandoned your children, O Saint? And how will we be able to pass through the rest of life without you?” And more than this was heard: “The orphans have been robbed of their Father, the poor of their treasure, those upon the seas of their guide, those in sicknesses of their free healer, captives of their deliverer, the Priests of their Shepherd.” But, O all-holy Nicholas, do not cease to visit us from the heavens, who celebrate the memory of the honored passing of your divine Relic with fervor.

Both now. Of the feast.

The “Lord, now let your servant...”, followed by the Trisagion, then the Apolytikia.

Apolytikion in the First Tone
Come, let us all praise with hymns the veneration of the divine Relic of our Blessed Shepherd, as we cry out to him in joy: Help us, who are in all kinds of dangers, and who hymn you with faith, O Hierarch Nicholas. Glory to Christ Who glorified you, magnifying you with praise, for you were shown to be our radiant pride, and an image of holiness.

Both now. Of the feast.


After the First Stichologia,
Kathisma in Tone One. Your tomb, O Savior.
Greatly has God glorified you, O Father, with all kinds of wonders during your life, for you shepherded the people of Myra with faith. After your repose, He showed your all-holy Body to be pouring-forth wonders, which we faithfully glorify.

The protector of the people of Myra, the pride of Greece, you shown forth, O thrice-blessed one, in the city of Bari, dissolving their bitterness, and bringing in joy for them, O all-wise one, through the holy case of your Relics, which we praise sacredly, O all-blessed Nicholas.

Both now. Of the feast.

After the Second Stichologia,
Kathisma in the Fourth Tone. You have appeared today.
Today, the whole world celebrates reverently, at the passing of your sacred Relic, O Hierarch Nicholas, hymning Christ, Who magnified you.

You appeared as a perfect worshiper of the Divine Trinity, and you served as a priest on earth in purity, O all-holy one. And now, O divine Nicholas, together with the Angels, you chant unto God with rejoicing.

Both now. Of the feast.

After the Polyeleos, then,
Kathisma in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone. The Wisdom and Word.
The all-working grace of the Spirit wholly dwelt within you, O blessed one, and showed you to be a God-inspired Hierarch, as you spiritually and divinely shepherded your flock to your holy sheepfold in holiness. Therefore, the Master, in return for your struggles, has glorified you with incomparable wonders, O Holy Hierarch Nicholas, intercede for Christ God that remission of offenses be granted, to those who celebrate the honored veneration of your Relic with fervor.

Glory. Of the same tone.
The defender and protector of rulers, the providence of widows and orphans, you were shown to be, O Father, and the deliverer of the innocent, and the savior and helper of all those upon the seas, the deliverer of the sick, the adornment of the Fathers. Therefore, we who have gathered in your Church in faith hymn you, O glorious Hierarch Nicholas, intercede with Christ God, that forgiveness of offenses be granted, and that we be made partakers of His heavenly Kingdom.

Both now. Of the feast.

Then, the first Antiphon of the Fourth Tone, followed by the Prokeimenon:
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His venerable one. (2)

Verse: What shall we offer to the Lord, for all that He has given us?

The Gospel of the Orthros. (see December 6th)

The 50th Psalm.

Glory. Through the intercessions of the Hierarch...
Both now. Through the intercessions of the Theotokos...

Idiomelon in the Plagal of the Second Tone
 Have mercy on me, O God...

The foundation of the Fathers, O divine Nicholas, the worshiper of the Three-Sunned Godhead, the mystic of virtues, and the glory and rejoicing of the people of Myra, as you now stand before the Master's Throne, and dance with the Angels, intercede on behalf of us, O most-holy Father.

Then the Canons to the Saint.

Two Canons for the Feast of the Translation of the Holy Relics of St. Nicholas to Bari, Italy

Canon I. Ode I. Plagal of the Fourth Tone. Crossing the waters as on dry land.
The wonderworker among Hierarchs, let us all hymn, all who love feasts with reverence, with godly praises, the Great Nicholas, the pride of the people of Myra and our boast.

Now, the Church is joyful and dances and hymns the passing of the holy and sacred body of the thrice-blessed Nicholas, through which the whole world has been sanctified.

Truly, you are shown to be the enricher of orphans, the deliverer and helper of the storm-tossed, O thrice-blessed Nicholas of godly mind: do come unto our aid as well and save us, O Saint.

You were made the Temple of God, O Spotless Lady, of Him Who dwelt within you in a manner surpassing mind, O Theotokos, and Who delivered mortals from the delusion of souls.

Canon II. Tone IV. My mouth shall I open wide.
Desiring, O all-holy one, to praise the passing of your Relic, I entreat that grace might be granted to me, that I, who am unworthy, might in faith hymn you with song.

Who is able and worthy to praise him who is the mystic of grace, the preacher of the world, the leader of the people of Myra, and the Hierarch of Christ, he who is great with wonders, the divine Nicholas?

Today, the Church is made glad and boasts at the passing of your divine Relic, O wise one, and through it, protect us unharmed, O thrice-blessed one, from every heresy, O divine Nicholas.

You gave birth, O Spotless One, to my Savior in manner surpassing nature, as He desired to put on our nature, and willingly endured the Cross, and saved everything through His Resurrection.

Ode III. Canon I. Of the vault of the heaven.
You make radiant the heart with divine light, O all-wise one, shining clearly for the Church with all-wise dogmas, teaching to honor the Beginningless and All-Holy Trinity, Which glorified you with incomparable wonders.

You were shown to be the protector of orphans and widows, O Saint, the guide and greatly fervent deliverer of the innocent, O Nicholas, and the deliverer of the ailing, and the pride and defender of faithful rulers.

As one having boldness towards God, O Saint, you pour upon us your riches of intercessions towards our offenses, O Father Nicholas, for those who bless you, O Hierarch wise in God.

O Lady, you ineffably bore God Who was begotten of the Father timelessly, He Who has two natures. On behalf of us, entreat Him, Who has also risen from the tomb, as the Almighty One.

Canon II. Establish your servants.
With the zeal of the King of All, O Mystic, you rightly deposed the blasphemy of Arius with steadfastness. Do also deliver those who sail the seas and who are in danger of being drowned, O Father of the poor most sacred.

The ranks of the divine Bodiless Powers, together with all of the mystics of Christ received your soul rejoicing, O all-holy one and the adornment of Hierarchs, O God-bearer Nicholas.

You sanctified the world the presence of your divine Relic, O wise one, and you shine upon the Church with the rays of your wonders, and the earth glorifies you today, and hymns you in reverence, O Nicholas.

Believing the God-inspired words, we preach you to be the Mother of Christ, O Lady Panagia. You gave birth to Him Who is risen from the dead, and raised us up from our fall.

Kathisma in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone. The Wisdom and Word.
The Shepherd and protector of the people of Myra, the faithful have gathered together to hymn, the feeder of the hungry, the provider for widows, the father for orphans, the deliverance of the innocent, the deliverer of those storm-tossed, the healer of the sick, the prophet of the future, and the sharpened sword against Arius and his fellow enemies. Let us cry out to him in fervor: O Hierarch Nicholas, intercede with Christ God, that we be granted remission of offenses, for those who piously venerate the passing of your Relic.

The radiant and light-bearing and shining great lamp of the Church of Christ, has shown forth through the passing of his Relic, O Saint: Illumine, sanctify everything under the sun with the rays of wonders, through the power of the Spirit, O divine Hierarch and mystic of unspeakable [mysteries], O all-blessed Nicholas, the pride of the Fathers, and the deliverer of the faithful. Intercede with Christ God, that remission of offenses be granted for those who call upon your all-holy name.

Both now. The Kathisma of the present feast.

Ode IV. Canon I. I have hearkened and heard, O Lord.
O God-inspired Hierarch, you became the Father of the people of Myra, and you are the support of the Church, which you guided in piety, O Nicholas.

Being brave in mind, the people glorify the passing of your Relic, O divine Nicholas, through which you have sanctified the world.

The adornment of the Fathers, the glory of the world, the boast of the people of Myra, you were shown to be, O Nicholas, and the boast and support of the Church.

Having risen from the grave, your Son, O Spotless Virgin, has granted forgiveness to the deluded, as the Compassionate.

Canon II. He Who sits in holy glory.
Let us celebrate together the all-glorious passing of the sacred Relic, and let all the multitudes of people who love feasts gather to ceaselessly hymn you, crying out to you: O Nicholas. protect all of us through your intercessions.

You were truly shown to be a light-bearing Hierarch of the Church, O Nicholas, and you perfectly guided the rudder. Therefore Christ has glorified you with wonders, both while alive and after your repose, O Saint.

You delivered the innocent from death, O all-glorious one, and truly saved men from the depths of the sea, through your prayer, O all-blessed Hierarch, and deposed the serpent Arius, O Nicholas.

It is the day of Resurrection, let us shine forth, O lovers of feasts, and piously glorify together our Christ and Savior, Who dissolved the curse of our Foremother, and let us cry out: Glory to Your Rising, O Master.

Ode V. Canon I.
The grace of the superessential Trinity dwelt within you, O all-holy one, and you therefore shepherded the flock of the Lord righteously, therefore the Master radiantly glorifies you at all times with wonders, O Hierarch Nicholas.

We know you to be Hierarch of widows and the feeder of the poor, O Father, and the physician in soul and body of those weakened, and the total guide of those upon the sea, we have found you to be, O divine Nicholas.

You served as a divine servant of unspeakable mysteries, O Venerable one, and a worshipper of the Trinity, and a great adornment of the Church, the glory of the world, and the salvation of all of us who hymn you, O Father Nicholas.

Rejoice, light cloud that is wider than the heavens, O Bride of God, from whom the Master took on our nature, willingly being crucified, and rising from the grave, raising us up with Him from our fall.

Canon II. Amazed was the universe.
The delusion of the godless Arius the mad, you strongly resisted, teaching to honor the Beginningless Father, together with the Son and the All-creating Spirit, as sharing one essence and one throne.

You desired to venerate the divine tomb of the Savior, O blessed one, and hastened to it as a thirsty hart to the springs of waters. Therefore [on the journey] the enemy out of wrath put to death a man, whom you saved through your prayer.

You ascended to the height of the mountain of divine virtues, O glorious one, and you ever join chorus with the choirs of the Angels, beholding the radiance of Christ, and gazing upon His unspeakable beauty.

The ranks of Angels beheld You dead, but You resurrected from Your grave, O Savior, as You foretold, granting life and raising up from Hades all the ancient generations of men, as God greatly merciful.

Ode VI. Canon I. My voice I will pour out.
You truly counted all earthly things as refuse, and wholly desired Christ above all things with your whole soul, following His ways and being truly illumined by Him, as a shining star.

You deposed the enemy Arius, rightly healing his blasphemy against he Lord, O all-precious Hierarch Nicholas, teaching all to worship the Father, Son and Spirit together.

As another Samuel, the Lord, knowing your nobility of soul, ordained you as a Priest of the Church of Myra, O thrice-blessed Nicholas, and as a comely Shepherd, you guided them towards the pasture of Paradise.

Isaiah foresaw you as a lamp, and you became the shell, whose spotless blood dyed the purple robe of the King. O All-spotless Mother of God, surround us with your divine intercessions.

Canon II. Let us possessed of a godly mind.
Let us hymn the great Hierarch, O lovers of feasts, with faith, and cry out: O divine Nicholas, protect us who glorify the sacred passing of your Relic, O all-blessed one.

The protector of widows, O Nicholas, the most-sure deliverer of those storm-tossed, and the savior of the innocent, the adornment of Archpriests, and the protector of orphans, surround us all.

You deposed the guile of satan, who attempted to set fire to your temple, O Nicholas, and you trampled upon his shameful cries, casting him to the ground through the power of the Savior.

Christ is risen, let us clap our hands, O lovers of feasts, and cry out: Glory to Christ God Who is risen, and has raised up those below, uniting with His Father.

Kontakion in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone.
Though you descended into the grave.
Though you descended into the grave, O Nicholas, yet you still visit us who hymn you, and as our intercessor before God, you grant speedy help to those who faithfully entreat you, O Hierarch and leader of the people of Myra.

Open my mouth, O God my Savior, and fill it with divine wisdom, that I might be strengthened to worthily hymn the Great Teacher among Hierarchs, the Shepherd and Leader of the people of Myra, who was truly innocent, spotless, and in all ways blameless. The protector of widows, the Father of orphans, the entreator for sinners, the savior of the innocent, and the guide and helper of those who sail the seas. Through the passing of his Holy Relic, he sanctified everything until the sun. But being astonished by the multitude of his divine graces, I cry out to him with faith: Protect and keep the world, through your prayers, O Hierarch and leader of the people of Myra.

On this day, we celebrate the Passing of the Sacred and Holy Relic of our Father among the Saints, Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia, the Wonderworker.

O rational flock that is present, now join chorus to entreat
Nicholas, hymning him whose Body is passing on the tenth.
Your dead body was found in the East, O Godly-minded one,
And now has been shown working awesome wonders in the West.

Ode VII. Canon I. Once from Judea. 
You now stand before the throne of the Trinity, O Hierarch, Whom we ask that you entreat on behalf of those who hymn you and every cry out: O God of our Fathers, blessed are You.

O thrice-blessed one, from infancy you received heavenly wisdom, for you fasting from nursing Wednesdays and Fridays, and we all chant and cry out: God is wondrous among His Saints.

The Ruler over all, Who once asked Peter if he loved Him, made you to shepherd the flock of the people of Myra in all righteousness, O mystic and godly-minded Nicholas.

The forested mountain became a divine dwelling-place of the divine Logos, O Pure One, as the tongs that received the burning coal from the golden altar, O All-holy Virgin, intercede with your only Son on behalf of us.

Canon II. Godly-minded three.
Having inherited the heavenly mansions, O divine Nicholas, you became united with Christ, and you dance together with the Angels and cry out with fervor: O Greatly-hymned God of our Fathers, blessed are You.

Grace has poured forth from your lips, O wise mystic of holy things, therefore Christ God anointed you as the leader of His Church which you shepherded as a perfect healer of the Savior and Life-giver.

You received the grace of the Spirit from the heights, O Nicholas, and are seen near and far, distributing wealth without end to the poor, and your memory of your righteousness abides unto the ages.

The eternal Wisdom of the Begetter [Father], Christ the Lord, dispassionately was born from you, O Lady, the Timeless One born a man in time, and desired to deliver those condemned to death through the Cross.

Ode VIII. Canon I. The King of heaven.
The Hierarch of the Church of Myra, let us honor with fervor, O faithful, as our fervent protector in dangers.

Full of light, you shine with blazing rays, illumining us, O Hierarch, who hymn you with reverence as is proper.

You were shown to be the guide of orphans, and the savior of the innocent, O Hierarch, and the rescuer of those upon the seas, and the deliverer of all.

Habbakuk in joy named you a mountain, from which was cut a stone, Your Only-begotten Son, Who crushed the altars of the enemy.

Canon II. Pious children.
You were noetically anointed with divine myrrh, through which you pour forth the fragrance of your wonders, O Holy Hierarch, for the whole world. Therefore, as is right, we chant at your passing, do not abandon us, but offer up your prayers for us

You appeared as another Joseph, O thrice-blessed one, for while he was a true giver of grain in Egypt, you, O divine Nicholas, fed the faithful of Myra both with your flowing words and your saving manna, and through your godly deeds you were proceeded to heaven.

Having the namesake of victory, O Father, show us to be victors against the passions through your prayers, O Nicholas, for we who hymn the passing of your sacred body are dead in spirit, and we fervently chant a praise to the Lord, Who granted you to us as a divine protector.

You held your Son within your arms, O Virgin, Who did not depart from the bosom of His Father, the Timeless God wrapped in swaddling clothes as an infant. He hung upon the Cross, and was buried in the tomb, but on the third day He arose as He foretold, granting life to all.

Ode IX. Canon I. Saved through you, O Pure Virgin.
O thrice-blessed one, you mightily deposed visible and invisible foes through the grace of Christ, Whom you worshipped with fervent faith.

Through your prayers, ever preserve us from war and the sword, we who honor the passing of your body, and keep us from plague, famine, earthquake and from every evil.

You appeared to the Christ-loving Emperor in his dream, telling him to hasten to deliver those unjustly condemned, and they, having been saved, straightaway proclaimed you to be their deliverer.

Your Son is risen, having descended to the depths of Hades, and having dissolved the kingdom of death. Rejoice, O Lady, through whom we have all been saved.

Canon II. All you born on earth.
As you have come to dwell in the heavenly mansions, ever shining with glory, and partake of eternal divine refreshment, look upon all of us who have gathered here and who hymn your all-festal passing, O Nicholas.

You did not at all desire the worldly life, therefore you distributed your wealth to the poor and therefore set for yourself treasures in heaven, and became an inheritor of heavenly goodness and of the Kingdom of Christ.

Protect unharmed those who hymn you in faith, O divine Nicholas, from every assault of enemies, and strengthen the flock of the Orthodox, for we proclaim you to be our most-fervent protector against the foes who war against us, and cast away their boldness against us with evil.

Heal, O Pure One, the sounds of my soul through your compassion, and ever enlighten us, making us to be pleasing to Your Son, and cease the guileful machinations of the ancient enemy, and deliver us from the race of Hagar through your intercessions, making them to be defeated by pious rulers.

Exaposteilarion. O women, hearken.
The Church of Christ radiantly celebrates the radiant passing of your Relic, O all-holy one, and it praises you with rejoicing. Preserve her, O thrice-blessed one, from trials, and scandals of the foe, through your intercessions to God, O Hierarch Nicholas.

And of the feast.

At the Praises, we chant four verses, chanting the following Prosomoia
Tone One. The heavenly ranks.
Let us praise the pride of Arch-priests, the leader of the people of Myra, the protector of orphans, the staff of rulers, and the great deliverer of the faithful, the helper of those who are in danger upon the seas, the redeemer of the innocent.

The Shepherd of Priests, the nourishment for orphans, the deliverer of captives, the savior of those who sail, the giver to the poor, the unsleeping intercessor of the faithful, and the free healer of the sick, we hymn you, O Nicholas.

At the light-bearing and divine Passing of your Holy Relic, the divine Church sacredly celebrates a feast with honor, for through this, you sanctified the whole world, and we hymn Jesus with praise, Who glorified you with wonders.

The city of Myra knows you to be truly as another Joseph the Giver-of-grain, and a deliverer from all kinds of pains and calamities, a patron and defender. Therefore, we ceaselessly hymn you harmoniously, O most-holy Nicholas.

Doxastikon of the Praises in the Plagal of the First Tone.
O venerable Father, you hearkened to the voice of the Gospel, freely distributing your wealthy to the poor, and thereby inheriting from Him the heavenly share, O revered one. As you stand before the throne of the Trinity, and ever chant together with the Angels the thrice-holy hymn, entreat that He have mercy on us and save us, O Saint Nicholas.

Both now. Of the feast.

Great Doxology, and Apolysis.

Divine Liturgy

The typika from the canon of the feast at the Third Ode, and of the Saint for the Sixth Ode.

The Epistle and Gospel from the feast of St. Nicholas on December 6th.

Communion hymn
The memory of the righteous is unto the ages. Alleluia.

In a fitting tongue, let us all hymn the holy passing of your Body with faith, therefore protect us from danger, and keep us all unharmed, for we call upon you, O divine Nicholas.

Having your sacred icon, O blessed Nicholas, as a strong surrounding wall, we take refuge in all dangers, and from every trial are we redeemed.

Source in Greek. Source in English.

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