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July 14, 2019

Homily on the Fourth Eothinon Gospel - Luke 24:1-12

By Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos and Agiou Vlasiou

Continuing our interpretation of the Eothina Gospels, that is the Gospels that are read during Matins on Sunday which refer to the Resurrection of Christ, today we will examine the Gospel that was read this morning during Matins which was the Fourth Eothinon.

Today's Gospel refers to two visits to the Tomb of Christ. The first visit was of the Myrrhbearing women, namely Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Mary the mother of James, while the other visit was of the Apostle Peter. The important thing here is that none of them saw the Risen Christ, but the women saw two young men in bright clothing, who were angels, and Peter only saw the shroud which he found in the tomb of Christ.

It is particularly impressive when one reads the events of the Resurrection that the women called "myrrhbearing women" were the first to go to the tomb, who then told the disciples about the event of the Resurrection, but the disciples did not immediately receive the information of the women.

The myrrhbearing women had spiritual bravery and great faith, which is why they were made worthy of the great honor to be the first evangelists to the Evangelists and apostles to the Apostles. In this way the restoration of the female nature was made. As we know, Eve sinned first and then brought about the fall to Adam. Now, with the Resurrection of Christ, this is corrected, and so the first to certify the miracle of the Resurrection of Christ were the women who conveyed this message to the disciples.

Then, both the Myrrhbearing women as well as the Apostle Peter, felt anxious when they entered the tomb. We must understand that the tomb in which Christ was placed was not underground, but within a rock. This is the tomb the Myrrhbearing women and the Apostle Peter entered. And upon entering the tomb, they saw that it was empty, except the shroud, so they felt anxious. Of course, Christ had previously proclaimed His Resurrection, but the resurrection of a man is such a major event, especially for one to raise himself with his own power, as Christ did, whose divinity raised His body, that this goes beyond human reason and knowledge. Anxiety and disbelief before such an event is natural and according to human knowledge. But within the Church of the Resurrected Christ, everything, even that which is paradoxical, can be realized.

The women saw two angels in bright uniforms, which was the light of God, that the angels receive when they approach God. When people first meet others who are people of God, who transmit to them the message of the Resurrection, and after, in accordance with the obedience shown to them and in accordance with the economy of God, they are made worthy to see the Resurrected Christ Himself. Obedience to our spiritual fathers and the saints of our Church is a necessary stage of preparation for this great appearance of Christ and personal communication and communion with Him.

The angels said to the myrrhbearing women: "Why do you seek the one who lives among the dead; He is not here, but is risen." The God of the Orthodox Church is not the God who lives among the dead, He is not a dead God, but a living God. Whoever wants to experience this let them obey the contemporary angels, who are the saints, and let them follow their advice. Then they will confirm it personally and certainly they will rise from the works of sin.

Source: Translated by John Sanidopoulos.

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